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Blender Wiki Gamekit2 PDF 

Blender Wiki Gamekit2 PDF 

Table of Contents 

About Blender Wiki Gamekit2 PDF. 1 

Modifications to the wiki content 1 

Previous versions. 1 

Where to find this PDF. 2 

How to contact me. 2 

Open Content License 3 

Foreword by Ton Roosendaal 4 

About this book. 6 

The book contains: 6 

Ouickstart 7 

Simple face mapping 7 

Using 2D applications to map the face. 11 

Introduction to 3D 13 

Purpose of This Chapter 13 

General Introduction to 3-D 13 

XY axes. 13 

Points 14 

Lines. 14 

Polygons. 15 

3-D. the third dimensioa 15 

Z axis. 15 

Points 15 

Lines. 16 

Polygons. 16 

3-D computer graphics 16 

Terminology. 17 

Triangles, quads 17 

Mesh 17 

Primitives 18 

Faces 18 

Materials 19 

Textures 19 

Image maps 19 

UV mapping. 19 

UV vs. XY coordinates 20 

Viewing 3-D space. 21 

Standard 21 

Interactive (freel 21 

Cameras 22 

View modes 22 

Lights 22 

Transformations 23 

Game Engines and Aspects of a Good Game. 24 

What is a game engine?. 24 

Blender's game engine — Click and drag game creation 25 

"True" and "fake" 3-D game engines. 25 

Good games 25 

Conclusion. 26 

Blender Wiki Gamekit2 PDF 

Table of Contents 

Blender Basics . 27 

The Interface. 27 

Blender's Interface Concept 27 

Keyboard and mouse 27 

General Usage . 28 

The Window System 28 

The default Blender scene. 28 

The Window Header 30 

Changing Window Frames 31 

Console Window & Error Messages 31 

Window types . 32 

Button Window Contexts. 33 

Menus 34 

Panels. 34 

Buttons and Controls 35 

Color Selector 37 

Screens 37 

Adding a new Screen 38 

Deleting a Screen 38 

Scenes 38 

Adding a new Scene 39 

Deleting a Scene 39 

User Preferences . 39 

Navigating in 3D 40 

Using the keyboard to change your view. 40 

Using the mouse to change your view 40 

Selecting of Objects. 41 

Copying and linking 41 

Copy . 41 

Linked Copy 41 

Data Browse Button . 42 

Linking . 42 

Manipulating Objects 43 

Grah 43 

Rotate 43 

Scaling 43 

Transform Properties 43 

Edit Mode 44 

Vertices. Edges and Faces 45 

Vertex. Edge and Face Modes 46 

Basic Editing . 47 

Specials 47 

Pumpkin Run - Playing with 3D game technology. 50 

Modeling an environment 50 

Appending an object from an other scene 54 

Start your (Game) Engines !. 56 

Realtime Materials 57 

Interactivity 58 

More control 61 

Camera control 61 

Real-time Light 62 

Blender Wiki Gamekit2 PDF 

Table of Contents 

Pumpkin Run - Playing with 3D game technology 

Object Animation 63 

Refining the scene 65 

Adding Sound to our scene 66 

Last words 67 

Tube Cleaner. 68 

Loading the models 68 

Controls for the base and cannon 69 

Upwards Movement 70 

Shooting 72 

More control for the gun 74 

An enemy to shoot at . 76 

Pinball . 79 

Use of the elements 79 

Bumpers 81 

The Sewer . 82 

Subracer. 84 

Ship setup 85 

Sensors 87 

Controllers 87 

Actuators 87 

Guns 88 

Game Objects 89 

Turbo crate 89 

Mine 89 

Gate 90 

GLSL Mist 92 

Blender Basic Network setup - Boil it down to the basics. 94 

Ingredients 94 

Server.pv. 94 

Script 94 

Explanation 95 

Client.pv: 99 

Script 99 

Explanation 99 

Appetite for more 100 

Game Character Animation using Armatures 101 

Preparing the Mesh. 101 

Working with Bones. 101 

Creating Hierarchy and Setting Rest Positions 102 

Naming Bones. 102 

Parenting Bones 103 

Basic Layout . 104 

Coordinate System Conventions. 104 

Establishing Mesh Deformation Vertex Groups 104 

Creating Groups 105 

Testing the Skinning 106 

Blender Wiki Gamekit2 PDF 

Table of Contents 

Game Character Animation using Armatures 

Pose Mode. 106 

Weight Editing 107 

Animation 109 

Multiple Actions and Fake Users. 109 

Creating an Idle Cycle 110 

Creating a Walk Cycle 112 

Game Logic 115 

Flying Buddha Memory Game. 118 

Accessing game objects 118 

LogicBricks. 119 

Shuffle Python script 119 

Apricot OpenGame Project: Yo Frankie! . 122 

Creative Commons 122 

Yo Frankie! Blender Game Engine Logic By Campbell Barton 123 

Logic Sharing. 123 

States 124 

Logic Elements 125 

Frankies Logic 131 

Building a simple test level 136 

Level Design Physics/Logic 136 

Physics Objects 136 

Materials 136 

Properties 136 

Starting A New Level Using Linked Groups. 138 

Modify Apricot Files 140 

Reference 143 

Real-time Materials 143 

Texture Face Materials 143 

Blender Multitexture Materials. 144 

GLSL Materials 144 

Lamps in the game engine 147 

UV Texturing 148 

Blenders Game Engine 160 

Options for the game engine 160 

Logic Buttons. 161 

Properties 164 

Example of some Logic 164 

The Blender laws of physics 165 

Soft Bodies by Erwin Coumans . 167 

Bullet Game Engine Features 170 

Sound Buttons . 174 

Performance and design issues . 175 

Game Logic Bricks. 176 

Sensors 176 

Controllers 189 

Simple Logical Controllers 190 

Expression Controller 190 

Python Controller. 192 


Blender Wiki Gamekit2 PDF 

Table of Contents 


State System. 192 

State GUI 193 

Actuators. 194 

(Shape) Action Actuator 194 

Motion Actuator. 196 

Constraint Actuator . 199 

Ipo Actuator 204 

Camera Actuator 206 

Sound Actuator 207 

Property Actuator. 208 

Edit Object Actuator 209 

Scene Actuator 212 

Random Actuator 213 

Message Actuator. 215 

Game Actuator 216 

Visibility Actuator 216 

2D Filter Actuator 216 

Parent Actuator 217 

State Actuator. 218 

Game engine Python 218 

Text Window. 219 

BGE Python 220 

GameLogic Module 224 

Rasterizer Module . 225 

GameLogic. globalDict 225 

GameKevs Module 226 

PhvsicsConstraints Module. 226 

Message Body . 233 

A ppendix. 234 

Getting Blender 234 

Installation of Blender 234 

Getting Support 234 

Blender Foundation and Institute 234 

Goals 234 

Organization 235 

Links to the Blender Community. Books and Websites 235 

Glossary. 235 

About Blender Wiki Gamekit2 PDF 

This is an unofficial PDF version of the Blender Wiki Gamekit2 pages. 

I produced this PDF copy for my personal use since I needed it to learn using Blender, and I could not find an 
up to date alternative to my knowledge. I've read that Blender documentation is released under the Open 
Content License ( . This license is reported at the end of this pages, below. I 
am trying to stick to this licence, but i'm no license expert: if you feel something is wrong, just let me know 
why and possibly how to fix. 

Modifications to the wiki content 

I did not modify the content of the wiki pages except for removing the parts typical of a web page, which are 
not needed in a "book", since you don't have to browse through web links, but scroll pages. 

Previous versions 

In the past i built the wiki manual pdf using different tools to: 

• collect links ( ) 

• download pages and editing them ( http ://w w w .php . net ) 

• build the pdf with images ( ) 

• build the pdf bookmarks ( ) 

trying to automate everything as possibile... I never liked at all that workflow, but it worked in some way. 
For this release i managed to use only two tools: 


Used it to scan the base page, find links, download locally pages and images, and build the .book for 
the next tool 


Open the .book file and click "generate". After a minute or so, the PDF is ready. 
Still, there are some (minor) problems: 

• many internal links are broken: some of them work and some do not. I don't know why. When they 
work, often they jump to the "previous" page they refer to. Try to advance of one page, in case; 

• there are strange symbols here and there: the HTMLdoc version I have (1.8.27) is not UTF-8 
compatible, it renders web pages using ISO-8859-x encodings. I use ISO-8859-1 since i think it's the 
best for english Language. New versions or other tools may improve this aspect, in the future. Is not 
something that makes text difficult to understand, though. 

• Size is huge: there are many pages, and many big images and they're useful. I could reduce quality 
setting for JPGs below 85%, if needed but quality will suffer. Compressing the PDF does not change 
much the size (tried 7z ultra) 

You should be able to know what's changed since the last release browsing here: ?namespace=&target=Doc:2.4/Books/GameKit 2&title=Special:RecentChangesLink 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 

About Blender Wiki Gamekit2 PDF Where to find this PDF 

Where to find this PDF 

Up to now, you should be able to find it here: . If any change should happen, 
i'll post on major forums/blogs for everyone to know. 

How to contact me 

I do this in the spare time so i can't spend too much time on it but if you want to suggest me improvements or 
other ways to do this, or alternatives, please feel free to do so. Here's how: "m.ardito" is the username and the 
domain is "". you know how to use them ;). Please don't post the "reconstructed" address, in no web 
page, blog, mailing list or newsgroup, anywhere. I already have enough spam to deal with! Thanks. 

Have fun! Marco Ardito 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 

Open Content License 

OpenContent License (OPL) 

Version 1.0, July 14, 1998. 

This document outlines the principles underlying the OpenContent (OC) 
movement and may be redistributed provided it remains unaltered. 
For legal purposes, this document is the license under which 
OpenContent is made available for use. 

The original version of this document may be found at 
http : //opencontent . org/opl . shtml 


Terms and Conditions for Copying, Distributing, and Modifying 

Items other than copying, distributing, and modifying the Content 
with which this license was distributed (such as using, etc.) are 
outside the scope of this license. 

1 . You may copy and distribute exact replicas of the OpenContent 

(OC) as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously 
and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice 
and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to 
this License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any other 
recipients of the OC a copy of this License along with the OC . You may 
at your option charge a fee for the media and/or handling involved in 
creating a unique copy of the OC for use offline, you may at your 
option offer instructional support for the OC in exchange for a fee, 
or you may at your option offer warranty in exchange for a fee. You 
may not charge a fee for the OC itself. You may not charge a fee 
for the sole service of providing access to and/or use of the OC via 
a network (e.g. the Internet), whether it be via the world wide web, 
FTP, or any other method. 

2 . You may modify your copy or copies of the OpenContent or any portion 
of it, thus forming works based on the Content, and distribute such 
modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that 
you also meet all of these conditions: 

a) You must cause the modified content to carry prominent notices 
stating that you changed it, the exact nature and content of the 
changes, and the date of any change. 

b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in 
whole or in part contains or is derived from the OC or any part 
thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties 
under the terms of this License, unless otherwise permitted under 
applicable Fair Use law. 

These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If 
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the OC, and 
can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in 
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those 
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you 
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based 
on the OC, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this 
License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire 
whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. 
Exceptions are made to this requirement to release modified works 
free of charge under this license only in compliance with Fair Use 
law where applicable. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 

Open Content License Foreword by Ton Roosendaal 

3. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not 
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to copy, 
distribute or modify the OC . These actions are prohibited by law 
if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by distributing or 
translating the OC, or by deriving works herefrom, you indicate 
your acceptance of this License to do so, and all its terms and 
conditions for copying, distributing or translating the OC . 




Foreword by Ton Roosendaal 

The first "Blender GameKit" was published end of 2002. It has marked the beginning of a new era for 
Blender, as an open source project being developed and maintained by the on-line community themselves. It 
also marked the beginning of the Blender Foundation, as a publisher of Blender books, to enable financing its 
goals. In just a few months GameKit revenues proved to be sufficient to allow myself to work full-time on 
Blender projects. So let me begin with thanking everyone who has helped realizing it, and who has supported 
Blender by purchasing a copy ! 

The success story of Blender in the six years after are well known now. We've firmly established it in the top 
ten of 3D creation suites - up-to-par with commercial software - and we can only be very proud to have helped 
creating the most popular free and open 3D tool ever! There was just one aspect of Blender that got stuck 
behind too much... the logic tools and Game Engine (GE). The complexity of integrating a tool with a GE was 
just too much of a challenge. Luckily, in a relatively short time, thanks to three remarkable events it came 
completely back: 

• Erwin Coumans, original developer of the GE, helped integrating his new and very advanced 
collision/physics system in Blender. During 2007 his Bullet library became one of the most important 
reasons of artists to use the GE. 

• Early 2008, a new developer Benoit Bolsee fixed like every open bug report in the GE. In just a few 
months he brought back the open issues from over a 100 to less than 10. Stability and predictability is 
crucial for game engines ! 

• The Blender Foundation's "Apricot" Open Game project then decided to start using the GE as well. A 
lot of work was realized on more advanced logic editing and well integrated usage of materials, 
shaders and animation features. Apart from Benoit, Brecht van Lommel and Campbell Barton deserve 
to be credited for this breakthrough. Credits also should go to artist Chris Plush, who proved us the 
renewed GE's value by creating in a mere four hours work a prototype of the YoFrankie game! 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 

Open Content License Foreword by Ton Roosendaal 

Here's the reason why you're now holding this new and fully revised edition of the Gamekit in your hands. 
This book always was a great introduction for people into 3D games creation, and with the unleashed power 
of Blender 2.48, it's more than ever a book that will help you making stunning and advanced interactive 3D 
environments, multi-level 3D games with menus, or even 3D documentation for industrial products. 

I'm also very grateful that we got the interest from the original editor and designer of the Game Kit back to 
update this book. Many thanks go to Carsten Wartmann, renowned author of plenty of Blender books, and to 
designer Samo Korosec. 

I wish you a lot of pleasure reading this book! 

Amsterdam, november 2008 

Ton Roosendaal Chairman Blender Foundation 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 

About this book 

Blender offers you a new and unique way to explore interactive 3D graphics. This book will guide you 
through many aspects of making your own games and interactive 3D graphics with Blender. 

You can have fun with the ready made games on the DVD instantly, but changing them or creating your own 
game is also great fun. 

Blender is a fully integrated 3D creation suite. It has all the tools for making linear animation and non-linear 
(interactive) 3D graphics. All of these features are provided in one single application and gives the artist a 
very smooth workflow from design, to modeling, animating and on-to publishing of 3D content. For example 
if you needed to make a demo trailer of a game you would need a modeler, a renderer, a video editing 
application and the game engine itself to produce the video. Blender offers you all these tools combined to 
produce interactive and linear 3D content. 

With Blender, we give you the tools you need to make your creative ideas come true. With this book will 
show you how to achieve this using Blender. 

The book contains: 

• Example game scenes to play with 

• Example games and tutorial scenes to change and personalize 

• Blender basics for making interactive 3D graphics 

• 3D game technology basics 

• Advanced tips and topics from professional Blender artists 

• References for the Blender game engine 

About blend files in this book 

You can get the .blend files this book refers to downloading this ZIP file (286. 3M) 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Have you ever wanted to personalize a computer game? Well, many game level editors will give you that 
possibility, but Blender goes a step further, by allowing you to create a completely new game. 

In this quick-start chapter, I will show you how to map a face onto a game character. 


qs-mad: Calli going mad... 

The game character used here was made by Reevan McKay. You can read more about this in Chapter 

Character Animation BGE . which will show you many other things about character animation. 

In Figure [qs-mad] you can see an image of an real time 3D animation created using the method which will be 
briefly described in this chapter. The scene is called 

Tut or ials /Quickstart /Call IGoinqMad. blend . 

This quick start tries to be as self-contained as possible. Although it is good if you already know something 
about graphics, if you follow the instructions step-by-step all should go well. 


If you have not installed Blender yet, please do so 

Simple face mapping 

This section will show how to put a new face onto a ready-made character, there are some drawbacks to this 
method but it will get you started quickly. 

Start Blender by double clicking its icon. It will open a screen as shown in Figure [qs-fs] 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Simple face mapping 

J£l^ Vlgw SaiBBl piaml^OgjctMsJp - 1 jjjjj .fl^^j [5!^ " j [EHt E3 B 

nS3* P«Hi OT.J.Ofe—a 



Hw I Mrtt 


1 5tt** I *M« 

Lit "r- I j-:-.;< 


qs-fs: Blender just after starting it 

Locate the "File"-menu on the top left of the screen and choose "Open" by clicking it with the left mouse 

button (LMB). A big File Window appears which is used for all Blender loading and saving operations. 

|p j | dftDokuiMms>Bft n a etF o u n <i alio n\Q ameKitv aBooBBi e nmvatiicksiafa 
| tj | Facemappiriij_Oa. bland 

Open File 


Face mappi n g_flO.Blein<J 
Face mappi n g_0t)_bl8nd1 


Frae: 2390.75 1 M8 Files: (i) A (1.143) 3,963 MB 



qs-fw: Blender FileWindow 

The button labeled with a "P" at the upper left corner of the File Window puts you one directory up in your 

path. The Menu Button L*J below brings you back to the last directories you have visited, as well as your 
mapped drives in Windows. Click and hold it with the left mouse button to change to your DVD drive. 

Now enter the directory Tutorials /Quickstart/ and click with the left mouse on 

Facemappina 00. blend . Confirm your selection by clicking "Open" at the top right of the FileWindow. 

Blender will load the file needed for the tutorial. 


Please have a look at Section 

[file:///home/user/my/blender/wiki/GE_GK2/Source/Quickstart/Quickstart.html#BlenderBasics Blender 

Basics] for a explanation on how we will call interface elements and keyboard shortcuts (i.e. PKEY) in the 


To have a quick look what this file is about, press CTRL-RIGHT ARROW. The window layout changes to a 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Simple face mapping 

bigger view of the character. Now press PKEY and the game engine will start. Using the controls from the 
table, walk around to have a closer look at the character. 




Move forward 


Move left 


Move right 


Move backwards 





Stop the game engine by pressing ESC when you have seen enough. Press CTRL-LEFT ARROW to return to 
the window layout which we will now use to map a different face. 

Move your mouse cursor over the left window with the 3D view of the head and press TAB. This will start the 
so-called "EditMode", which is used to change the object itself but also manage and change textures on 

All polygons which belong to the face are now outlined and you can see them also in the right view showing 
the 2D texture image of the face. This procedure is called mapping and will make the 2D image appear where 
we want it on the 3D object. 


qs-map: 3D head and 2D facemap 

Use the menu "Image->Open..." while holding CTRL or STRG-ALT-0 in the right Image Window. A File 

Window (in this case an Image File Window) will open and lets you browse through your harddiscs and the 

DVD again. Go to the directory Tutorials/Quickstart/textures/. 

If called while holding CTRL the Image File Window displays little thumbnail images to ease the choice of 
images (see Figure [qs-images]). 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Simple face mapping 

p ai\Donum s^te^e i*n oe rFo und ati on\eameK.iiv£\Boo <\e ien osvqu K*siarwsxiur*s\ 

Open I mag? 


J Open image \f?\} Q | Relative Paths 


qs-images: Image File Window 


You can also choose a picture of you or an other person. But if you are a beginner, I would suggest to use the 
supplied image for your first attempt. Blender can read and write PNG (*.png), Targa (*.tga) and JPEG 
(*.jpg) and most all other common image formats. 

Click on the image Carsten.jpg (yes, its me, your tutorial writer making a silly face) and click the "Open 
Image" Button on the top right of the Image File Window to load it. The image will immediately appear in the 
3D view to the left. 


Depending on your screen resolution you may need to zoom the right Image Window out a bit. Use the PAD- 

and PAD+ keys for zooming. 

The dimensions of my silly face don't fit the previous mapping, so it'll look a bit distorted. Also, the color may 
not match exactly, making it look like a cheap mask. 

Now move your mouse over the Image Window on the right and press AKEY-AKEY (twice AKEY), this 
selects (yellow color) all the control points here, called vertices in Blender. Now press GKEY and move your 
mouse, and all vertices will follow and you can watch the effect on the 3D View. Try to position the vertices 
in the middle of the face, using the nose as a reference. Confirm the new position with the left mouse button. 
If you want to cancel the move, press the right mouse button or ESC. 


15/02/2011 12:39:15 



Using 2D applications to map the face 

To have a better look at the head in the 3D View, you can rotate the head around using the middle mouse 
button and moving the mouse (if you are using a 2 button mouse, hold ALT and use the left mouse button). 

To refine the placement of the texture on the head, you may now need to move the vertices more. Move your 
mouse over to the Image Window on the right and press AKEY to de-select all vertices (they will turn purple). 
Now press BKEY. This will start the Border Select, and a crosshair will appear. Press and hold the left mouse 
button to draw a rectangle around vertices you want to select and release the mouse button. Now you can 
move these vertices by pressing GKEY and using the mouse. Press LMB to confirm the move. Control the 
effect by watching the head on the 3D View. Single vertices can be selected by using the right mouse button 
(RMB), SHIFT-RMB adds a single vertex or deselects when used on a already selected vertex. 


Don't give up too soon! Mapping a face needs practice, so take a break and play with the games on the DVD, 

and try again later. 

If you want to look at your creation, switch to the full screen scene by pressing CTRL-RIGHTARROW and 
start the game engine with PKEY. 

Using 2D applications to map the face 

Maybe you are already an artists for computer graphics who wants to step into the 3D graphics. So it is very 
possible that you know 2D painting programs well. This part of the tutorial will give you a brief guide on how 
to use a 2D painting program to montage a face into the facemap. You should know how to work with layers 
in your application (if not please consult the documentation of your image editing program). I use the free 
software (GPL) GIMP ( ) but of course any other image manipulation programs (which 
supports layers) will do. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Quickstart Using 2D applications to map the face 

1. Load the image swat-face.tga from the DVD and the face you want to use in your paint program. 

2. Place the new face in a layer below the "swat-face.tga" and make the upper layer slightly transparent 
so that you can see the new face shining through. 

3. Scale and move the layer containing the new face so that it fits to the "swat-face.tga" layer. Use the 
eyes, mouth and the nose as guide to match them up. Also try to match the colors of the layers using 
the color tools of your 2D program. 

4. Make the upper layer non transparent again 

5. Now use the eraser from your 2D paint program to delete parts of the upper layer, the new face will 
appear at these points. Use a brush with soft edges so that the transition between the two layers is soft. 

6. Collapse the layer to one and save the image as a PNG (*.png) or JPEG (*.jpg) image. Maybe do 
some final touch-ups on the collapsed image, like blurring or smearing areas of transition. [[Image:]] 
Now load the scene Facemapping QQ.blend . Press TAB with your mouse over the 3D View on the left 
to enter Edit Mode. Move your mouse over to the right Image Window and choose the menu 
"Image->Replace" this time. This will replace the current texture in the file with your self-made 
texture. Locate the image with your face on your disks, select it with the left mouse button and press 
"Open Image" in the Image File Window. The new texture will now appear on the head. Switch to the 
full screen again (CTRL-RIGHTARROW) and test the scene by starting the game engine with PKEY. 

About blend files in this book 

You can get the .blend files this book refers to downloading this ZIP file (286. 3M) 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 12 

Introduction to 3D 

by Michael Kauppi 

Purpose of This Chapter 

This chapter will introduce you to the world of three dimensional (3D) computer graphics, first by introducing 
the general concepts behind 3D and then by showing how those concepts are used in computer graphics. 
Then, it will introduce you to game engines, especially Blender's game engine, and three aspects that are often 
found in good games. This chapter is aimed at those who have little or no experience in 3D or with game 

General Introduction to 3-D 

We'll begin our journey into 3-D with an overview of 2-D because most people reading this should already 
know the concepts behind 2-D or least be able to grasp them fairly quickly. 

XY axes 

You can think of 2-D as being a flat world. Imagine you put a blank piece of paper on a table, and look down 
at that paper. 

If that paper represented the 2-D world, how would you describe where things are located? You need some 
kind of reference point from which to measure distances. 

This is generally done by drawing two lines, called axes: one horizontal and the other vertical (Figure 3-1). 
The horizontal line is called the X-axis, and the vertical line is called the Y-axis. Where the axes cross is your 
reference point, usually called the "origin". 


Along these axes, imagine a series of regularly spaced hash marks, like the lines on a ruler. To describe where 
something is, you count out the distance along the X and Y axes. Distances to the left and below the origin on 
the X and Y- axes respectively are negative, while distances to the right and above the origin on the X and Y 
axes respectively are positive (Figure 3-2). 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 13 

Introduction to 3D 

XY axes 




For example, if you wanted to describe where the dot in Figure 3-2 is located, you would count out 4 units 
along the X-axis (known as the X coordinate) and 5 units along the Y-axis (known as the Y coordinate). 

Now with a default origin and XY coordinates, we can begin to describe 2-D geometry. 



■» i«S 





The dot from Figure 3-3 is the simplest object that can be described in 2-D, and is known as a point. To 
describe a point you only need an X and a Y coordinate. 







The next simplest object we can describe in 2-D is the line. To describe a line, you only need to describe two 
points (Figure 3-4). 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Introduction to 3D 



By connecting three or more lines, you can begin to describe shapes, known as polygons. The simplest 
polygon is the three-sided triangle, next is the four-sided quadrangle, or quadrilateral, (usually shortened to 
quads), and so on, to infinity. For our purposes, we'll only work with triangles and quads. 

With this knowledge, it's now time to expand from 2-D to 3-D. 

3-D, the third dimension 

As the name implies, 3-D has an extra dimension but the concepts we covered in the 2-D discussion above 
still apply. 


+ X 


Just like 2-D, we need a reference point from which to describe the location of things in 3-D. This is done by 
drawing a third axis that is perpendicular to both the X and Y axes, and passes through the origin. This new 
axis is usually called the Z-axis, and values above and below the origin are positive and negative respectively 
(Figure 3-5). By using this new axis we can describe objects as they exist in the real world. 


* : B,$ l? 


To describe a point in 3-D, we now need three coordinates: the X, Y and Z coordinates (Figure 3-6). 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Introduction to 3D 



As in 2-D, we can describe a line by defining two points, but now our line does not have to lay flat, it can be 
at any angle imaginable (Figure 3-7). 


*"""""- Jr 

IP" mm 

By connecting lines, we can form polygons just like in 2-D. Our polygons, just like our lines, are no longer 
confined to the flat 2-D world (Figure 3-8). Because of this, our flat 2-D shapes can now have volume. For 
example, a square becomes a cube, a circle becomes a sphere and a triangle becomes a cone (Figure 3-9). 

Now with the basics of 3-D covered, let's see how they relate to 3-D computer graphics. 

3-D computer graphics 

By now, you should have the general concepts of 3-D in mind. If not, go back and reread the previous 
sections. Having these concepts in mind will be very important as you proceed through this guide. Next, we'll 
show you how the concepts of 3-D are used in 3-D computer graphics, also known as computer graphic 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Introduction to 3D 
images (CGI). 

3-D computer graphics 


A slightly different set of terms is used for CGI. Table 3-1 show how those terms relate to what you have 
learned so far. 

3-D term 

Related CGI term 







Table 3-1. CGI Terminology 

Armed with our new terminology, we can now discuss CGI polygons. 

Triangles, quads 

While theoretically, a polygon can have an infinite number of edges, the more edges there are, the more time 
it takes a computer to calculate that shape. This is why triangles and quads are the most common polygons 
found in CGI, they allow the creation of just about any shape and do not put too much stress on the computer 
to calculate. But how do you form shapes with triangles and quads? 


As discussed before, our polygons are no longer confined to the flat 2-D world. We can arrange our polygons 
at any angle we choose, even "bending" our polygons if necessary. By combining a series of polygons 
together at various angles and sizes, we can create any 3-D shape we want. 

For example, six squares can combined to make a cube, and four triangles and a square form a pyramid 
(Figure 3-10). By increasing the number of polygons and manipulating their locations, angles and sizes we 
can form complex objects (Figure 3-1 1). As you can see, the more complex an object, the more it takes on a 
mesh-like appearance. In fact, the object in Figure 3-11 is being viewed in "wire mesh" mode. You'll often 
hear the term "mesh" used to describe any combination of CGI polygons. 

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Introduction to 3D 



As shown above, we can create shapes by combining polygons, but to form basic shapes by hand (such as 
spheres, cones, and cylinders) would be very tedious. So 3-D applications like Blender have preprogrammed 
shapes called "primitives" that you can quickly add to a 3-D scene. Blender's mesh primitives include: planes, 
cubes, spheres, cones, cylinders and tubes. There are other primitives as well (not all of them mesh based), 
and you will learn about them as you develop your Blender skills. 


Polygons can be faced or unfaced. You can think of an unfaced polygon as being made of just wire, while a 
faced polygon has a "skin" stretched over that wire (Figure 3-12). When you tell Blender to draw your 3-D 
scene, called rendering, the faced polygons will appear solid, while the unfaced polygons will appear as holes 
(Figure 3-13). 

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Introduction to 3D 



Look at objects around you, they have many characteristics. Some are shiny, some are matte. Some are 
opaque, some are transparent. Some appear hard, while others appear soft. To recreate these characteristics in 
the 3-D world, we apply a "material" to an object which tells Blender how to render the object's color, how 
shiny the object should appear, its perceived "hardness" and other properties (Figure 3-14). 


Take a look at the things around you again. Besides their material properties, the things around you also have 
texture. Texture affects not only how something feels (smooth or rough), but also how something looks 
(colors and patterns). Since we can't touch what we make in the 3-D CGI world, we will focus on how things 

Image maps 

A common method for applying textures is through the use of image maps. That is 2-D images which we then 
"wrap" around an object (see Figure 3-15).. Image maps allow us to represent minute detail on our models 
(objects) that would be difficult to model directly and that would greatly increase the number of polygons if 
we did model them. Using image maps lets us keep the number of polygons low on our models, thus letting 
Blender render our scenes faster, which is especially important for real-time rendering in the game engine. 

UV mapping 

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Introduction to 3D 

UV mapping 

One common problem with image maps is the accurate wrapping of the maps around an object, especially a 
complex one. Many times the texture will not be aligned as we wish or it may "stretch" (Figure 3-16). A 
popular method for overcoming this problem is the use of UV mapping. 

UV vs. XY coordinates 

In order to continue, it is necessary to point out what UV coordinates are. As mentioned in the 3-D overview, 
you can describe a point (vertex) by giving its X, Y and Z coordinates. If you want to 'map' a 2-D image onto 
a 3-D object, the XYZ coordinates have to be transformed into two dimensions. These transformed 
coordinates are usually called the "UV coordinates". Instead of calculating UV coordinates automatically, you 
can define them yourself in Blender. This means, that for each vertex, not only a an XYZ coordinate is stored, 
but also the two values for U and V. 

So, how does UV mapping work? Take a look at the head object in Figure 3-17. Each corner of the faces is a 
vertex, and each vertex has an XYZ and UV coordinate as explained earlier. Using Blender's UV editor, we 
unwrap the mesh, much like we do when we take a globe and lay it flat to make a map of the world, and lay 
that mesh on top of our 2-D image texture. 

Then, by moving the unwrapped mesh's UV coordinates, we can tell Blender exactly where the texture should 
go when Blender wraps the texture around our 3-D object (Figure 3-18). 

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Introduction to 3D UV vs. XY coordinates 

The reason it is called a UV editor and not a UVW editor, is that we make our adjustments in 2-D (UV) and 
Blender automatically takes care of the W coordinate when it wraps the texture around our model. Not having 
to worry about the third dimension makes our job easier in this case. 

Viewing 3-D space 

To do anything in 3-D, we need to be able to see what we are doing. This is accomplished using "views". This 
section will discuss the various views available in Blender ("standard", "interactive" and "camera" views), and 
the two view modes available. This section will not cover the steps you need to take to use the views. Those 
will be explained in Section 4.10. It will also mention the use of lights, which are not actually views but are 
necessary if you want to see anything when you render your 3-D scene and can be used to alter the mood of 
our scenes. 




There are six pre-programmed standard views in Blender, each looking along a particular axis as shown in 
Figure 3-19. These views are generally used when modeling objects because they help to provide a sense of 
orientation. They are also useful if you get disoriented using the interactive view. 

Interactive (free) 

While the standard views are very useful for modeling, sometimes they don't help us visualize how an object 
will look in 3-D (Figure 3-20). This is when Blender's interactive view becomes useful. Blender's interactive 
view allows you to rotate your entire 3-D scene in any direction interactively (in real-time) to let you view 
things from any angle (Figure 3-21). This helps you visualize how your scenes and models will look. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 21 

Introduction to 3D 

Interactive (free) 



The standard and interactive views are generally not used when it is time to render your scenes (stills, 
animations or real-time rendering in the game engine). Instead, you use a camera view for rendering. You can 
think of this like a movie set. You are the director and can walk around and look at your set from any 
direction you want (standard and interactive views) to make sure everything is just as you want it, but when it 
is time to shoot the scene you need a camera. This is what your audience will see, and the same holds true for 
camera views (Figure 3-22). 

View modes 

Here are two viewing modes for all the views in Blender: "orthogonal" and "perspective". Orthogonal mode 
views everything without perspective, whereas the perspective mode, as the name implies, uses perspective 
(Figure 3-23). Orthogonal mode is useful when creating your models because there is none of the "distortion" 
associated with the perspective mode, and this helps your accuracy. The perspective mode, like the interactive 
view, can help give you a sense of what your model will look like, but without the need to rotate the entire 
3-D scene. Rotating the entire scene can be slow if it is very complicated. 


When you are ready to render your scene, or play your game, you will need at least two things: a camera and 
lights. If you try to render without a camera you will get an error message, but if you try to render without a 
light all you will get is a black image. This is one of the most common mistakes for new to Blender users, so 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Introduction to 3D 


if you try to render something and all you get is a black square be sure to check if you've put in a lamp or not. 
For the interactive 3-D graphics, there can be scenes without light, but they usually look flat. 

There is more to lights than just being able to see. Just like in real life, lights can help set the atmosphere or 
mood of a scene. For example, using a low blue light helps to create a "cool/cold" atmosphere, while a bright 
orange light might create a "warm" one (Figure 3-24). Lights can be used to simulate ambient light, muzzle 
flashes or any other effect where you would expect to see light. 

Because you will be creating games with objects that move and change, there is another important concept we 
must cover: 





As touched on earlier, we describe the locations of objects in our 3-D worlds by using an origin and a XYZ 
coordinate system to measure with. The coordinates calculated from this default origin are known as global 
coordinates. In addition, an object's center serves as its own origin, and so the object can have its own XYZ 
axes (Figure 3-25). This is called a local origin, and a local coordinate system with local coordinates. But why 
is this important? 

A game where nothing moves or changes will not get much of a following. The objects in your games will 
need to move, and this is one place where the concept of transformations becomes important. The three most 
common transformations are translation, rotation and scaling. 




When an object move from point A to point B 


When an object spins around a particular point or axis 


When an object increases or decreases in size 

Table 3-2. 

When you make your games, you'll have to keep in mind that transformations are relative and can affect game 
play. When an object translates from point A to B in the global coordinate system, from that object's point of 
view, its local coordinate system doesn't necessarily move. For example, a character standing in a moving 
train seems to be stationary from their point of view. The train's speed may be 100 kph, but the character feels 
like they are standing still. Their local origin (their center) doesn't move as far as they are concerned. 

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Introduction to 3D Transformations 

However, if we look at the same character from the point of view of someone standing still outside the train, 
now the character is moving. From this second character's local point of view, they are standing still and the 
first character is moving, but neither are rotating. Or are they? 

If we look from the point of view of another character, hovering in space, not only are both of the other 
characters on the Earth, rotating as the Earth rotates on its axis, but also as the Earth rotates around the Sun. 
So, how does this affect game play? Imagine everyone is trying to hit a stationary target on the train. The first 
character has the easiest job, a stationary target, the second character has to hit moving target, and the third 
character has to hit a target that is moving and experiencing two forms of rotation.This shifting of points of 
view is called "coordinate transformation", and as you can see, it can have an important impact on game play. 

In most 3-D software packages you can work with these coordinate systems using so-called "hierarchies". 
You can define one object as being the "parent" of another object; which then becomes a child. Now all 
transformations of the parent are also applied to its children. That way you only have to define motion for a 
parent to have all its children moving in the same way. In the solar system example, we humans all are in fact 
"children" of the Earth, which in turn is a "child" of the Sun. 

One last point that needs to mentioned is that transformation is not restricted to just shapes. Materials, 
textures, and even lights can be moved, rotated and scaled. In fact, anything that exists in your 3-D world is 
actually an object and so is subject to transformations. As your 3-D skills develop, you will learn how to use 
global, local and relative transformations to affect game play and to create interesting effects. Now that you 
have received a basic introduction to 3-D CGI, it's time to talk about game engines and aspects of good 

Game Engines and Aspects of a Good Game 

What is a game engine? 

A game engine is software that simulates a part of reality. Through a game engine, you interact with a 3-D 
world in real-time, controlling objects which can interact with other objects in that world. If you have ever 
played a video game on a computer, a console or in a game arcade, you have used a game engine of some 
kind. The game engine is the heart of a game and consists of several parts. One part displays the 3-D world 
and its objects on your screen, drawing and redrawing your scenes as things change. Another part deals with 
decision making (known as game logic), for example, deciding when events like doors opening should occur. 
Another part simulates physics, such as gravity, inertia, momentum and so on. Yet another part detects when 
objects collide with each other, while another actually moves objects. 

The game engine tries to simulate all these things as quickly as possible to provide a smooth fluid simulation. 

For example, in a computer baseball game, the game engine will have the pitcher throw you a pitch (moving 
an object). As the ball travels the game engine will calculate all the physics that act on the ball, such as 
gravity, air resistance, etc. Then you swing the bat (or more accurately, you tell the game engine to swing the 
batter's bat) and hopefully hit the ball (i.e. collision detection between the ball and bat). 

This is a very simplified example, he game engines you have used are much more complicated, and can take a 
team of programmers and a great deal of time to create. Or at least, that was the case until Blender's game 
engine was released. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 24 

Introduction to 3D Blender's game engine -- Click and drag game creation 

Blender's game engine - Click and drag game creation 

Blender is the first game engine that can create complete games without the need to program. Through its 
click-and-drag graphical user interface (GUI), even those with no programming experience can enjoy the 
challenge of creating fun and exciting games. 

After you create your 3-D world and 3-D objects, you only need to use a series of pull-down menus, simple 
key strokes and mouse clicks to add behavioral properties to that world and those objects and bring them to 
life. For professionals, this allows for the rapid prototyping of games, and for non-professionals, it's the first 
chance to produce their own games without having to spend years learning to program or the need for large 
programming teams. Of course, for those who can program, Blender uses the Python scripting language to 
allow programmers to extend Blender's game engine even further. 

This relative ease of use, though, hides the Blender game engine's true innovation... 

"True" and "fake" 3-D game engines 

Blender is a "true" 3-D game engine. Until recently, game logic (decision making) wasn't done on an object 
level. This meant that a "higher intelligence" (HI) in the game had to control all the objects, moving them 
when appropriate or keeping track of their condition (i.e. alive or dead). With the advent of "true" 3-D game 
engines, each object in a game is its own entity and reports such information back to the game engine. 

For example, if you are playing a game where you walk through a maze that has hidden doors, in the past the 
HI would have had to decide when you were close enough to a hidden door and then open it. With Blender's 
game engine, the door itself can have a sensor function and will determine when another object is close 
enough, then the door will open itself. 

Another example would be a shooting game. The gun has logic attached that detects when you pull the trigger, 
the gun then creates a new bullet object with a certain starting speed. The bullet, which is now its own entity, 
shoots out of the gun and flies through the air all the while being affected by air resistance and gravity. The 
bullet itself has sensors and logic as well, and detects whether it hits a wall or an adversary. On collision, the 
logic in the bullet and the logic in the collided object define what will happen. 

In the past, when you pulled the trigger, the game engine would calculate whether a bullet fired at that time 
would hit the target or not. There was no actual bullet object. If the game engine determined that a hit would 
have occurred, it then told the object that had been hit, how to react. 

The advantage of Blender's "real" 3-D game engine is that it does a better job of simulating reality because it 
allows for the randomness that occurs in the real world. It also distributes the decision load so that a single HI 
isn't required to decide everything. 

While Blender provides you with the technology to create good games, it doesn't create them automatically. 
To create good games, you need to understand three important aspects of games. 

Good games 

If you analyze successful games, you will find that they have three aspects in varying degrees. This is known 
as the "Toy, immersive, goal" theory of game creation. 

Toy The toy aspect of a game refers to the immediate fun of just playing it. You don't need to think too much, 
you can just grab the mouse or the game controller and start playing, much like you did with your toys when 
you were a child. You didn't need to read a manual on how to play with your toy cars, or spend time figuring 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 25 

Introduction to 3D Good games 

out complicated strategy. In short, games with a high degree of toy are very intuitive. Think of your favorite 
arcade game at your local game arcade. Most likely you only needed one joystick and two or three buttons, or 
a simple gun with a trigger. 

This doesn't mean that such games don't require skill, but that you can gain immediate enjoyment 
from playing them. 
Immersive The "immersive" aspect of a game is the degree to which a game makes you forget you are 
playing a game, sometimes called the "suspension of disbelief". Flight simulators or racing simulators are a 
good example of this. Realism is an important factor in this, and is one of the reasons that simulators have 
reached such an advanced level in realism. The "Mechwarrior" series and "WarBirds" are two excellent 
examples of immersive games which have very realistic environments, animations and sounds. They are fairly 
low on the toy aspect and take some time to learn to play, with almost every key on the keyboard used for 
some function. 

The old one-button joysticks have been replaced with HOTAS (Hands On Throttle And Stick) 
systems consisting of a joystick with seven to ten buttons for one hand, a throttle device with an equal 
number of buttons or dials for the other and even pedals for your feet. These systems combine with 
the game to create an incredibly immersive environment. These games also often have a high degree 
of "goal". 
Goal The "goal" aspect of a game is the degree to which a game gives you a goal to achieve. This often 
involves a lot of strategy and planning. "Age of Empires" and "SimCity" are two games that are very goal 
oriented. Goal oriented games are often very low on the toy aspect, "SimCity" for example comes with a thick 
manual explaining all the intricate details of "growing" a successful city. This is not always the case though 

"Quake" is a goal oriented game which also has a good deal of toy and immersive aspects to it. 
Balance When you create your games, you will have to strike a balance among the toy, immersive and goal 
aspects of your games. If you can create a game that has a high degree of each aspect, you'll most likely have 
a hit on your hands. 


In this chapter you have been introduced to the basic concepts of 3-D including vertices, polygons, materials, 
textures, origins, coordinate systems and transformations. You have also been introduced to what makes a 
game work, both on a technological level with the discussion of game engines, and on a conceptual level with 
the discussion of what makes good games good. 

The rest of this book will show you how to use Blender to put these concepts to work when creating games. 
Once you have finished this guide, you'll have all the tools you'll need to make games, the rest will fall to your 
own creativity. Good luck and we look forward to seeing you announce your games on Blender's discussion 
boards (see Appendix). 

About blend files in this book 

You can get the .blend files this book refers to downloading this ZIP file (286. 3M) 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 26 

Blender Basics 

The Interface 

If you are new to Blender, you should get a good grip on how to work with the user interface before you start 
modelling. The concepts behind Blender's interface are specifically designed for a graphics modelling 
application and the vast array of features are different and differently grouped from other 3D software 
packages. In particular, Windows users will need to get used to the different way that Blender handles 
controls such as button choices and mouse movements. This difference is one of Blender's great strengths. 
Once you understand how to work the Blender way, you will find that you can work exceedingly quickly and 
productively. Some features are familiar, like the top menu bar of "File", "Add"... "Help". However, many 
other features are quite unheard of in most (if not all) other applications. For example: Blender windows 
cannot overlap and hide each other, one exception being a small number of mini-floating panels which are 
transparent, fold-able, small, and dock-able. Blender relies heavily on keyboard shortcuts to speed up the 
work. Blender's interface is entirely drawn in OpenGL and every window can be panned, zoomed in/out, and 
its content moved around. 

Your screen can be organized exactly to your taste for each specialized task and this organization can be 
named and memorized. 

These key differences (and many others) make Blender a unique, powerful, and very nimble application, once 
you take the time to understand it. 

Blender's Interface Concept 

The user interface is the vehicle for two-way interaction between the user and the program. The user 
communicates with the program via the keyboard and the mouse, and the program gives feedback via the 
windowing system. The interface can be broken down into several key areas: Windows, Contexts, Panels, and 
Buttons (controls). For example, The Button Window contains Context buttons which show different groups 
of Panels and the Panels each show groups of Buttons. These principal areas are discussed on the following 

Keyboard and mouse 

This chapter gives an overview of the general mouse and keyboard usage in Blender and the conventions used 
in this Manual to describe them, as well as tips on how to use non-standard devices. 

Conventions in this Manual 

This manual uses the following conventions to describe user input: The mouse buttons are called LMB (left 
mouse button), MMB (middle mouse button) and RMB (right mouse button). If your mouse has a wheel, 
MMB refers to clicking the wheel as if it were a button, while MW means rolling the wheel. 

Hotkey letters are shown in this manual like they appear on a keyboard; for example GKEY which refers to 
the lowercase g. When used, the modifier SHIFT is specified just as the other modifier keys, CTRL and/or 
ALT ; this gives, for example, CTRL-W or SHIFT-ALT-A. NUMPAD-0 to NUMPAD-9, NUMPAD-+ and 
so on refer to the keys on the separate numeric keypad. NUMLOCK should generally be switched on. 

Other keys are referred to by their names, such as ESC, TAB, Fl to F12 . 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 27 

Blender Basics 
Of special note are the arrow keys, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT and so on. 

Keyboard and mouse 

General Usage 

Blender's interface is designed to be best used with a three-button mouse. A mouse wheel is quite useful, but 
not essential. Because Blender makes such extensive use of both mouse and keyboard, a golden rule has 
evolved among Blender users: Keep one hand on the mouse and the other on the keyboard. If you normally 
use a keyboard that is significantly different from the English keyboard layout, you may want to think about 
changing to the English or American layout for your work with Blender. The most frequently used keys are 
grouped so that they can be reached by the left hand in standard position (index finger on F) on the English 
keyboard layout. This assumes that you use the mouse with your right hand. 

Mouse Button Emulation 

It is possible to use Blender with a two-button mouse or an Apple single-button Mouse. The missing buttons 
can be emulated with key/mouse button combos. Activate this functionality in the User Preferences, View and 
Controls Context, "Emulate 3 Button Mouse" button. 

The following table shows the combos used: 

2 buttons Mouse 

Apple Mouse 










All the Mouse/Keyboard combinations mentioned in this book can be expressed with the combos shown in 
the table. For Example, SHIFT- ALT-RMB becomes SHIFT- ALT-COMMAND-LMB on a single-button 

NumPad Emulation 

The Numpad keys are used quite often in Blender and are not the same keys as the regular number keys. If 
you have a keyboard without a Numpad (e.g. on a laptop), you can tell Blender to treat the standard number 
keys as Numpad keys in the User Preferences, System & OpenGL Context, "Emulate Numpad" button. 

The Window System 

When you start Blender you may see a console (text) window open and, shortly after, the main user interface 
window will display. You may also see a splash screen announcing the Blender version, but it will disappear 
as soon as you move your mouse. 

The default Blender scene 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Blender Basics 

The default Blender scene 

^J^3^^3EulSE^KiE?'- L 

Hffigfflfc f fl ft 






fmimmffima / 



o »-;.-iiHiw.-.- 

[ft3i Baito - Td Cite 


4- 1 . Blender default scene layout 

The default Blender scene shows the screen you should get after starting Blender for the first time. By default 

it is separated into three windows: 

• The main menu at the top is the header part of a User Preferences window 

• A large 3D window (3D Viewport window) 

• The Buttons Window (at the bottom) These windows can be further broken down into separate areas. 
As an introduction we will cover a few of the basic elements: 

• Window Type: Allows you to change what kind of window it is. For example, if you want to see the 
Outliner window you would click and select it. 

• Main Top Menu: Is the main menu associated with the "User Preferences" window type. To actually 
see the information, you need to click and drag the area between the 3D window and menu header; 
Roll the mouse between them and when it changes to a up/down arrow you can drag and see the "User 
Preferences" window. 

• Current Screen (default is Model): By default, Blender comes with several pre-configured Screens for 
you to choose from. If you need custom ones, you can create and name them. 

• Current Scene: Having multiple scenes present allows for you to break up your work into organized 

• Resource Information (found in the User Preferences header): Gives you information about 
application and system resources. It tells you how much memory is being consumed based on the 
number of vertices, faces and objects in the selected scene. It is a nice visual check to see if you are 
pushing the limits of your machine. 

to I a i# 


4-2. Blender 3D Manipulator Buttons 
• 3D Transform Manipulator: Is a visual aid in transforming objects. Objects can also be transformed 
(grabbed/moved - rotated - scaled) using the keyboard shortcuts : (g/r/s); CTRL SPACE will display 
the manipulator pop-up. The manipulator visibility can also be toggled by clicking the "hand" icon on 
the toolbar. The translation/rotation/scale manipulators can be displayed by clicking each of the three 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Blender Basics The Window Header 

icons to the right of the hand icon. Shift LMB -clicking an icon will add/remove each manipulator's 

• 3D Cursor: Can have multiple functions. For example, it represents where new objects appear when 
they are first created; Or it can represent where the base of a rotation will take place. 

• Cube Mesh: By default, a new installation of Blender will always start with a Cube Mesh sitting in the 
centre of Global 3D space. After a while, you will most likely want to change the "Default" settings; 
This is done by configuring Blender as you would want it on startup and then saving it as the 
"Default" using CTRL UKEY (Save Default Settings). 

• Light (of type Lamp): By default, a new installation of Blender will always start with a Light source 
positioned somewhere close to the centre of Global 3D space. 

• Camera: By default, a new installation of Blender will always start with a Camera positioned 
somewhere close to the centre of Global 3D space and facing it. 

• Currently selected object: This field shows the name of the currently selected object. 

• Editing Panel Group: The bottom window displays panels and those panels are grouped. This row of 
buttons (called Context Buttons) allows you to select which group of panels are shown. Some buttons 
will display additional buttons (called Sub-Context Buttons) to the right for selection of sub-groups or 
groups within groups. 

• Current frame: Blender is a modelling and animation application; As such, you can animate things 
based on the concept of frames. This field shows what the current frame is. 

• Viewport shading: Blender renders the 3D window using OpenGL. You can select the type of 
interactive shading (called Draw Type: in the Blender shading list) that takes place by clicking this 
button and selecting from a variety of shading styles. You can select from boxes all the way to 
complex Textured shading. It is recommended that you have a powerful graphics card if you are 
going to use the Textured style. 

• Rotation/Scaling Pivot point: Allows you to select where rotation/scaling will occur. For example, 
rotation could occur about the object's local origin or about the 3D Cursor's position, amongst many 

• Panels: Help group and organize related buttons and controls. Some panels are visible or invisible 
depending on what type of object is selected. 

• Layers: Make modelling and animating easier. Blender Layers are provided to help distribute your 
objects into functional regions. For example, one layer many contain a water object and another layer 
may contain trees, or one layer may contain cameras and lights. 

• 3D Window header: All windows in Blender have a header. This is the header for the 3D window. 

The Window Header 

Most windows have a header (the strip with a lighter grey background containing icon buttons). We will also 
refer to the header as the window ToolBar. If present, the header may be at the top (as with the Buttons 
Window) or the bottom (as with the 3D Window) of a window's area. 

Sample Window Headers using the Default Theme 

J# '\ » View Salstl Object |^,0bjet1 Mode j] \0 -\ fi -j: 

;|K»|o|g,^ -,r I I IIIHIvllll 

'|g i T? Panels © [ I ^|t£ { 

3KiaA@ 1 

ba 7 View Select Martyr curve |.^*jtCQUie:l 

*| |/|;|ip-oeipe IxIfIUlIaIH-IIAI 

Blender is themeable, for this book we use the default theme which is default for a new Blender installation. 

When you move the mouse over a window, its header changes to a lighter shade of grey. This means that it is 
"focused"; All hotkeys you press will now affect (only) the contents of this window. 

The icon at the left end of a header, with a click of the LMB , allows selection of one of 1 6 different window 
types. Most Window Headers, located immediately next to this first "Window Type" Menu button, exhibit a 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 30 

Blender Basics Changing Window Frames 

set of menus. Menus allow you to directly access many features and commands. Menus can be hidden and 
shown via the triangular button next to them. 

Changing Window Frames 

You can maximize a window to fill the whole screen with the "View>Maximize Window" menu entry. To 
return to normal size, use the "View->Tile Window". A quicker way to achieve this is to use SHIFT-SPACE, 
CTRL-UP or CTRL-DOWN to toggle between maximized and framed windows. 

You can change the size of a window frame by focusing the window you want to split (moving the mouse to 
its edge), clicking the vertical or horizontal border with MMB or RMB , and selecting "Split Area". You can 
now set the new border's position by moving your mouse to the desired position, and clicking with LMB; or 
you can cancel your action by pressing ESC. The new window will start as a clone of the window you split. It 
can then be set to a different window type, or to display the scene from a different point of view (in the case of 
the 3D View). 

Join Area 
No Heade 


4-6. The Split Menu 

You can resize windows by dragging their borders with LMB. 

You can join two windows into one by clicking a border between two windows with MMB or RMB and 
choosing "Join Areas". Then you'll be prompted to click on one of the two windows an arrow will be drawn to 
visualize which windows will be closed; the one you click will disappear, while the other will be expanded to 
cover the full area of both windows. If you press Esc before clicking on one of the windows, the operation 
will be aborted. 

Console Window & Error Messages 

The Console Window is an operating system text window that displays messages about Blender operations, 
status, and internal errors. If Blender crashes on you, it is a good idea to check the Console Window for clues. 

When Blender is started on a Microsoft Windows OS; The Console Window is first created as a separate 
window on the desktop, then assuming the right conditions are met, the main Blender Application window 
should also appear. 

The Blender Console Window must remain open while Blender is executing; If the Blender Console Window 
is closed then the Blender Application window will also close, and any unsaved Blender work will be lost! 

The Blender Console Window may not be visible, some reasons for this are: 

• The Blender Application window may be covering the Console Window. If this is the case just use the 
Windows task bar to click on the Blender Console Window icon, which should make the Blender 
Console Window visible. 

• The Blender Console Window may be minimized/iconifed when Blender starts. If this is the case 
again, just use the Windows task bar to click on the Blender Console Window icon, which should 
make the Blender Console Window visible. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 31 

Blender Basics 
Console Window running Linux 

Console Window & Error Messages 

The Blender Console Window in Linux will generally only be visible on the Desktop if Blender is started 
from a Linux Terminal/Console Window, as Blender uses the Console Window it is started in to display it's 
Blender Console output. 

Most of the different Linux distributions have Blender as one of their applications you can install from their 
packaging systems. When Blender is installed in this way an icon is usually also installed into their menu 
systems; Allowing for Blender to be started by clicking an icon rather than having to open a separate Linux 
Console/Terminal window and start Blender from there; When Blender is started using an icon rather than 
being started from a Terminal window, the Blender Console Window text will most likely be hidden on the 
Terminal that the X Window System was started from or in the system console log. 

Console Window running Mac OS X 

On Mac OS X you also can start Blender from a Terminal to see the output of Blender. However if you start 
Blender from the finder the console window is hidden. To see the output start the "Console" application, this 
works for all applications which do outputs to the console. 

Window types 

Wndaw type: 

% Scripts Window 

File Browser 

Image Browser 

% Nods Editor 

§ Buttons Window 

™= Oiilliner 

i User Preterarieas 

i! Texl Editor 

V Audio Window 

C;) Timeline 

S Video Sequence Editor 

d UWImage Editor 

5r NLA Editor 

X Aclion Editor 

fy Ipo Curve Editor 

^3D View 

1 View Salad Objs 


4-7. The Window Type selection menu 

The Blender interface, the rectangular window provided by your operating system, is divided up into many 
rectangular window frames. Each window frame may contain different types of information, depending upon 
the Window type. 

Each window frame operates independently of the others, and you can have the same type of window in many 
frames. For example, you may have several 3D windows open but each looking at the scene from a different 
perspective. You can split and merge and resize window frames to suit whatever you are working on. You can 
also arrange some window frames to show with or without a header to save screen space. 

Window types are broken up by functionality: 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Blender Basics Window types 

• Scripts window user interface for running Python scripts that extend Blender 

• File Browser for storage and retrieval, especially of .blend files 

• Image Browser search your computer for images, seen as thumbnails 

• Node Editor - process/enhance images and materials 

• Buttons Window - panels that configure objects and set/select options 

• Outliner - Helps you find and organize your objects. 

• User Preferences - customize Blender to your work style and computer 

• Text Editor - keep notes and documentation about your project, and write Python scripts. 

• Audio Window - see sound files and correlate them to frames 

• Timeline - jump to different times (frames) in your animation 

• Video Sequence Editor - assemble video sequences into a film strip 

• UV/Image Editor - edit and paint pictures 

• NLA Editor - manage non-linear animation action strips 

• Action Editor - combine individual actions into action sequences 

• Ipo Curve Editor - make things move or change 

• 3D View - graphical view of your scene 

You can select the Window type by clicking the window's header leftmost button. A pop-up menu displays 
showing the available Window types. The tutorials will cover the window types needed for this book. 

Button Window Contexts 

The Button Window shows six main Contexts, which can be chosen via the first icon row in the header 
(Contexts and Sub-Contexts Example). Each of these might be subdivided into a variable number of 
sub-contexts, which can be chosen via the second icon row in the header (Contexts and Sub-Contexts 
Example), or cycled through by pressing the same Context button again: 

Contexts Sub-contests 

^ Panels 

g|^|P|a| M*|a|w|a 


4-8. Contexts and Sub-Contexts Example 

• Q 1 Logic (F4) - Switches to Logic context. 

• H Script - No shortcut. Switches to Script context. 

♦ 9 Shading (F5) - Switches to Shading context. 

♦ & Lamp - No shortcut. 

♦ *i Material - No shortcut. 

♦ a Texture - Shortcut F6. 

• ^* Radiosity - No shortcut. 

• If World- Shortcut F8. 

• tt Object (F7) - Switches to Object context. 

♦ It Object - No shortcut. 

♦ If Physics - No shortcut. 

♦ Q Editing (F9) - Switches to Editing context. 

• S Scene (F10) - Switches to Scene context. 

♦ H Rendering - No shortcut. 

♦ J5 Anim/Playback - No shortcut. 

♦ V Sound - No shortcut. 

Once the Contexts is selected by the user, the sub-context is usually determined by Blender on the basis of the 
active Object. For example, with the Shading context, if a Lamp Object is selected then the sub-context shows 
Lamp Buttons. If a Mesh or other renderable Object is selected, then Material Buttons is the active 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 33 

Blender Basics Button Window Contexts 

sub-context, and if a Camera is selected the active sub-context is World. 

The Buttons in each context are grouped into Panels. 

The menu of available options, shown in a window's header, may change depending on the mode of that 
window. For example, in the 3D View window, the Object menu in Object mode changes to a Mesh 
operations menu in Edit mode, and a paint menu in Vertex Paint mode. If you are reading this manual and 
some menu option is referenced that does not appear on your screen, it may be that you are not in the proper 
mode, or context, for that option to be valid. 


Blender contains many menus each of which is accessible from either the window headers or directly at the 
mouse's location using hotkeys. 

HIBI"';H • H Plane 

Edit t 
Seises ► 

Object * 

view i> 
Render ► 









» Cube 
* CiltW 

t Corns 

Grid I 

4b Empiy laeth 
4b Torus 


Blender Toolbox Menu Layout 

For example, you can access the Toolbox in the 3D window using either the mouse or the keyboard. From the 
keyboard you would use the SPACE. To access it using the mouse just hold down the LMB or RMB buttons 
for a few seconds and the Toolbox will pop-up. 

Some menus are context sensitive in that they are only available under certain situations. For example, the 
Booleans menu is only available in Object Mode using the WKEY. The same hotkey (WKEY) in Edit Mode 
brings up the Specials menu. 

While you are using Blender be aware of what mode and types of object are selected. This helps in knowing 
what hotkeys work at what times. 


Panels generally appear in the Buttons window and by default the Buttons window is at the bottom. The 
Buttons window includes the Button window header and panels. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Blender Basics 

[| g ; ) ' Panels a I"-:!; J;VLffiH| f i 


s lME:CuBe 

F OB:Cute 

IMS MSCfSflei 


Vertex Group? 


1 Mali | ? 





Copy Group 




Fane I Alignment 


set Smooth I Sat Solid 


4-26. A Blender Panel 

Each button on the Buttons header groups panels together into what is called a Context. And those Contexts 

are grouped further into Sub-Contexts. For example, all Material panels are grouped under the Shading 

context and Material sub-context. 

The panels are not fixed in position relative to the window. They can be moved around the window by LMB 
clicking and dragging on the respective panel header. 

Panels can be aligned by RMB on the Buttons Window and choosing the desired layout from the Menu which 
appears. Using MW scrolls the Panels in their aligned direction and CTRL-MW and Ctrl-MMB zooms the 
Panels in and out. Single Panels can be collapsed/expanded by LMB clicking the triangle on the left side of 
their header. 

Particularly complex Panels are organized in Tabs. Clicking LMB on a Tab in the Panel header changes the 
buttons shown in. Tabs can be "torn out" of a Panel to form independent panels by clicking LMB on their 
header and dragging them out. In a similar way separate Panels can be turned into a single Panel with Tabs by 
dropping one Panel's header into another. 

Buttons and Controls 

Buttons are mostly grouped in the Button Window. But they can appear in other Windows. 



4-27. An Operation Button 

These are buttons that perform an operation when they are clicked (with LMB, as all buttons). They can be 

identified by their brownish color in the default Blender scheme (An operation button). 


Hard | Ray Mi 

Csp | CrnF 

Ref | Spec: 

Trarisl u | Disp 


4-28. Toggle Buttons 

Toggle buttons come in various sizes and colors. The colors green, violet, and grey do not change 
functionality, they just help the eye to group the buttons and recognize the contents of the interface more 
quickly. Clicking this type of button does not perform any operation, but only toggles a state. 

Some buttons also have a third state that is identified by the text turning yellow (the Emit button in Toggle 
buttons). Usually the third state means "negative," and the normal "on" state means "positive." 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Blender Basics Buttons and Controls 

Radio buttons are particular groups of mutually exclusive Toggle buttons. No more than one Radio Button in 
a given group can be "on" at one time. 




« SizeV: 480 ► 

| AspX: 




100 | 

|R 1.000 


|G 0.000 



|B 1.000 



4-29. Number Buttons 

Number buttons can be identified by their captions, which contain a colon followed by a number. Number 
buttons are handled in several ways: To increase the value, click LMB on the right of the button, where the 
small triangle is shown; to decrease it, click on the left of the button, where another triangle is shown. 

To change the value in a wider range, hold down LMB and drag the mouse to the left or right. If you hold 
CTRL while doing this, the value is changed in discrete steps; if you hold SHIFT, you'll have finer control 
over the values. ENTER can be used in place of LMB here. 

You can enter a value directly by holding SHIFT and clicking LMB. You can also enter simple equations, like 
"3*2" instead of 6. Handy geometric constants to remember: pi is "3.14" and the square root of two is "1.414". 
Press SHIFT-BACKSPACE to clear the value; SHIFT-LEFT ARROW to move the cursor to the beginning; 
and SHIFT-RIGHT ARROW to move the cursor to the end. Press ESC to restore the original value. 

Some number buttons contain a slider rather than just a number with side triangles. The same method of 
operation applies, except that single LMB clicks must be performed on the left or on the right of the slider, 
while clicking on the label or the number automatically enters keyboard input mode. 

Use the Menu buttons to choose from dynamically created lists. Menu buttons are principally used to link 
Data Blocks to each other. (Data Blocks are structures like Meshes, Objects, Materials, Textures, and so on; 
by linking a Material to an Object, you assign it.) 


4-30. Datablock Link Buttons 

1 . The first button (with the tiny up and down pointing triangles) opens a menu that lets you select the 
Data Block to link to by holding down LMB and releasing it over the requested item. 

2. The second button displays the type and name of the linked Data Block and lets you edit its name 
after clicking LMB. 

3. The "X" button clears the link. 

4. The "car" button generates an automatic name for the Data Block. 

5. And the "F" button specifies whether the Data Block should be saved in the file even if it is unused 

Unlinked data is not lost until you quit Blender. This is a powerful Undo feature, if you delete an object the 
material assigned to it becomes unlinked, but is still there! You just have to re-link it to another object or press 
the "F" button. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 36 

Blender Basics 
Color Selector 

Color Selector 

Some controls pop-up a dialog panel. For example, Color controls, when clicked, will pop up a Color Selector 

4-31. Color Selector Panel 


Blender's flexibility with windows lets you create customized working environments for different tasks, such 
as modelling, animating, and scripting. It is often useful to quickly switch between different environments 
within the same file. For each Scene, you need to set the stage by modelling the props, dressing them and 
painting them through materials, etc. In the example picture in Window system, we are in the modelling stage. 


1 -Animation 


4-32. Screen Layout Selection Menu 

To do each of these major creative steps, Blender has a set of pre-defined screens, or window layouts, that 

show you the types of windows you need to get the job done quickly and efficiently: 

1-Animation Making actors and other objects move about. 

2-Model Creating actors, props, and other objects. 

3-Material Painting and texturing surfaces. 

4-Sequence Editing scenes into a movie. 

5-Scripting Documenting your work, and writing custom animations. 

Blender sorts these screen layouts for you automatically in alphabetical order. (A screen name typically starts 
with a number, which controls the alphabetical order) The list is available via the SCR Menu Buttons in the 
User Preferences Window header shown in (Screen and Scene selectors). To change to the next screen 
alphabetically press Ctrl-RIGHT ARROW; to change to the previous screen alphabetically, press 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Blender Basics Screens 

Screen selector Scene selector 

r |sCR:g-Model fx] 7 \ SCE:Scene (~X~| 


4-33. Screen Selector and Scene Selector Dropdown Menus 

By default, each screen layout 'remembers' the last scene it was used on. Selecting a different layout will 

switch to the layout and jump to that scene. 

All changes to windows, as described in Window system and Window types, are saved within one screen. If 
you change your windows in one screen, other screens won't be affected, but the scene you are working on 
stays the same in all screens. 

Adding a new Screen 

As you scroll through the Screen list, you will see that one of the options is to Add New - namely, add a new 
window layout. Click and select ADD NEW. When you click this, a new frame layout is created based on 
your current layout. 

- SR:2-Moclel 



w 1 -Animation 
3- Materia! 


4-34. Screen Selector ADD NEW Selected 

Give the new screen a name that starts with a number so that you can predictably scroll to it using the arrow 
keys. You can rename the layout by LMB into the field and typing a new name, or clicking again to position 
the cursor in the field to edit. For example you could use the name "6-MyScreen". 

Deleting a Screen 

You can delete a screen by using the Delete Data Block button and confirm by clicking Delete current screen 
in the pop-up dialog box. 

Use the window controls to move frame borders, split and consolidate windows. When you have a layout you 
like, Ctrl-U to update your User defaults. The buttons window has a special option, if you RMB on its 
background, to arrange its panels horizontally across or vertically up and down. 


It is possible to have several scenes within the same Blender file. Scenes may use one another's objects or be 
completely separate from one another. You can select and create scenes with the SCE menu buttons in the 
User Preferences Window header (usually on top of the screen, also containing the menu bar). For games and 
other real time content scenes have a important meaning, with scenes you can separate menus, overlays 
(HUDs, scores etc.), backgrounds from the main scene by layering multiple scenes. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 38 

Blender Basics Scenes 

Screen selector Scene selector 

T |sCR:£-Model |~x| T | SCE:Scene fx] 


4-35. Scene Selector 

Adding a new Scene 

You can add a new scene by clicking the scene menu and selecting ADD NEW. When you create a new 
scene, you can choose between four options to control its contents (Add Scene menu): 

Add scire 


Link Objects 

Link ObData 

Full Copy 


4-36. Add Scene Menu 

• Empty creates an empty scene. 

• Link Objects creates the new scene with the same contents as the currently selected scene. Changes in 
one scene will also modify the other. 

• Link ObData creates the new scene based on the currently selected scene, with links to the same 
meshes, materials, and so on. This means that you can change objects' positions and related 
properties, but modifications to the meshes, materials, and so on will also affect other scenes unless 
you manually make single-user copies. 

• Full Copy creates a fully independent scene with copies of the currently selected scene's contents. 

Deleting a Scene 

You can delete a scene by using the Delete Data Block button "X" and confirm by clicking "Delete current 
scene" in the pop dialog box. 

User Preferences 

The User Preferences window is where you customize and control Blender. By default this window is located 
at the top and only the header is visible. 


4-37. User Preferences window. 

To see all of the User Preferences window and its content you need to drag it into view. You can do this by 

moving the mouse onto the bottom edge of the Info header, or the top of the 3D window, and click the LMB 

and drag downwards. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Blender Basics User Preferences 

When viewing all of the Info window you can start to customize Blender to fit your personality or machine 
capabilities. For example, you may not like the default theme and switch to the Rounded theme. It is also 
important to configure the paths to enable automatically backup [save]. 

Navigating in 3D 

Blender is a 3D program, so we need to be able to navigate in 3D space. This is a problem because our screens 
are only 2D. The 3D Views are in fact "windows" to the 3D world created inside Blender. 

Using the keyboard to change your view 

Place your mouse pointer over the big window on the standard Blender screen. This is a 3D View used for 
showing and manipulating your 3D-worlds. 

Remember that the window with the mouse pointer located over it (no click needed) is the active window! 
This means that only this window will respond to your key presses. 

Pressing PAD1 (the number "1" key on the numeric pad) gives you a view from the front of the scene. In the 
default Blender scene, installed when you first start Blender, you will now be looking at the edge of a plane 
with the camera positioned in front of it. With holding the CTRL key (on some systems also SHIFT is 
possible), you can get the opposite view, which in this case is the view from the back (CTRL-PAD 1). 

PAD7 returns you to the view from the top. Now use the PAD+ and PAD- to zoom in and out. PAD3 gives 
you a side view of the scene. 

PADO switches to a camera-view of the scene. In the standard scene you only see the edge of the plane 
because it is at the same height as the camera. 

PAD/ only shows selected objects; all other objects are hidden. PAD. (period) zooms to the extent of the 
selected objects. 

Switch with PAD7 back to a top view, or load the standard scene with CTRL-X. Now, press PAD4 four times, 
and then PAD2 four times. You are now looking from the left above and down onto the scene. The 'cross' of 
keys PAD8, PAD6, PAD2 and PAD4 are used to rotate the actual view. If you use these keys together with 
SHIFT, you can drag the view. Pressing PAD5 switches between a perspective view and an orthogonal view. 

Use CTRL-X followed by ENTER to get a fresh Blender scene. But remember, this action will discard all 
changes you have made! 

You should now try experimenting a little bit with these keys to get a feel for their operation and function. 

Using the mouse to change your view 

The main button for navigating with the mouse in the 3D View is the middle mouse button (MMB). Press and 
hold the MMB in a 3D View, and then drag the mouse. The view is rotated with the movement of your 
mouse. Try using a perspective view (PAD5) while experimenting — it gives a very realistic impression of 3D. 

With the SHIFT key, the above procedure translates the view. With CTRL, it zooms the view. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 40 

Blender Basics Using the mouse to change your view 

Also explore the View-menu, here you can also change views and control other aspects of the view. 

Selecting of Objects 

Selecting an object is achieved by clicking the object using the right mouse button (RMB). 

This operation also de-selects all other objects. To extend the selection to more than one object, hold down 
SHIFT while clicking. Selected objects will change the color to purple in the wireframe view or an purple 
outline is drawn around shaded objects. The last selected object is colored a lighter purple and it is the active 
object. Operations that are only useful for one object, or need one object as reference, always work with the 
active object. 

Objects can also selected with a "border'. Press BKEY to action this, and then draw a rectangle around the 
objects. Drawing the rectangle with the LMB selects objects; drawing with RMB deselects them. 

Only one Object can be active at any time, e.g. to allow visualization of data in buttons. The active and 
selected Object is displayed in a lighter color than other selected Objects. The name of the active Object is 
displayed in the lower left corner of the 3D View. The last Object selected (or deselected) then becomes the 
active Object. 

Copying and linking 

Blender uses a object oriented structure to store and manipulate the objects and data. This will affect the work 
with Blender in many places. For example, the copying of objects or the use of Blender Materials. 

In this structure an object can have its own data (in case of the Blender Game Engine Polygon-Meshes) or 
share this Mesh with more other objects. 

So what is the advantage of that system? 

1. Reduced size of the scene in memory, on disk or for publishing on the web 

2. Changes on the ObData inherits to all Objects on the same time. Imagine you decide to change a 
house objects you have 100 times in your scene or changing the Material properties of one wall 

3. You can design the logic and gameplay with simple place-holder objects and later swap them against 
the finished objects with a click of the mouse 

4. The shape of objects (the Mesh Data) is changeable at runtime of the game without affecting the 
object or its position itself 


The copy operation you are familiar with from other applications makes a true duplicate of the selected 
objects. Copying is done fastest with the key command SHIFT-D or also with the "Duplicate" entry in the 

Linked Copy 

A linked copy is achieved by using the ALT-D key command. Unlike copying with SHIFT-D, the mesh 
forming the object is not duplicated, but rather linked to the new objects. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 41 

Blender Basics 

Data Browse Button 

Data Browse Button 


ME: Cube 





4-37. User Preferences window. 

Another common method to create and change links and Blender interface element is the User Button . This 

Menu Button allows to change links by pressing and holding the left mouse on it and choose a link from the 

appearing menu. If there are more possibilities than the Menu can hold, a Data Browse Window is opened 


If an Object has more than one user, the User Button will be blue and a number indicates the number of users 
(in the above image three). Selecting this number will make a copy of the Data and makes the object "Single 


To link Data from the active to the selected Objects can be done with the key command CTRL-L. A menu 
will ask what data you want to link. This way you can choose to link the objects between scenes, or link Ipos 
(animation curves), MeshData or Materials. 


4-39. Make Links Selection Menu. 

4-40. OOPS Schematic Diagram. 

The object-structure created by copy or linking actions can be visualized in the Oops Window. Call the 
Outliner SHIFT-F9, then use "View->Show Oops Schematic". Here, the object "Cube" was copied two times 
with ALT-D, you can see that all three objects (Blender automatically generates unique names by appending 
numbers) are linked to the same Mesh Data "Cube". The object "Cube.002" was copied with SHIFT-D 
resulting in two objects with their own MeshData. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Blender Basics Manipulating Objects 

Manipulating Objects 

Most used actions in Blender involve moving, rotating, or changing the size of certain items. Blender offers a 
wide range of options for doing this. See the 3DWindow section for a fully comprehensive list. The options 
are summarized here. 


GKEY, Grab mode. Move the mouse to translate the selected items, then press LMB or ENTER or SPACE to 
assign the new location. Press ESC or RMB to cancel. Translation is always corrected for the view. 

Use the middle mouse button to limit translation to the X, Y or Z axis. Blender determines which axis to use, 
based on the already initiated movement. 

RMB and hold-move. This option allows you to select an Object and immediately start Grab mode. 


i " I' ISfiH^ ["iG'irtial 


4-41. Pivot mode selection menu. 

RKEY, Rotation mode. Move the mouse around the rotation centre, then press LMB or ENTER or SPACE to 
assign the rotation. Press ESC to cancel. Rotation is always perpendicular to the view. Use XKEY, YKEY or 
ZKEY to use the global axis for rotation or press the keys two times to rotate around the local object axis. 

The centre of rotation is determined with the "Pivot"-menu in the 3D View header. 


SKEY, Scaling mode. Move the mouse from the rotation centre outwards, then press LMB or ENTER or 
SPACE to assign the scaling. Use the MMB toggle to limit scaling to the X, Y or Z axis. Blender determines 
the appropriate axis based on the direction of the movement. 

The centre of scaling is determined by the Pivot-menu in the 3D View header (see the explanation for the 

Transform Properties 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 43 

Blender Basics 

Transform Properties 

CmV.2 000 



4-42. Transform Properties Panel. 

To input exact values, you can call up the Transform Properties with NKEY. SHIFT-LMB -click to change the 

buttons to an input field and then enter the number. 

Edit Mode 


$& Weight Paint 

^ Texture Paint 

& Vertex Paint 

# Sculpt Mode 


t£. Object Mode 





4-43. Blender Mode Selection menu. 

You can work with Blender Objects in two modes: Object Mode and Edit Mode. Operations in Object Mode 
affect whole objects, and operations in Edit Mode affect only the geometry of an object, but not its global 
properties such as location or rotation. You switch between these two modes with the TAB key or the 
Mode-menu in the 3D View header. 

Edit Mode only works on one object at a time, the active object. An object outside Edit Mode (i.e. Object 
Mode) is drawn in purple in the 3D Windows (in wireframe mode) when selected, black otherwise. 


4-44. Cube in Edit Mode. 

In Edit Mode each vertex is drawn in purple, each edge is drawn in black and each face is drawn in translucent 

dark-blue. Each selected vertex is highlighted in yellow. You can also see a grey shaded face, this is the active 

face, important for UV texturing. 

If multiple objects are selected and Edit Mode is entered then the last Object selected (the Active Object) 
enters Edit Mode. The other Objects remain purple and in Object Mode. 

If enough vertices are selected to form a face then that face is highlighted in translucent purple while the 
remaining faces are highlighted in translucent dark-blue. This helps give you a frame of reference when 
selecting vertices, edges or faces. The translucent effect indicates that you have selected enough vertices to 
imply one or more faces. See Edge and Face Tools for further details on implicit selections. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Blender Basics 

Edit Mode 

If the Buttons Window is visible and Editing (F9) is activated then two panels appear while in Edit Mode 
(Mesh Tools and Mesh Tools More): 

Beauty | Short | Subdivide , Innerwert 

Select Swap Hide Reveal 



xsort Fractal 

HSilB: 0.1 00 

Edge Length 

To Sphere 


Split | Flip Normal j 

Draw Normals 

Edge Angles 

Rem pontiles 

limit pom 

TkrHihiiiir mi! ii 

Draw vwormais 

Face Afea 


Draw Faces 

Loop Select 


spin Difft 


Draw Edges 

Draw Cresses 

* Degr: 90.00 ► 

Steps: 9 

Turns: 1 

All E :i i; i 


Draw Seams 

':;-->.; Ml mil 

Extrude Dup Offset: 1 00 

Draw Sharp 

JoirtTrianaies TnresrioM o.siro 

Delimit UV: | Delimil Veal | Delimil Sharp | Delimil Mat 


4-45. Mesh Tools Panels. 

By default the buttons (Draw Faces and Draw Edges) are pre-selected and any selected edges and faces are 

Vertices, Edges and Faces 

In basic meshes, everything is built from three basic structures: Vertices, Edges and Faces. We are not talking 
about Curves, NURBS, and so forth here as they are currently not supported in the game engine. But there is 
no need to be disappointed: This simplicity still provides us with a wealth of possibilities that will be the 
foundation for all our models. 

You can convert all Blender Object types down to a Mesh using ALT-C 









4-46. Vertice examples. 

A vertex is primarily a single point or position in 3D space. It is usually invisible in rendering and in Object 
Mode. Don't mistake the centre point of an object for a vertex. It looks similar, but it's bigger and you can't 
select it. The image shows the centre point labeled as "A". "B" and "C" are vertices. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Blender Basics Vertices, Edges and Faces 

To create a new vertex, change to Edit mode, hold down CTRL, and click with the LMB. Of course, as a 
computer screen is two-dimensional, Blender can't determine all three vertex coordinates from one mouse 
click, so the new vertex is placed at the depth of the 3D cursor 'into' the screen. Any vertices selected 
previously are automatically connected to the new one with an edge. Vertex labeled "C" is a new vertex added 
to the cube with a new edge (B to C) 


An edge always connects two vertices with a straight line. The edges are the 'wires' you see when you look at 
a mesh in wireframe view. They are usually invisible on the rendered image. They are used to construct faces. 
Create an edge by selecting two vertices and pressing F. 


A Face is the highest level structure in a mesh. Faces are used to build the actual surface of the object. They 
are what you see when you render the mesh. A Face is defined as the area between either three (triangle) or 
four vertices (quad), with an Edge on every side. Triangles always work well, because they are always flat and 
easy to calculate. 

Take care when using four-sided faces (quads), because internally they are simply divided into two triangles 
each. Four-sided faces only work well if the Face is pretty much flat (all points lie within one imaginary 
plane) and convex (the angle at no corner is greater than or equal to 180 degrees). This is the case with the 
faces of a cube, for example. That's why you can't see any diagonals in its wireframe model, because they 
would divide each square face into two triangles. 

While you could build a cube with triangular faces, it would just look more confusing in Edit mode. An area 
between three or four vertices, outlined by Edges, doesn't have to be a face. If this area does not contain a 
face, it will simply be transparent or non-existent in the rendered image. To create a face, select three or four 
suitable vertices and press F. 

Vertex, Edge and Face Modes 

In Edit Mode there are three different selection modes, Vertices, Edges or Faces. The mode can be chosen 
with CTRL-TAB and using the "Select-Mode"-menu or with the icons in the 3D View header. 

Select Mode 




Select mode menu 

4 / A 


Select mode buttons 


The selected vertices are drawn in yellow and unselected vertices are drawn in a pink color. 

In this mode the vertices are not drawn. Instead the selected edges are drawn in yellow and unselected 
edges are drawn in a black color. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 46 

Blender Basics Vertex, Edge and Face Modes 


In this mode the faces are drawn with a selection handle in the middle which is used for selecting a 
face. Selected faces are drawn in yellow with the selection point in orange, unselected faces are drawn 
in black. 

Almost all modification tools are available in all three modes. So you can Rotate, Scale and Extrude etc. in all 
modes. Of course rotating and scaling a single vertex will not do anything useful, so some tools are more or 
less applicable in some modes. 

Basic Editing 

Most simple operations from Object mode (like selecting, moving, rotating, and scaling) work the same way 
on vertices as they do on objects. Thus, you can learn how to handle basic Edit mode operations very quickly. 
The only notable difference is a new scaling option, Alt S which scales the selected vertices along the 
direction of the normals (shrinks-fattens). The truncated pyramid shown here, for example, was created with 
the following steps: 

• Add a cube to an empty scene. If not in Edit mode then use TAB to enter Edit Mode. 

• Make sure all vertices are deselected (purple). Use border select (BKEY) to select the upper four 

• Check that the scaling centre is set to anything but the 3D cursor, then switch to scale mode (SKEY), 
reduce the size, and confirm with LMB. 

• Exit Edit Mode by pressing TAB. 

All operations in Edit mode are ultimately performed on the vertices; the connected edges and faces 
automatically adapt, as they depend on the vertices' positions. To select an edge, you must select the two 
endpoints or place the mouse on the edge and press ALT-RMB. To select a face, each corner must be selected. 

Edit mode operations are many, and most are summarized in the Editing Context Buttons window, accessed 
via the Q header button or via F9 (Edit Context). 


With WKEY you can call up the Specials menu in Edit mode. With this menu you can quickly access 
functions which are frequently required for polygon-modelling. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 47 

Blender Basics 

I" "in mini imimiiminim 


Subdivide Multi 
Subdivide Multi Fractal 
Subdivide Smooth 

-ierric -e [jmiIiI^ 



Seiect Swap 

Flip Normals 



Set Smooth 

Set Solid 

Blend From Shape 

Propagate To All Shapes 

Select Vertex Path 



Each selected edge is split in two, new vertices are created at middle points, and faces are split too, if 

Subdivide Multi 

This is identical to Subdivide except a dialog pops up asking for the number of cuts or repeated 

subdivisioning. The default is "2". 
Subdivide Multi Fractal 

As above, but new vertices are randomly displaced within a user-defined range. 
Subdivide Smooth 

Same as Subdivide, but new vertices are displaced towards the barycentre (centre of mass) of the 

connected vertices. 

Merges selected vertices into a single one, at the barycentre position or at the 3D cursor position. 
Remove Doubles 

Merges all of the selected vertices whose relative distance is below a given threshold (0.001 by 


Hides selected vertices. 

Shows hidden vertices. 
Select Swap 

All selected vertices become unselected and vice-versa. 
Flip Normals 

Change the Normal directions of the selected faces. 

Smooths out a mesh by moving each vertex towards the barycentre of the linked vertices. 

Bevels the entire object regardless of the selected vertices, edges or faces. 
Set Smooth 

Changes the selected faces to smoothing shading. 
Set Solid 

Changes the selected faces to faceted or flat shading. 
Blend From Shape 

Mixes between two shape keys 
Propagate To All Shapes 

Copies the changes to all shape keys 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Blender Basics Specials 

Select Vertex Path 

Select a path of vertices between two selected vertices 

You can access the entries in a Popup-menu by using the corresponding numberkey. For example, pressing 
WKEY and then 1KEY will subdivide the selected edges without you having to touch the mouse at all. 
About blend files in this book 
You can get the .blend files this book refers to downloading this ZIP file (286. 3M) 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 49 

Pumpkin Run - Playing with 3D game technology 


Using the "Pumpkin-Run" example file, most of the core techniques for making a 3-D game will be explained 
and illustrated. However, we can't make you a professional game designer in a few pages, or even with a 
complete book. But you can learn the basics here and have fun at the same time! You are also encouraged to 
experiment and play with Blender. 

Things you will learn here: 

• Loading and saving Blender scenes 

• Manipulating objects and navigating in the scene 

• Basic Texture mapping 

• Playing interactive 3-D in Blenders integrated 3-D engine 

• Adding interactivity to control game elements 

• Camera control and lights 

• Object animation 

• Adding and using sound 

And there is more! Many things will be covered in later chapters. But don't despair the most important thing is 
the gameplay. Even technically simple games can be entertaining for long times ("Tetris" for example). So 
concentrate on making the game fun for others or just enjoy creating stuff yourself! 

Modeling an environment 

Start Blender by clicking its Icon. Blender will start with its default scene as shown in Figure [p-01]. 
Depending on your installation, screen display ratio and how you installed Blender there may be some slightly 
differences or a splash-screen will appear. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 50 

Pumpkin Run - Playing with 3D game technology 

Modeling an environment 

t*TM V*ilT±*}tet^lLLl jMHititMfliffrjp lT»rtM{ttW|£«M 

- -w. ■■»■■■ **** i % , : r -. '| , .fl ;. KW-> i ■■• r-<* ■ I ff : : n>-.f : :il-."l Ml 

I -| Ut lit* 

V ti.&aHfii 

!■ iuwi 

J T^Cl*« 


|,a t a- w * < ws^J 1 _ jgyjMMig^ 


Figure [p-01]. Blender just after starting it 

The big window is the 3D View, our window to the world of 3D inside Blender scenes. The pink square is a 

cube, we are currently looking onto the scene from above, a so called "Top View". The line drawn object to 

the lower right of the cube is the representation of a Blender Camera. The object right of the cube is a light 



Blenders Camera 

Now move your mouse cursor over the Camera and press your right mouse button, this selects the Camera 

which is now drawn pink. The colored arrows are so called 3D-handles, by dragging them with the left mouse 

button you can move the selected object along one axis. 

Blender uses the right mouse button (RMB) for selecting objects! 

Now we will change the view of the scene. Move the mouse cursor into the big 3D View and press and hold 
the middle mouse button (MMB) and move the mouse to rotate the view. 

Blender is designed to work best with a three buttons mouse. However, if you have only a two buttons mouse 
you can substitute the middle mouse button by holding ALT and the left mouse button (ALT-LMB). 

Now return to the top view of the scene by pressing PAD-7. These actions should give you a basic idea of 
how navigating in the 3-D space through a 2-D window works. More on this topic is covered in the Blender 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Pumpkin Run - Playing with 3D game technology Modeling an environment 

Basics Chapter. 

In the next steps we will create a ground for our game. Select the cube again by pressing RMB with your 
mouse over it. The cube will be drawn in pink when your selection has been successful. Now press XKEY or 
DEL to delete the cube. Blender will ask you for confirmation, if you move the mouse out of the pop-up, the 
deletion will be canceled, if you agree with LMB or ENTER the cube will be deleted. 

/ ■ \ 


3D Cursor 

Newly added objects will always appear at the 3D-Cursor. The 3D-Cursor is placed by a click with the left 

mouse button, LMB. Now place the 3D-Cursor in the middle of the 3D-view by clicking LMB. 

Now press SPACE to call the Toolbox, this is something like the main menu of Blender. Choose 
Add->Mesh->Plane and confirm the selection with LMB. A plane appears, you can check that it is really a 
plane by rotating the view using the MMB and mouse movements. After that switch back to a top view using 

scale X: 10.0000 V: 10.0000 Z: 10.0000 

,° ; | ^ Panels \& jSM|tj.jQ|^ 


Scaling info in the 3D View Header 

Move the mouse over the selected plane, press SKEY, and move the mouse. You can see that the plane 

changes its size according to your mouse moves. Now hold CTRL while moving the mouse. The scale will 

only change in steps of 0.1. Scale the plane until the size is 10.0 for all axes. To do so look at the scaling 

information in the bar below the 3D View then press the left mouse button to finish the scaling operation. 

If you can't reach a scale of 10.0 or want to stop the scaling action, press RMB or ESC. Furthermore, ESC will 
abort every Blender procedure without making any changes to your object. 

In case you can't reach a scale of 10.0, you can try to zoom out using the mouse-wheel. Furthermore it is 
important where you locate the mouse cursor when calling scale with SKEY. If your mouse cursor is close to 
the center of the object, you will be able to scale in big steps, if your mouse cursor is located away from your 
object you scale in small amounts, but with a higher accuracy. 

I will now show you how to customize the Blender screen, and especially, the window layout. 


Move your mouse slowly over the lower edge of the 3D View until it changes to a double arrow. 

Now press the MMB or RMB, a menu will appear: 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 52 

Pumpkin Run - Playing with 3D game technology 

Modeling an environment 



Join Areas 
No Header 


Click on "Split Area". Move the appearing line to the middle of the 3D View and press LMB, Blender splits 
the 3D View into two identical views of the 3D scene. 

Move your mouse over the right window and press SHIFT-F10. The window will change to an UV/Image 
Editor this is the place in Blender to work with images and textures, which will color our real-time models. 

All key presses in Blender will be executed by the active window (that is the window with the mouse over it). 
There is no need to click a window to activate it. 

Move your mouse back to the plane in the left 3D View and select it again in case it is not selected anymore 
(i.e. not pink). Now press ALT-Z, the plane is now drawn shaded according to the light in the scene. Press 
TAB and the plane will be drawn with a overlay pattern, the edges yellow and the vertices (the points that 
span the face) as yellow dots. This indicates that the face is selected. 

% Edit External y 

rh Consolidate into one image 

% Billboard fiendei on ftcBvi 



Now with your mouse over the plane, press UKEY and choose "Reset" from the "UV Calculation"-menu. A 
representation of the 3D coordinates of the plane will appear in the UV/Image Editor on the right, this step is 
needed for mapping a 2D image (texture) onto a 3D object (in our case only a plane). This so called UV 
mapping is covered in depth in further tutorials and the reference part. 

Move your mouse to the right window and select Open from the Image-menu or use ALT-O. 

slMa;a«\aamfltai>f2\BaaKBlsrcastf jinipldira)ei>nin96V[ open image 







Flais Wings Jtaifejpg 


33 %iZ 
19 231 

4 9?2 

29 5F7 

6 424 


22 15; 
31 140 

23 278 

Open I mage 

Relative Paths 


Image file window 

A file window opens where we can navigate on our disks and select and load images. Pressing and holding the 

Menu Button on the top left with the left mouse button will give you a choice of recently-browsed paths and 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Pumpkin Run - Playing with 3D game technology Appending an object from an other scene 

on Windows operating systems, a list of your drives. 

The directory you are currently in, is shown in the top text-field. The "P" button allows you to go up one 
directory (parent directory). 

Using these methods, go to your disc drive and browse for the folder Tutorials /Pumpkin/textures/ 
and locate the concgray_q . jpg image. Click on it with the left mouse button and then choose "Open 
Image", alternatively you could also click on the filename with the MMB. 


The texture now shows up in the 3D View to the left. Now leave Edit Mode by pressing TAB. 

We have just created a very simple environment, but we used many of the steps needed to create more 
complex game levels, which is in fact only a good combination of the simple things we just practised! 

It is now time to save your scene. To ease the process we will include the texture in the saved scene. To do so, 
choose the menu "File->External Data->Pack into .blend file". A little parcel-icon will appear in the menu bar 
to indicate that this scene is packed. Now use the "File->Save As" or F2 to open a file window, browse to 
your hard disk (as described above), enter a name in the filename field (currently unt it led . blend) and 
click the "Save File" Button in the File window. 

Appending an object from an other scene 

Because we can't cover modeling and the general use of Blender as a tool to create whole worlds, we load 
ready-made objects. In fact, there is no special file-format in Blender to store objects, so all scenes can be 
used as archives to get objects from. 


Move your mouse over the UV/Image Editor window (the right one from the last step) and press SHIFT-F5 to 

change it to a 3D View. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 54 

Pumpkin Run - Playing with 3D game technology 

Appending an object from an other scene 

Press SHIFT-F1 with your mouse over one of the 3D Views, a File Window will appear in "Append" mode 
(see Figure [append]), which allows us to load any Blender object from a scene into the current scene. 

You can also use the File menu to access the Append function, but mostly a shortcut is faster. 

I P d:\DolMmente\Afflsterdam\GameKiW2\Baofc\Blends\Pumpkiift 

Load Library 

i - j |gntltl9d.bl9nd 



169 446 

Uad Library 

ftelauvs Paihs 

^ Link [^ 

b — 

File window in append mode 

Pressing and holding the Menu Button on the top left with LMB will give you a choice of recently browsed 

paths and, on Windows operating systems, a list of your drives. 

The directory you are currently in is shown in the top text-field. The parent directory "P" button allows you to 
go up one directory. 

Using these methods, go to your DVD drive and browse for the folder Tutorials/Pumpkin/. Now click with the 
left mouse button (LMB) on the filename Pumpkin_Solo .blend. The file will be opened immediately an 
its contents shown in the file window. 

|_sj | Pump 

P |d:\Do^mBrits\Amster(Jam\fiameKilV2\Boofe\Biends\Pum»*ln5h'u!r[p|i:in_stilo,blend\Obj9cft I Load Library 



Pu rnp 


Load Library 

Relative Paths 


Browsing in a *. blend file 

When you have entered the file, the file window will show you all the parts of the scene like in a file-browser. 

Now click on "Objects" with LMB. You will see the objects contained in that scene (see Figure [browse]). 

Select all objects by pressing AKEY. Confirm by pressing ENTER or clicking with LMB on the "Load 

Library" button. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Pumpkin Run - Playing with 3D game technology Start your (Game) Engines! 


You can now see the pumpkin as an orange spot, sitting in the middle of the plane in the left 3D View. 

Switch the right window to a second 3D view by pressing SHIFT-F5 with the mouse over the window. You 
will get the same top view as in the left 3D view but drawn only shaded. Now select the camera with RMB. 
Move your mouse back to the left (textured) 3D view and press CTRL-PADO. This switches the view to a 
camera view. 

Start your (Game) Engines! 

We can now start the Blender game engine already! While pointing with the mouse over the camera view, 
press PKEY and you can see the pumpkin on our textured ground. The pumpkin character has an animated 
candle inside and you will see it flicker. To stop the game engine and return to Blender press ESC. 

I hear you saying "That's nice, but where is the animation?" Well, give me a minute. 

Move your mouse over the right 3D view and press PAD-3 to get a view from the side. Zoom into the view by 
pressing PAD+ a few times or hold CTRL-MMB and move the mouse up, which will give you a smooth 
zoom. You also can move the view with the MMB and mouse movements while holding SHIFT. This way we 
prepare the view to move the pumpkin up. 

Select the character with the RMB (click somewhere on the pumpkin), and it will outlined pink to indicate 
that it is selected. 

We will now enter the main command center for interactive 3D in Blender. To do so press F4 or click the 
Logic Buttons icon in the icon bar. 


The Logic Buttons 

Use the menu on the left labeled "Static" to change the pumpkin to "Dynamic". This setting will enable the 

character to follow the laws of physics, like falling, bouncing and reaction to collisions. 

If you now start the game engine you will not see much difference, but we will change that in a minute. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 56 

Pumpkin Run - Playing with 3D game technology 

Realtime Materials 


UatJ- «*- *»« w«n[m<uw •110 41b 4"<I^H»l>jcua »ifi ii:b;ii:bbii 


Zoom the right 3D View out a bit (do you remember? Use CTRL-MMB or PAD+/PAD- to zoom). Make sure 
that the pumpkin is still selected (pink, if not then click it with RMB), press GKEY over the right 3D View 
and move the mouse. The character will follow your mouse movements in the 3D View. The GKEY starts the 
so called "grab-mode" which allows you to move objects within the 3-D space. 

Move the object straight up until it disappears on the top of the camera view (left 3D Window) and confirm 
the new position with LMB. If you are unsure you can always cancel the operation with ESC or RMB and try 

Now move the mouse to the left 3D View (the camera view) and press PKEY to start the game engine. The 
Pumpkin falls and rests on the ground. Press ESC to exit the game engine. 

Realtime Materials 

To refine the movement we need some restitute so that the pumpkin would bounce. These setting can be 
found in the Materials Buttons F5. Select the ground plane and press F5 to access the Material Buttons. 
Currently there is no material, so click "Add New" to add a new one. If you now start the game you will 
notice that the texture is gone while the game runs. This is because Blender uses a bit more advanced material 
system by default, the "Blender Multitexture Materials" (see in the Game-menu and in the reference chapter). 
To solve this we could use the old "Texture Face Materials" or we can just add a texture channel to the 
material. This can be done by locating the "Texture"-panel on the right of the Material Buttons and click "Add 
New" there. 

If the "Texture"-panel is out of reach you can pan the contents of a button window by holding MMB and 
moving the mouse or using the mouse wheel. Button windows can also be zoomed with PAD- and PAD+! 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Pumpkin Run - Playing with 3D game technology 



Fii Damp 

Fh DistO.OO 

Fh item 

RSStilul O.B00 

Friction Q.SO 

Fh Force 0.000 



Next we will define the restiute of the ground plane. Locate the "DYN" Button in the "Material"-panel of the 
Material Buttons and activate it. The buttons in the panel are changing and we can now crank up the "Restitut" 
slider up to 0.8. This is a factor on how much energy the material will give back on a collision. Two objects 
with both a restitute of 1.0, will bounce forever, 0.0 means no bounce back. 

The pumpkin already has a material with a restitute set to 0.8, so if you now start the game engine, it will fall 
and bounce like a rubber ball, just right for our fun game. 


The Logic Buttons (F4) are logically divided into four columns. We have already used the leftmost column to 
set up the object parameters to make the pumpkin fall. The three right columns are used for building the 
interactivity into our game. 

So lets move the pumpkin at our request. 

The columns are labeled as "Sensors", "Controllers" and "Actuators". You can think of Sensors as the senses 
of a life form, the Controllers are the brain and the Actuators are the muscles. 

Press the "Add" button once for each row with the left mouse button to make one Logic Brick for the Sensors, 
Controllers and Actuators (see Figure [p-lbs]). 


Figure [p-lbs]. Newly-created Logic Bricks 

The types of the added Logic Bricks are nearly correct, for our first task, only small changes are needed. Press 

and hold the Menu Button now labeled with "Always" and choose "Keyboard" from the pop up menu. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Pumpkin Run - Playing with 3D game technology 



. ," i "T 

.fi 1 lMj 



ft Ct p; 




_ /^ 


5: a*i' 

l_8v«i I inv 



Now LMB click into the "Key" field of the Keyboard Sensor. The text "Press any key" appears. Press the key 
you want to use to move the player forward (I suggest UP ARROW). 

Now have a closer look at the Motion Controller. We will now define how the player should move. The third 
line of numbers labeled "Force" defines how much force will be applied when the Motion Controller is active. 
The three numbers stand for the forces in X, Y, and Z-Axis direction. 

If you look closely at the wire frame view of the player you can see that the Y-axis is pointing forward on the 
player. So to move forward we need to apply a positive force along the Y-axis. To do so, click and hold on the 
second number in the "Force" row with the left mouse. Drag the mouse to the right to increment the value to 
about 10. You can hold the CTRL key to snap the values to decadic values. Another way to enter an exact 
value is to hold SHIFT while clicking the field with the left mouse. This allows you to enter a value using the 

Having nearly created the configuration shown in Figure [p-wire], we now need to "wire" or connect the 
Logic Bricks. The wires will pass the information from Logic Brick to Logic Brick, i.e. from a Sensor to a 


Logic Bricks to move the player forward 

Click and hold the left mouse button on the yellow ball attached to the Keyboard Sensor and drag the 

appearing line to the yellow ring on the AND Controller. Release the mouse and the Logic Bricks are 

connected. Now connect the yellow ball on the right side of the AND Controller with the ring on the Motion 


To delete a connection, move the mouse over the connection. The line is now drawn highlighted and can be 
deleted with an XKEY or DEL key-press. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Pumpkin Run - Playing with 3D game technology 


Always name your Objects and Logic Bricks, this will help you to find your way through your scenes and 
refer to specific Logic Bricks later. To name a Logic Brick click into the name field with LMB and enter the 
name with the keyboard. However, Blender will name objects and Logic Bricks automatically with generated 
unique names like "sensorl", "sensor2" or "act", "actl" etc., so you don't have to fear about name-collisions. 

Now press PKEY to start the game engine and when you press the UPARROW key briefly, the player moves 
passing the camera. 

To make the movement more interesting, we can now add a jump. To do so enter a 20.0 in the third (z-Axis, 
up) field of the Motion Controller. If you try it again in the game engine, you can see that there is a problem: 
If you hold the key pressed, the pumpkin will take off into space. This is because you also apply forces when 
in the air. 

To solve this we have to ensure that the forces only get applied when the pumpkin touches the ground. That's 
where the Touch Sensor kicks in. Add a new Sensor by clicking on "Add" in the Sensors row. Change the 
type to "Touch" like you did for the Keyboard Sensor. 

Wire the Touch Sensor to the AND Controller. Now the Keyboard and the Touch Sensor are connected to that 
controller. The type "AND" of the controller will only trigger the Motion Actuator when the key is pressed 
AND the player touches the ground. This is an easy way to add logic to your interactive scenes. As well as the 
AND Controller there are also OR, Expression and Python (Blender's scripting language) Controllers which 
all offers more flexibility to make your game-logic. Because the forces are now applied only a fraction of a 
second we might adjust them to higher values, 50.0 for force Y and 100.0 for force along the Z-axis should 
get you started, feel free to experiment here to get a idea how the forces work. 

At this moment, space in the Logic Buttons can get sparse. But beside changing the window layout we also 
can collapse the Logic Bricks. To do so, press the little orange arrow right beneath the brick's name (so that 
you are still able to see the connections, though the content is hidden). 

To make the movement more dynamic, we will now add Logic Bricks to make the pumpkin jump constantly. 
Add a new Controller and a new Actuator by clicking "Add" in the appropriate row. Name the new Actuator 
"AlwaysJump". Wire the Touch Sensor with the new AND Controller input and the output of the Controller to 
the new Motion Actuator "Always Jump". 

( Touch 



L6«M -.-.■ 


X M»on Fwwud-Mep QJ 

X HMon : AWiy: M? D 


Luc oca coo cwi I 
K:- urn: oan ODD j 

r::t9 oiw qoo i««-|c 

TOW* < 000 000 < 000 •[ 

LKiV > 000 ►! ' 0WI • 

■ 0.00 • I W0 

«n»v " son > > 0.D4 ► 

« 0.04 •! L 

Curas ' ' 


Logic Bricks for adding a constant jump 

Yes, not only one Controller can be connected to two Sensors, a sensor can also "feed" two or more 

controllers. Start the game again with PKEY, the pumpkin jumps, UPARROW moves it forward 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Pumpkin Run - Playing with 3D game technology 

More control 

More control 

Now we add more Logic Bricks to steer the player with the cursor keys. 

Add a new Sensor, Controller and an Actuator by clicking on the "Add" Buttons. Change the Sensor type to 
"Keyboard" with the Menu Button and assign the left cursor key to the Sensor. Don't forget to name the Logic 
Bricks by clicking on the name field in the bricks. Wire the Sensor ("LeftArrow") with the Controller 
("pass2") and the Controller output with the Actuator ("Left") 


Logic Bricks to steer the player 

Enter "3.0" in the third field (Z-axis) in the "Torque" row. Torque is the force that turns the object. In this case 

it will turn the actor around its longitudinal axis. Try it in the game engine, the pumpkin will turn left when 

you press LEFTARROW. Repeat the steps but change it to turn right. To do so use RIGHT ARROW and enter 

a torque of "-3.0". See Figure x-y. 

It is most likely that we nee to adjust or fine tune the controls later in the game, this is a iterative process 
which need some experience. 

Camera control 

In this section, I will show you how to set up a camera which follows the actor, trying to mimic a real 

Move your mouse over the right 3D view (the wire frame or shaded view) and zoom out with PAD- or 
CTRL-MMB movements. Locate the camera and select it with RMB. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Pumpkin Run - Playing with 3D game technology 

Camera control 


Ensure that the Logic Buttons (F4) are still open. Now add a Sensor, Controller and an Actuator as you 
learned above. Wire the Logic Bricks and Change the Actuator into a Camera Actuator. The Camera Actuator 
will follow the Object in a flexible way which gives smooth motions. 


Logic Bricks 

Click the "OB:" field in the Camera Actuator and enter the name of the pumpkin object, here "Pump". The 

camera will follow this object. Click and hold the "Height:" field with the LMB and move the mouse to the 

right to increase the value to about 2.0. This is the height the camera will stay at. 

Holding CTRL while adjusting a Number Button will change the value in stages making it easier to adjust the 
value. SHIFT-LMB on a Number Button lets you use the keyboard to enter values. 

The Min: and Max: fields determine the minimal and maximum distance the camera will get to the object. I 
chose "Min: 4.0" and "Max: 7.0". Start the game engine to test the Camera Actuator. Experiment a bit with the 

Real-time Light 

Real-time lighting in Blenders game engine is performed by the OpenGL subsystem and takes advantage of 
hardware accelerated transform and lighting if your graphics card provides it. 


15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Pumpkin Run - Playing with 3D game technology Real-time Light 

Difference between a lit and unlit pumpkin 

Locate the lamp in a 3D View and select it with RMB. Use GKEY to move it and watch the effect on the 
textured view on the pumpkin. For reference, the left pumpkin in Figure [p-lig] is lit, the right one is not. Try 
to move the light around in the 3D Views so you can see that the textured view gets updated in real-time. 
Moving the light under the pumpkin gives a scary look, for example. 

The real-time lighting in Blender doesn't cast shadows. The shadow of the pumpkin is created differently. 
Also, bear in mind, that real-time lights cause a slowdown in your games. So try to keep the number of objects 
with real-time light as low as possible. 

More options for lamps and real-time lighting are covered in the Reference section. 

Object Animation 

Here I will cover the basics of combining Blenders animation system with the game engine. The animation 
curves (Ipos) in Blender are fully integrated and give you full control of animations both in conventional 
(linear) animation and in the interactive 3D graphics covered by this book. 

Use SHIFT-F1 or use the File-menu "Append or Link". Browse to the books disk, choose 
Tutorials/Pumpkin/Door . blend, click on Object, select all objects with AKEY, confirm with 
ENTER. This will append a wall with a wooden door to the scene. The pumpkin will bump against the walls 
and the door. The collision detection is handled by the Blender game engine automatically. 

Switch the right 3D View to a Top View (PAD7) and zoom (PAD+ or PAD-) as needed to see the appended 
door completely. The door has the name and the axis enabled, so it should be easy visible, for easier access 
switch the view to a wire frame view (ZKEY). Select the door with RMB (it will turn pink). 

We will now make a simple key frame animation: 

H, JU|tM. 

;i iviuuK 

Tjlf Vt 


1 1 




1. Ensure that the Frame Slider (the current animation frame) is at frame 1 by pressing 

2. IKEY, select "Rot" from the menu 

3. Now advance the animation time by pressing CURSORUP five times to frame 61. With the game 
engine playing 60 frames per second our animation will play now 2 seconds. 

4. Press RKEY (be sure to have your mouse over the top view) and rotate the door 150A° clockwise. 
You can see the degree of rotation in the Header of the 3D View. To make it easier to rotate exactly, 
hold CTRL while rotating. 

5. Now insert a second key by pressing IKEY and again choosing "Rot" 

6. Move to frame 1 by pressing SHIFT-LEFT ARROW and press SHIFT-ALT-A, you will see the 
animation of the door being played back. After 51 frames the animation will continue to frame 250 
and then repeat. 

7. Press ESC to stop the playing animation. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 63 

Pumpkin Run - Playing with 3D game technology 

Object Animation 

Insert Key 







With the door still selected switch the Buttons Window to the Logic Buttons, by pressing F4. Add a Sensor, 
Controller and Actuator, wire them, name them, change the Sensor to a Keyboard Sensor and change the 
Actuator to "Ipo" type. 

Change the type of the Ipo Actuator to "Ping Pong" mode using the Menu Button. SHIFT-LMB "End" and 
change the value into "61" (see Figure [p-ipo]). This way the Ipo Actuator plays the door animation from 
frame 1 to 61 which opens the door. A new invocation of the Ipo Actuator will then close the door (because of 
playing it "Ping Pong"). 

!■. | « +.0 »| IW ' w | 


l * ***» 

: Fws» I Ma | 




Logic Bricks for playing an Ipo in "Ping Pong" mode 

Play the scene (PKEY) in the textured view, and the door will now open and close when you press SPACE 
and can push the actor around if he gets hit by the door. To visualize the animation curves (Ipos) switch one 
window to an Ipo Window by pressing SHIFT-F6. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Pumpkin Run - Playing with 3D game technology 

Refining the scene 

Refining the scene 

You may have noticed there is currently a problem in the file: The actor can "climb" (nearly takes off like a 
rocket) the wall because we can jump on every touch of any object even on a wall. 

Select the pumpkin and look at the Touch Sensor, the "MA:" field is empty. "MA:" stands for a material 
name. If you fill in a material name here, the Touch Sensor will only react to objects with this material. In our 
scene this would be the ground we created at the beginning. 

LinKto Object 


t X ft. 




1 ||||n||mij|iir 

J OB 1 1 Mai 1 

Render Pipeline 



Zofe; 0,00 ■ 

Full Osa 






So now select the ground plane and switch to the Material Buttons F5. Locate the "Links and Pipeline"-panel 

and change the name of the material by clicking it with the left mouse button and entering "Ground". 

Now, select the pumpkin again, switch back to the Logic Buttons F4 and enter "Ground" into the "MA:" field 
of the Touch Sensor. 

Whether a name is capitalized or not makes a difference in Blender. So a Material called "ground" is not the 
same as "Ground". Blender will blank a button when you enter an object name which does not exist. This may 
sound frustrating but it really helps while debugging, because it prevents you from overlooking a simple typo. 

Try again to hop around, now you now cannot climb the wall anymore. 


At this point you may want to place the camera more behind the pumpkin, so that the view during the game is 
better and also move the light in a way that the pumpkin gets lit better. It is best to do such things in the top 
view, using GKEY to move and RKEY to rotate and controlling the effect in the camera view. 

One last thing: it would be nice if the door would only open when the actor is close to it. The Near Sensor will 
help us here. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Pumpkin Run - Playing with 3D game technology 

Adding Sound to our scene 

Add a new Sensor to the door and change the Sensor type to "Near". Wire it to the existing AND Controller 
(see Figure [p-near]). The "Dist:" field gives the distance at which the Near Sensor starts to react to the actor. 
By the way, it will react to every actor if we leave the "Property:" field empty. The "Reset: 12.0" field is the 
distance between the Near Sensor and the object where the Near Sensor "forgets" the actor. Try to make the 
"Dist:" setting to 4.0, now you need to come close to the door first but then you can back up before you press 
SPACE to open the door without the danger of getting hit. Now the door only opens when you press SPACE 
and the pumpkin is near the door, good for levels with more than one door. 


Keyboard SpaceKey 



... | f:0 

Level | Inv 


All Keys 


y Near 


I ■" 



inv | 


State | 

X | AND 



Dist 4.00 

Reset 0.1 


Near Sensor 

Adding Sound to our scene 

There is no game without sound, so I will show here how to add a sound to an event in Blender. 

a m ^ v 


Locate the Sound Buttons icon in the icons of the Display Buttons F10. Click the icon with the left mouse 
button to switch to the Sound Buttons. Because there is no sound in the scene the "Sound"-panel will be near 
empty. Use the Menu Button under "Blender Sound block" (click and hold) to choose "OPEN NEW". A file 
window opens, browse to get to the CD-ROM and load DoorOpen.wav from the directory 

Tutorials /Pumpkin /samples/. 

Panels |Q|B|»klqH IhM^I 

Blender Sound bloci; 


Samfll 6 ; M0I1 . 1 6 I) it, U 025 HZ, 31 053 S3HI 




Load sample Play 

volume: i .ooaH 

PHCft: 9.00 


3D Sound 

Velscily: 340 .29 


15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Pumpkin Run - Playing with 3D game technology 

Last words 

The Sound Buttons with a sound loaded 

Blender is capable of creating 3D sound (Sound located spatial in the scene) and provides many ways to 
influence the sound. But for the moment we can go with the defaults and don't need to touch any of these 
buttons. Of course you can play the sound by clicking on the big "Play" button. 

Select the door object (RMB) and switch to the Logic Buttons with F4. Add a new Actuator and change the 
type to "Sound". Wire it to the Controller (see Figure x-yA). Click and hold the solitary Menu Button in the 
Sound Actuator and choose the sound file "DoorOpen.wav" from the pop-up menu. As a last step before you 
can try it, change the mode "Play Stop" to "Play End" this means the whole sound is played without stopping 
too early. 


In the same manner you can load the sound "bounce.wav" and add this sound to the pumpkin. Just make sure 
that you connect the Sound Actuator with the right Controller, the one which is also connected to the "Always 
Jump" Actuator. This way every time the pumpkin touches the ground, a bumpy sound will be played. 

Last words 

After this chapter you should have an idea what it is about to make a game with Blender. We did some of the 
basic steps and you are now prepared to do other tutorials or start playing with ready made scenes or your own 
ideas. I would encourage you to experiment a bit more with the pumpkin scene, also check out the additional 
scenes in the pumpkin folder on the disk. 

I suggest that you continue with the chapter "The Blender Basics", and read it at least one time so that you 
know where to look when you face problems. Also don't hesitate to use our support, see the Appendix for 
links to the forums and online resources. 

About blend files in this book 

You can get the .blend files this book refers to downloading this ZIP file (286. 3M) 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Tube Cleaner 

Tube Cleaner, a simple shooting game 

Figure x-y. Tube Cleaner game 

Tube Cleaner was designed by Freid Lachnowicz. The game is a simple shooter game that takes place in a 
tube. Three kinds of enemies are present. Try to collect as many points and bullets as you can on your way up 
the tube! 

To play the game in its final stage load the scene Games/TubeCleaner . blend from the DVD. It 
includes instructions. 

This Tutorial is not supposed to explain how to make the full game. But you should be able to understand the 
extensions in the final result (you can also look for cheat codes in the game...) with the help of this book and 
this tutorial. And of course you are encouraged to change and extend the game to your liking! 

Tube Cleaner game controls 




rotate the cannon left, right, up and down 



Loading the models 

Start Blender and load Tutorials /TubeCleaner/TubeCleaner_0 .blend from the disk. This 
scene contains all models to start. To make the scene interactive, this tutorial will lead you through the 
following tasks: 

1. Adding game logic to the gun, allowing it to move up, turn and shoot 

2. Adding game logic to the enemies 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Tube Cleaner 

3. Creating the score system including display 

Loading the models 


Figure a-b. Wireframe top view in the loaded Tube Cleaner scene 

The scene contains a camera view on the left, a wireframe view (view from top) on the right and a the Logic 

Buttons on the bottom. In the top view (Figure a-b) you can see the "Base" object is already selected and 

active (purple color in wireframe). The "Base"-object will carry the cannon and will contain some of the 

global logic of the game. The cannon itself is parented to this "Base". This hierarchy will make our job later 

easier because we won't have to worry about composite movements. 

Controls for the base and cannon 

We start with the rotation around the vertical axis of the base. This will also rotate the cannon and the camera 
because they are parented to the base. 

Make sure that the "Base" object is selected (pink, RMB to select if not) and click on the "Add" Buttons in the 
Logic Buttons F4 for each row of Sensors, Controllers and Actuators. In every row a new Logic Brick will 

- | « CO ■ m 



I »■ I < t C ■ I Lt-i-i id. 

X | Motto F.-lM 

Sliipte Mtofi 

l« n<K nab ■ 



ROI d.Ot 0.W 



X | MelMi : '« 


Slwpfe iidwi 

IX < 0.D0 » 




Rnl < HJSH • 

• mu • 

« IW 



Figure [TC-1]. Logic Bricks to rotate the gun 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Tube Cleaner Controls for the base and cannon 

Now link (wire) the Logic Bricks by clicking and drawing a line from the little yellow balls (outputs) to the 
yellow donuts (input) of the Logic Bricks. These connections will pass the information between the Logic 
Bricks. Change the first Logic Brick to a Keyboard Sensor by click and hold its Menu Button with the left 
mouse button and select "Keyboard" from the pop up menu. 

Please (re)do the tutorial in the "Pumpkin Run" chapter if you have problems with the creating, changing and 
linking of Logic Bricks. 

Now, click the "Key" field with the LMB and press the RIGHT ARROW key when prompted by "Press any 
key" in the Keyboard Sensor. The "Key" field now displays "Rightarrow" and the Keyboard Sensor now 
reacts to this key only. 

Now change the third number (Z-Axis) in the "dRot" row of the Motion Actuator to -0.03. Do this by using 
SHIFT-LMB on the number and entering the value with the keyboard. The three fields always denote the 
three axis (X,Y,Z) of an object. So we will rotate around the Z-axis. 

Now move your mouse cursor over the camera view and press PKEY to start the game. You should now be 
able to rotate the gun with the right cursor key. 

You should always name your Logic Bricks and other newly created elements in your scenes (click on the 
default name and edit with your keyboard). This will help you to find and understand the logic later. Take 
Figure [TC-1] as a reference. 

Use the same procedure as above to add Logic Bricks to rotate the gun to the left. Use LEFT ARROW as key 
in the Keyboard Sensor and enter "0.03" in the third "dLoc" field of the Motion Actuator. 

As you can see the space in the Logic Buttons is getting sparse with only six Logic Bricks. Use the little 
orange arrow icon in the Logic Bricks to collapse the Logic Bricks to just showing a title. Now you also see 
another good reason for properly naming Logic Bricks. 

Upwards Movement 

In "Tube Cleaner" we want to have a continuous upwards movement within the tube. We could achieve this 
similarly to the rotation of the gun, but there is another way which will give us much more control over the 
movement and also allows you to move down to a specific level of the tube. 

The method used here is to combine the possibilities of Blender's game engine and its powerful animation 
system. Move your mouse cursor over the camera view and press ALT-A, Blender will play back the 
animations already defined in the scene. Press ESC to stop the playback. But so far none of these animations 
is played back by the game engine. We have to tell the objects to play the animation. This way we can 
interactively control animations, for example play, stop or suspend. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 70 

Tube Cleaner 

Upwards Movement 

■ f] 




Sc I bZ 


C °' R 



a a a 4a a m no is 


[i|» VI«i» J.I.CI Mtitti Ctirrt |SjJ«|t;ebjlii:t _=J |>| tj«>.Obtf>g : 


Figure [tc-ipo]. Ipo Window with the animation curve for upward movement 

Move your mouse cursor over the wireframe view and press SHIFT-F6. The window will change to an Ipo 
Window (see Figure [tc-ipo]), meant for displaying and editing Blender's animation curves. The Ipo Window 
is organized into axes, here the axes are the horizontal axis, showing the time in Blender's animation frames 
and the vertical axis showing Blender units. The yellow vertical line is the animation curve for the movement 
along the Z-Axis of the "Base" object, meaning upward movement for our object. So to move the object 10 
units up you can move the Ipo cursor (green line) with a left mouse click to frame 10. The camera view will 
reflect this immediately. 

To play this animation in the game engine, we use a special Logic Brick the "Ipo Actuator", set to "Property" 
play type. A Property is a variable owned by a game object, which can store values or strings. We will now 
create a new property which will hold the height (zLoc(ation)) of the "Base" object. To do so click on "ADD 
property" in the Logic Buttons for the "Base" object. 

Click on "Name:" and change the default name "prop" to "zLoc", this Property will hold the height of the gun 
in the tube. 

Blender uses capitalization to distinguish between names of Objects and Properties. So "zloc" is not the same 
as "zLoc". 

Continue creating the Logic Bricks from Figure [tc-lbup]. The Always Sensor triggers the logic for every 
frame of the game engine animation, ensuring constant movement. The AND Controller just passes the pulses 
to two Actuators, both are connected to the Controller and will be activated at the same frame. 

x ^ c |, _^<>® 

x wt> win i n\v 

1 tyM 





F lyM *W2 


Pic Defy 



PlC^ tt-Ot 


' Piopnty 

flwaoc ooi 



|PI*p: S-K 

!v«hr 001 


Figure [tc-lbup]. Logic Bricks for the upward movement 

The Ipo Actuator will play the Ipo animation according to the value in the Property "zLoc". To get a constant 
motion we increase the "zLoc" Property every frame with the Property Actuator . In this case it is of the type 
"Add" which adds "Value:" (here 0.01) to the "zLoc" Property every frame. Try to change the "Value:" to get 
a feeling for the speed of the animation. If you'd like to move the cannon downwards try entering -0.01 into 
the "Value:" field. After experimenting a bit please use 0.01 for the value field as shown in Figure [tc-lbup]. 
To play the game at this stage move your mouse to the camera view and press PKEY. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Tube Cleaner 


Blender can show you the used Properties and their values while the game runs. To do so, choose "Show 
debug properties" from the "Game" menu and activate the "D" Buttons (Debug) for every Property you'd like 
to have printed on screen 



Switch the Ipo Window back to a 3D View by pressing SHIFT-F5 over the Ipo Window. Now select the 
"Gun" object with the right mouse. You can click on every wire from the "Gun" object, a proper selection will 
be reflected in the lower left corner of the 3D View and in the Logic Buttons where "Gun" will appear in the 
columns for the Logic Bricks. 

Now add a Sensor, Controller and Actuator to the "Gun" object and wire them as you learned earlier in the 
tutorials. Change the Sensor to a Keyboard Sensor (please name the Sensor "Space") and choose (click in the 
"Key" field) Space as trigger for the gun. Change the Actuator to an "Edit Object" Actuator. The default type 
is "Add Object" which adds an object dynamically when the Actuator is triggered. 

X i Keyboard : Spaee 


-1 .. 1- to .1 

UvM | trw | 

Kty 5pacs 



' ugjM 

• AWP 



Figure tc-fire. Logic Bricks to fire the gun 

Enter "bullet" into the "OB:" field by clicking it with LMB and using the keyboard to enter the name. This 
will add the object "bullet", a pre-made object, which is on a hidden layer in the scene. Enter 18.00 as the 
second number in the "linV" fields. This will give the bullet an initial speed. Also activate (press) the little "L" 
button behind the "linV" row. This way the bullets will always leave the gun in the direction aimed. Enter 50 
in the "Time:" field this will limit the life time of the bullets to 50 frames, avoiding ricochets to bounce 
forever. As usual, now try to run the game now and shoot a bit. 

So far we have unlimited ammunition. To change this we again use a Property storing the number of bullets 
left. Add a new Property by clicking on "ADD property". Name this Property "bullets" and change its type to 
"Int" with the Menu Button now labeled "Float" (the standard type for new Properties). An "Int(eger)" 
Property only holds whole numbers, this is ideal for our bullets as we don't want half bullets. SHIFT-LMB on 
the field to the right of the "Name:" field to enter 10 here. This is the initial number of bullets available at the 
start of the game. 



All Inl D 

XJEdttOBjacl ~ || AfldBullal 

Add Qb|ed 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Tube Cleaner Shooting 


To actually decrease the number of bullets on every shot we use the "Property Add" Actuator that we also 
used to make the base of the cannon move up. So add another Actuator by clicking on "Add" in the Actuator's 
column of the gun. Wire it to the AND Controller we created in the last step. Change the Actuator type to 
"Property" choose "Add" as the action. Enter "bullets" in the "Prop:" field and -1 in the "Value:" field. This 
will subtract 1 (or add -1) from the Property "bullets" on every shot triggered by Space. 


So far the gun doesn't take any notice of the number of bullets. To change this we will use an Expression 
Controller which allows to add single line expressions to process game logic. Change the AND Controller 
with the Menu Button to an Expression Controller. Then click then on the "Exp:" field and enter "Space AND 
bullets>0" (without the quotation marks) and press ENTER. Here "Space" is the name (exactly as you typed it 
in the Logic Brick) of the Keyboard Sensor and "bullets" is the bullets Property. The Controller now only 
activates the following Actuators if the Sensor "Space" is active (meaning that Space is pressed) AND bullets 
is bigger than zero. Try again to run the game, you now can only shoot 10 times. Read more about 
Expressions in Section [Expressions] . 

The last step to make the gun work is to make the bullets display functional. Select the display (the right one 
with the flash on it) with the right mouse button. It is best to hit the little dot on the " @ " sign (which is a 
visual hint for placing the object). The name "BulletsDisplay" should appear in the Logic Buttons and in the 
3D View. Alternatively you can zoom into the wireframe view to make the selection easier. 

You can see in the Logic Buttons that there is already a Property called "Text" for the display object. The 
object has a special text-texture assigned which will display any information in the Property called "Text" that 
is on it. You can test this by changing the value "10" in the Property, the change will be displayed 
immediately (a bit covered by the " @ " sign) in the camera view and also during runtime of the game. 

Because Properties are local to the object they are owned by, we have to find a way to pass the values of 
Properties between objects. Inside a single scene this can be done with the Property Copy Actuator. Another 
way would be to use messages, in this case you can also pass information between multiple scenes. 

Add a line of Logic Bricks to the "BulletsDisplay" like you did before and wire them. Change the Actuator to 
a Property Actuator, type "Copy". See Figure [tc-copy]. 

RIM' 1 'i^i.jjsi 

n ■ ! 1 It 1 II 1 1! , I , , 1 -; M l ll "l«l 


Figure [tc-copy] . Logic Bricks to display the amount of bullets 

Enter "Text" into the first "Prop:" field, this is the name of the Property we copy into. Enter "Gun" into the 
"OB:" field, again watch for correct capitalization, Blender will blank the input field if you enter a 
non-existing object. From this object we will get the value. Enter "bullets" into the field "Prop:" beneath 
"OB:" this is the Property name from which we get the value. It is not needed to actually copy the information 
in every frame, so enter a 10 in the "f:" field of the Always Sensor, this will copy the Property every 10th 
frame (about 1/6 of a second) and will so preserve performance. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Tube Cleaner 
Start the game and shoot until you have no more bullets. 

More control for the gun 

More control for the gun 

Tilting the gun will add more freedom in movement and dynamic to the game. We will use a similar 
technique as for the movement up, by combining animation curves and Logic Bricks. 

Select the gun and collapse the Logic Bricks by clicking their arrow icons D, this will give us more space for 
the coming logic. 

As for the upward movement of the gun, it already contains a motion curve that we can use. We also need a 
Property which contains the actual rotation (tilt, rotation around x-axis). So add a new Property by clicking on 
"ADD property" and name it "rotgun". 

Again use the "Add" Buttons to add a Sensor, Controller and one... nope, you are right this time two 
Actuators. You already know this from the upward movement. We need one Actuator to change the Property 
and one to play the Ipo. Wire the new Logic Bricks, as shown in Figure [tc-up]. The collapsed Logic Bricks 
are the ones you made for shooting. 

X i« Obiscl JiMBuiiel 
> Property tolgtm*! 

F„ P 


|V*lu* I " 


lpc Gin 

I , ( -,* 

I] F«t 1 

AIM | 

Pic? imguri 



Figure [tc-up]. Logic Bricks to rotate the gun upwards 

Change the Bricks according to Figure [tc-up] and enter all the necessary information. Using the Property Add 
Actuator we increase "rotgun" by one every time UP ARROW is pressed and then play the Ipo according to 
the "rotgun" Property, this will rotate the gun up. 

Now test the game. Every time you press UP ARROW the gun will rotate a bit up. Stop the game with ESC. 
To get a continuous motion we have to activate the pulse mode icon for the Keyboard Sensor, this will give a 
keyboard repeat here, so the gun will rotate as long as you press the key without the need to release it. 

Now test the rotation again, and you will see that the gun only rotates a specific amount and then stops. This is 
because of the animation curve (Ipo), you can visualize the curve when you switch a window to an Ipo 
Window using SHIFT-F6 (use SHIFT-F5 to return to the 3D View). You can see that the curves are 
horizontally from frame 21 (horizontal axis), meaning no further rotation is possible. You also see that we 
need to make the "rotgun" negative to rotate down. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Tube Cleaner 

More control for the gun 

-41} -30 -20 -10 10 20 30 40 ■ 

' View Select Marker Curve 1%' |*|^ Object |/| -|lP:IPOgUN |x | F j p*4+| [£] J 


Again add a Sensor, Controller and one (yes, this time, it's really only one) Actuator. Wire and name them as 
shown in Figure [tc-rot]. Note that we use the Ipo Actuator for the tilting down also. This is perfectly ok, we 
can save this way a Logic Brick. It would have also been working ok to use a second Ipo Actuator here. 

_XJ KGylMaia Sfntti 

Keyboart : upa-'row 

■to >| l*Kl | Hrv 

trpura* I MCWyl 


H E-pretilon r o:ti 

1 □> 

X *n:i ccnii 

jcJrapMy nwisK-i 

ifflgun ,1 

F-: ' :: : v ,.;: 

!P0 ?U" 


Pidp iM&jun 

Pin, 1; i.-' : ,™ I 

Pofd Md 




PiCj. folguf-- 

V*)UB; -1 


Figure [tc-rot]. Completed Logic Bricks to tilt the gun 

If you prefer "pilot-controls" just swap the UpArrow and DownArrow in the Keyboard Sensors. 

There is one drawback: if you press UP for too long the gun will stop rotating but "rotgun" is still 
incremented. This will cause that the cannon is not rotating back immediately when you press DOWN again. 
To prevent this we can use an Expression Controller again, see Figure [tc-exp] for the correct Expressions. 

TJj) X I Expression cont 

X | Expressio i j jcorrtl 
_^j ExpUparrow AND rotc(un<21 

X | Expressio - cortt2 


|EKp:Downarrow ftND iotgun>-2i 


Figure [tc-exp] . Expressions to correctly stop the rotation 

These Expressions will prevent "rotgun" from counting when "rotgun" is already greater than 21 or less than 


15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Tube Cleaner An enemy to shoot at 

It is time to save your project now ! Blender scenes are usually very compact so saving only takes seconds. 
First you need to pack (include in the Blenderfile) the textures, use the "File-menu->External Data->Pack into 
.blend file" to do so. Then save the file to your hard disk. This makes sure that all textures (and in case also 
sounds and fonts) will be on your harddisk, so that opening the file again will not need the books disk 

This way you can also send the file to a friend by e-mail and he will get all textures with the game. 

For further working on the scene it is recommended to unpack the data again with "File-menu->Externak 
Data->Unpack into Files...", then choosing "Use files in current directory (create when necessary)". 

An enemy to shoot at 


It is now time to add something to shoot at. Select the "Target" object with the right mouse, it may be needed 
to rotate the view a bit using MMB and mouse movements to get a good view. 

The tasks a game logic on the enemy has to do are: 

1 . React on to hits (collisions) with the bullets 

2. Make a silly face when hit, and die 

3. Add some points to the players score 

You can see that I try to keep the game logic on the target itself. Although it is possible to put all that to the 
player or any other central element, it would make a very complex and difficult to maintain logic for this 
object. Another advantage of using local game logic is that it makes it much easier to re-use the objects and 
the logic, even in other scenes. 

We start again by adding a Sensor, Controller and an Actuator and wiring them. You should be familiar with 
that procedure by now. To react to a collision, change the Sensor to a Collision Sensor. Enter "bullet" into the 
"Property:" field, this is the name of a Property carried by the bullet, this way the Collision Sensor will only 
react to collisions with bullets. 

Change the Actuator to an Edit Object Actuator and choose "Replace Mesh" as the type. Enter "TargetDead" 
into the "ME:" field. This mesh show the dead target and will be shown from now on when you hit the target 
with a bullet. The dead target is on a hidden Layer, you can look at it when you switch Layer 11 on by 
pressing SHIFT- ALT- 1 KEY. 

« S3 Bkm3 




RSplit*TlrjilM«i I 

"■?pi*<* '■■■■-■ r 


'.'- I :,,a.:;,a 


Figure x-y. Logic Bricks to make the target look silly 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 76 

Tube Cleaner 

An enemy to shoot at 

Don't forget to switch of Layer 1 1 again with SHIFT-ALT-1KEY, or shooting will not function properly. This 
is because all added objects need to be in a hidden layer to make the Add Object Actuator work. 


x Ettii Object * [r RsplaceTaraelMesti 
Rsplace Mesh 


X Message Send 10 Points 


Subject 1 points 



To actually score a hit we will use Blender's messaging system. This allows us to send messages from objects 
to objects. In this case we will signal the score-display to add some points to our score. So add a second 
Actuator to the target, wire it with the existing Controller and change it to a Message Actuator. 

We can leave the "To:" and "Body:" fields blank, just fill in the "Subject:" field with "lOpoints". This is equal 
to shouting into the room and the score-keeper will note the score. 


We now need to set up the score display to react to the score messages. Select the "Score-display" object and 

add Logic Bricks as shown in Figure [tc-score]. 


Figure [tc-score]. Logic Bricks to count the score 

The "Score-display" is again an object with a special texture on it showing the content of the "Text" property 

as explained for the bullets display. Be sure to change the 999 to zero or the score will start with 999 points. 

The Message Sensor will only hear messages with the "lOpoints" subject and then trigger the Property 

Actuator to add 10 to the "Text" Property which is then displayed. This way it is also very easy to add 

different scores to different actions, just add a new line of Logic Bricks listening for different subjects and 

then add the appropriate amount of points. 

You should now try out the game so far and shoot at the enemy. This should add 10 points to your score. If 
anything fails to work, check especially the correct wiring, and that the names and capitalization of Properties 
and message subjects are as they should be. 

In the final game the targets start to slide down the tube, look at Figure [tc-adv] for a possible solution for 
that. The simple target also has the drawback that it will still add a score when you hit a dead target. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Tube Cleaner 

An enemy to shoot at 

XleanOttrd Fnppsjf(r*.gaiMiisii jj| 

Ml Mets-SgS Send 10 FaMt 



Figure [tc-adv] . Advanced animation for dead targets 

We have already used most of these Logic Bricks. Basically it just uses an Expression Controller to avoid 
counting scores by shooting on dead targets. This is done by checking the frame Property for being zero 
which gets increased by one when a hit occurs. As soon as frame is one a Property Sensor type "Interval" fires 
as long as frame is between 1 and 200, this triggers adding frame by one and sliding the target a bit down in 
every frame. When frame reaches 200 the object gets killed by the Edit Object Actuator. 

Now you can place more targets in the tube. For that select the target, then use ALT-D to copy it. Now use 
grabbing (GEKEY) and rotating (RKEY, use CTRL for a snap) to place the new enemy. 

Together with the reference part of this book and the final game on the disk you can now try to extend the file 
or just enjoy playing the game. Don't desperate and keep on experimenting. By breaking the task into small 
steps, even complex logic is possible without getting lost. 

About blend files in this book 

You can get the .blend files this book refers to downloading this ZIP file (286. 3M) 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



A pinball game is a nice thing to test a physics engine. The fast motions will stress the collision system to the 


As theme I choose a construction site, I did not try to mimic a real pinball that much but looked for some 
special effects like the accident mode in the tunnels, the sewer mode or the brickmode which would be not 
possible in a real arcade flipper. Load the file Tutorials /Pinball /Pinball .blend and press PKEY 
to play. 



Add Ball 


Flipper left 


Flipper right 


Shoot Ball 


Use of the elements 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



Use of the elements 


All elements like the bumpers, flippers etc. in the game are groups in hidden layers (see layers 11-20) for easy 

re-use. This also allows to quickly change already placed elements without a hassle. 


For easy constructing the game and placing the elements, I parented all elements to a master empty, then 

before playing I rotate the master empty so that the desired slant is achived. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 




IpKu *• 

Math > 

Edit ► 

Curve ► 

Select ► 

Surface ► 

TrarlifOrm * 

Mela * 

Object ► 


Visw r> 


Fender * 

Mkffiffil ► 




Lamp ► 





C or crete Block 



RC Ji: Di£ i.H 






So the usual way to edit look like this: 

1. switch to frame 2, the pinball table is now leveled 

2. add element or group 

3. parent the element or group (STRG-P) to the master empty 

4. if wanted copy now the element or group with ALT-D, all copies are automatically parented also to 
the master empty 

5. switch to frame 1 

6. play the game 

Other ideas for elements could be: 

• construction site sounds 

• pipes (working as ball ramps) 

• sand "hills" or sand ground (slows the ball) 

• caterpillar (moving, can manipulate the ball or "protect" an extra) 

• scaffolds 

• ramps made of shelves 

• containers 


15/02/2011 12:39:15 



The Sewer 

1 I BV I J^ (J 


All bumpers follow the same principle, the objects itself have no collision set, instead a invisible simple object 

surrounds them. This surrounding object plays an Ipo upon contact to give the ball an extra hit on contact. 

nwpgna w feres | MB 

an t=-in ^ cr m 

-'..:■■ -'Pirn 

Play EM 


■ wiro-hOM »' Pltm: 0X0, 

-' Mesiaga Score 


|Subfecb seara 


The Logic Bricks are only a Collision Sensor which triggers the Ipo, plays a sound and sends a score message. 

The Sewer 


The sewer effect is played when the ball falls into the hole on the street. Here we just have an object which 
kills the ball (all objects having a Property "kill" will kill the ball, the logic is on the ball itself) and sends a 
message to the sewer. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



The Sewer 

The sewer is assembled out of four parts, the manhole cover, an Empty which will add a new ball with the 
Add Object Actuator and a water fountain which is deformed by an Armature. 


The logic of the sewer contains four new logic elements which were developed by Benoit Bolsee for the 
Apricot Project and are now part of Blender 2.48: The NAND Controller, the Delay Sensor, the State system 
and the Actuator Sensor. 

Let's start with the easy pail, how the ball is added: 

AddBallFountain This is just an Empty, it has an Ipo which is always played in Ping Pong mode and so that 
the new added ball will start with a new direction (pseudo randomly) every time. At a specific time 
(depending on the whole animation) the ball is added by triggering a Add Object Actuator. 

Now the complicated part, syncing the Actions and Ipos of the fountain: 

Sewer This object is the manhole cover and contains the most complicated logic. It has two states, the initial 
one which just sits there and waits for a message with the subject "Fountain" and triggers the second state 
when it arrives. The second state plays an Ipo animation of the manhole cover and a action on a Armature 
which deforms the water fountain. 

The Delay Sensor waits some seconds then it triggers the water sound, the Ipo animation of the 

manhole cover and the Action for the Armature 

The Actuator Sensor is triggered as long as the sewer Ipo Actuator is played. When the Ipo is over, 

it will trigger the State Actuator to go to state 1 again. This is achived with the use of a NAND 


About blend files in this book 

You can get the .blend files this book refers to downloading this ZIP file (286. 3M) 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



The "Subracer" game features some recent developments which were made for the Apricot Project. This 
includes GLSL Materials (nomal maps, caustic maps, reflection maps), GLSL mist (nicer and more flexible 
than the normal BGE mist) and GLSL Shadows. 

The game idea, concept, game logic, physics, scripts, the ship, the HUD and the cockpit, the gates, mines and 
special effects were made by me, Carsten Wartmann. 

The level (the rocks, sandy ground, plants, ancient columns) and the ship design was made by Christopher 
Plush (blengine), thank you Chris! 

Originally it was planned as a (nowadays) submarine game, where you supposed to perform missions under 
water, however, it turned more and more into a SF-racing-arcade game and as the ship design was looking 
more than a aircraft I switched the idea to the current one. For the short amount of time I am pleased whith the 
game play, at least there is a goal in having a good round time. Beside of that the game demonstrates many 
things common for games, like the working HUD (Head Up Display), multiple camera perspectives, scripts 
for timing and organizing. 

So now load the game from the books disk (B lends / Subr ace r / Sub r a cer_pa eked, blend) and drive 
a bit around. You need to go through the gates in the specified sequence to complete a round. The indicator in 
the middle of the HUD will tell you which gate next, the rough direction of the next gate and if you are on a 
course towards the gate (green gate indicator) or away from the gate (red indicator). Collect the crates, they 
will give you 100 units turbo fuel. After completing a round your time will be displayed in the "R-TIME" 
field. Note that with no thrust the ship is hard to control, so use small thrust strokes to keep your ship on 
course in slow passages. 

Subracer game controls 




Turning left/right and pitch up/down (pilot controls)! 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



Ship setup 


Forward thrust 


Turbo speedup (as long there is enough turbo fuel, see HUD) 


Roll the ship, this is not needed always but can save you in some situations 


Fire the sonic gun to blast mines 


Restart the game 


First person perspective 


Third person perspective 

This game is based on advanced GLSL materials and lights. So if your graphic card does not support this you 
can switch of GLSL (Texture Face Materials) or parts of (GLSL Material Settings) it in the "Game"-menu. 
However, the game will then not look very good anymore. 

Ship setup 

The ship consists of several objects, see figure [racer- 1] for an overview. 


Figure [racer- 1]. Ship setup 

The main ship object is only a invisible cage surrounding roughly the ship mesh you will see in the game. 

This is to lower amount of collision detection for the physics engine, we use a "Triangle Mesh" bounds type 

(see figure [racer-2]), so we can get stuck with the tanks on the wings for example at other objects. The ship 

you see in the game has a much higher resolution but all faces are set to no collision. 

You can also see the two Cameras and two spotlights, one from above for generating the shadow of the ship 
on the ground and one which is the search headlight. The shadow from the ship is important to give the eye a 
hint how near the ground is, of course it does not look too realistic but a global light for the whole scene 
would be too expensive. At the back of the thrusters you can see three Empties which generate the exhaust of 
the engines using a AddObject Actuator. Similar in front of the ship are two Empties attached which will act 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


as guns. 

Ship setup 

1 'langle Mesh 

- Compound 


Add Property 










Name wtio 






Nam* damage 








| Final 


N»mt he*d 




j Final 

Name. ins;! 




















Figure [racer-2]. Ship physics and Properties 

The physics properties are set to "Rigid Body", so we can have our ship behave correct at collisions and on 
gravity. The "Mass:"-field is set to 5 which does give it a higher inertia compared to other objects. You see it 
is not always needed to use "real" weights, we more want to make it good looking and good playability rather 
than beeing physical simulation. I am using relatively high values for Damp and RotDamp to simulate the 
water friction. The ship is set to "Actor", so that Near sensors can see it, this is used for the mines. I also 
activated "No sleeping" we don't want to see the ship lazy sleeping on the ground. 

We have a bunch of Properties for the ship. The Property "uboot" is just a marker for other objects to filter out 
collisions of the ship so that they can react on the collision properly. The other Properties are really containing 
values, "turbo", "damage", "head" and "incl" are used to store the values for the functions, for example the 
turbo value is used to decide if you still have left enough turbo-fuel to use the turbo. The value is also passed 
to the HUD to be displayed, "next" contains the number of the next gate you need to pass, "time" is a timer 
and the value is stored into "roundtime" every time you complete a race round correctly. The number of 
rounds are counted in the Property "round". 

As you can see in figure [racer-3] there are quite a bunch of Logic Bricks involved. However not quite as 
much as in a more complete character setup like in the "Yo Frankie!" game. 

j Keyfioafd 
_XJ Key&OBid 






□ 1 







□ 1 




X MBSSigB : 



t. .*'■ -91 

In v | 

1 | Subject Tuits 

:.-; cc jion 

GateCc i 


H ... | • 

1 ■ 1 Lem 

kiv | 

Mfl 5 Propeiry.gate 




X I Keyboard 










>,. X ::r. w 
" Bunion 
:■: '.;..: in 
,i X Property 
ffl X Message 
v ij X Sound 
X SMind 
_Xj Message 
X [Message 






























Figure [racer-3]. Logic Bricks 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Subracer Sensors 


Most of the Sensors are Keyboard Sensors to control the ship. Then there are two Collision Sensors to detect 
collisions with other objects and a Ray Sensor which detects other objects in range and is used to play a sonar 
sound. The two Message Sensors are reacting on messages if new turbo-fuel is found and when the ship 
passed a gate. You can see at "GateMess" that I decided not to let the ship detect a pass through a gate but let 
the gate detect it and then notify the ship. This is just a matter of taste but will certainly reduce the complexity 
of the ship logic. In a multi player game this would also open the way to use the messages to compare the 
players ships and to stat the success. 


Most of the Controllers are just simple AND Controllers and they just pass the pulses to the Actuators because 
they only have one input connected. At second position there is a NAND Controller, used to fire a Motion 
Actuator when the Forward Key WKEY is not pressed, I will come back to this topic later. There is one 
simple Expression Controller "TurboQ and turbo>0.0" which will only allow to use turbo-boost if there is 
enough turbo fuel left. 

Last but not least we have four Python Controllers. Some of the functionality in these scripts could have been 
done with just Logic Bricks, but this would have resulted into a quite complex and hard to maintain logic. But 
some of the functions in the scripts are just impossible to do with Logic Bricks, like the calculation of the 
angle to the next gate. The scripts "Gun" and "Exhaust" are just simple scripts to add bullets and exhaust 
"particles" but overcome a limitation of the AddObject Actuator. The other scripts are a bit more complicated, 
it would have been possible to combine them into one script but this also results into a hard to maintain big 



Figure [racer-4]. Logic Bricks to drive the ship 

Most of the Actuators are just Motion Actuators directly connected to the Keyboard Sensors to move and 
rotate the ship. There is also an Actuator called "Buoyancy" which is used to add some uplift to the ship so 
that it will not follow the gravity too fast. 

The Actuators to get the ship going are using the new "Servo Control" Actuators. These will bring the ship to 
the wanted speed using forces, this will lead to a maximum top speed without caring for problems with 
collisions or damping. Using the "Limit Y" in the "Fwd" Actuator we can also control how fast the ship can 
accelerate. The "StopSlide" Actuator will prevent the ship sliding sideways (along the ships X-axis) to much, 
which would make the control of the ship almost impossible. This simulates (roughly) the water dynamics (as 
in aerodynamics) in reality where a ship has less drag along the center line and much drag caused by fins etc. 
at the cross axis. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 87 



The Property Actuators are adding to the turbo and damage Properties. The Message Actuators are passing 
information to the Cockpit and HUD overlay scenes. 


As I told you above we have two Empties parented to the ship which form the guns of the ship. The exhaust of 
the turbines is done in a similiar way. 

X] KwHWd t Ifpig 

,„ j ■ I: i! . | Lewi I tw I 
Space I Mfciw I 

H»S> ._ Space 
Held _ 


^ FffffifffffiFffffl BEB 

X Python Gun 
Scrip! (Si 

■ EUIOIsibcI Si 

":.l Ciei- 


QB:p3Jt r "e i'H 

WV ■ Q.CO ■ | . 38.CU . | . (j.W » 

A«oy < am > I . o.Mi » I • o.m • U 

Eci Object Si 


As you can see a Keyboard Sensor on the ship (object "UBoot") is connected to a Python Controller (see 
Listing [racer-gun]) and the Controller connects with one Edit Object 'Add Object" Actuator on every gun 

# Gun script 

# This script takes the velocity of the ship into account for firing the cannons 

# also uses instantAddOb ject to prevent 1 frame lag of the Add Object Actuator 

import GameLogic 

cont = GameLogic . getCurrentController ( ) 
me = cont . getOwner ( ) 

fire = cont .getSensor ("Fire") 
gl = cont .getActuator ("Gl") 
g2 = cont .getActuator ("G2") 

if f ire . isPositive ( ) : 

ys = me. getLinearVelocity ( 1 ) [1] 
gl . setLinearVelocity (0, 30+ys, 0) 
g2 . setLinearVelocity (0, 30 + ys, 0) 
gl . instantAddOb ject ( ) 
g2 . instantAddOb ject ( ) 

Listing [racer-gun] . Script driving the guns 

So why do we use a Python script here? There are two reasons: 

1. The Add Object mechanism leads to at least one frame lag or delay, that is not visible (the lag is 
visible for the exhaust) but can lead to the situation that the ship, especially when moving quite fast, 
runs into it's own bullets. 

2. We can give the bullets a initial speed which is the same as the ship has and adds to the bullet speed 

We use the function A'A'instantAddObj()A'A' (lines 18-19) to avoid the lag of the Actuator. This function 
calls the Actuator immediately and adds the object given in the Actuator (here the object "part" which needs 
to be in a hidden layer). The object will have a life-time of 200 frames as entered in the "Time:" field. 

In line 15 we get the actual ship speed in forward direction and add that speed in lines 16-17 to the desired 
bullet speed of 30. The function A'A'setLinearVelocity()A'A' set the speed like the input fields "linV" in the 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 




Game Objects 

Turbo crate 

The logic for the turbo fuel crates is quite simple. The upper row of logic bricks is just for rotating the box. 
When an object with the Property "uboot" collides with the box (which has the "Ghost" physical property to 
avoid any restitute) a message is send which tells the ship that it got 100 "liter" turbo fuel, and then the crate 
object is deleted from the scene (End Object). 

w. HI M I ! I H I m+4+4EJJ5ffi 

jejflMB cm i nj 

ftNO cS55 


So why is the crate also deleted when a message with the subject "Init" is received? We need to make sure 
that in every race round new crates are there, so on a init or game start we delete all left over crates and the 
add new ones, which leds us to the logic on how we add these crates. 

^^^w^or*™ ■ am 

X Edit Oblecl art 


Mt Obfact 


lime. » 

IIW • 0.00 . 1 < O.M 

■ 0,00 »|L| 

Angv 4 am . 1 • o.m 

• im >|l; 



You can see, it is just an Empty placed everywhere in the level where a turbo-crate should be. At game start 
and when a round is completed an "Init" message is send, which causes all existing crates to vanish and new 
ones created at the Empties. This can work because there is a lag or delay of one frame in between receiving 
the message and creating new objects, that way the init message can't destroy the new created objects. 


15/02/2011 12:39:15 





The mine is made up from a few objects, the mine itself, two pieces of chains (so they can be animated 
moving in the waves) and the anchor block. The logic for the mines are basically just a Near Sensor which 
works as a proximity fuse, it only reacts for objects with the "uboot" Property. So what happens then? 


fl L 

1" " 

SLdlH n } 

III , 

1 II 1 " 

X OP. 




X Edil Object EndMlne 
Eiwt Qbjaet 

x em Object !a(HI Esjii 


MH Osied 

|06:M£X J Tta 

nnv too Q.oo 

AnjV * MO >!■ CSO » | < OflO ►iLl 


x EdilObjOtl MU Shoctwwt 

A4EI Ot|8d 
l06:5hocl: Hdh: 

llnV ■ MO 

a on o no i 


C.CI) ' I ■■ lliQD > ) l| 


First of all an explosion sound is played, then we remove the mine and the chain objects, the lower chain is 
replaced (using an Edit Object Actuator type "Replace Mesh") by a mesh of a chain laying on the ground. 
Then an object with the fireball is added and an object which builds the Shockwave. 

The Shockwave object is just a textured sphere which scales up quickly and any physical object in range will 
be blown away by the sphere. If you give the sphere a Property "uboot" and make the sphere big enough you 
can produce nice chain reactions. 


15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Subracer Gate 


The gates in the game have a quite simple logic. If you look at the Logic Bricks (I removed the LBs to rotate 
them here) you can see that the logic again is spreaded on different pails of the gate. The gate itself has an 
Always Sensor, a Python Controller and a Message Sensor. Interconnected are a Always Sensor from the gate 
number display and a Collision Sensor from the green "energy" surface. 

I Add i 

-,,,, ■ : i l li I i 1 i Jl 

5l*ls p ' ! 1 1 1 i 



1 □ 

J Scnpl Gatelnil rf 

9— — © 

St.ibi*.:t date 

Vf Bud/ 

t;'-r PmpeMy u&aol 


The "Ink" Sensor fires one time at game start and then the script is used to register the gate to a global 
variable (lines 15-23). After game start, all gate-objects are then stored into a Python Dictionary where they 
can be accessed by their names. Beside that, the gate number display is filled with the current gate name. 

# This handles the gates 

import GameLogic 

me = GameLogic . getCurrentController ( ) .getOwner () 
cont = GameLogic . getCurrentController ( ) 

init = cont . getSensor ( " Init " ) 

nr = cont . getSensor ( "Nr" ) 

through = cont . getSensor ( "Through" ) 

gate = cont . getActuator ( "GateMess" ) 

# the (random number) of gates are registering themselves into a global variable 

# be shure to name the gates Gate . 000 ... Gate .XXX in the correct order! 
if init . isPositive ( ) : 

# set the visible gate name 

nr . getOwner ( ) . Text = me . name [2 : ] 
try : 

GameLogijates [me . name] =me 
except : 

# first gate? 

GameLogijates={ } 
GameLogijates [me . name] =me 

# ship has passed the gate, send message to the ship 
if through . isPositive ( ) : 

gate. setBody (me . name) 

GameLogic . addActive Actuator (gate, 1 ) 

Listing [racer-gate]. Gate's init script 

When the ship (or any object with the "uboot" Property) passes the energy surface object inside the gate 
("Ship Sensor") a message with the name of the gate is send in lines 26-29. This message is then used by the 
ship scripts to determine which gate is next and to count rounds and time. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



GLSL Mist 

GLSL Mist 

To achieve a nice underwater look with dimminishing blue colors for objects further away it is possible to use 
the standard mist in the World Buttons. With some tweaking this really looks nice. However, the standard 
mist has the disadvantage that it works not well together with faces set to "Add" and also shows some 
problems with alpha-faces. This is the reason I decided to use GLSL-mist, which is in fact just a 
Node-material. Further to the compatibility with "Add"-faces, it is also possible to make multi-color mist and 
other advanced stuff, on the "Yo Frankie!" DVD Pablo explains in a tutorial how to do this. Another 
advantage is that you can exclude objects from the mist. 

Lint; and Pipeline j 

Lint to Object 


I 3|xja|FjEEsEl 

MEiSand | OB 

1 Mat 1 '| 

Active Material Node 

Render Pipeline 


Zoffs: 0.00 

I Traceable 


The mist is a Node group named "Mist" which you can append to your own scenes. 

To use Node materials you can first set up all your materials as you are used to do. Then activate the "Nodes" 
Button in the Material Buttons F5, "Links and Pipeline"-panel. 


Next change one window to a Node Editor and chose your base material in the Input Node. When you now 
render with F12 or start the game with PKEY nothing has changed, but in fact we are now using the Node 
material system. Now back in the Node Editor cut the wire between Input and Output Node and add the Mist 
group which you appended from the scene on the book disk. 



| »| jnrJBMH . J-] 
'1 ]C«ftr 
1 )3P* ' 

; Rfl Q 3D. i 
HUH j 



^Hflfl |WT:Mlii 


1 BT"^M ' 



15/02/2011 12:39:15 



GLSL Mist 

Connect the yellow Color connections from Input to the "Misf'-Group and then to the Output Node. The 
effect should be visible immediately in the 3D View when you have activated "GLSL Materials" in the 

This procedure you have to repeat for all materials which should be affected by the mist. 

When you open the "Misf'-Group you can see how this effect is achieved. The strength of the mist should be 
dependent from the distance camera to object, a farther away object will become more blue (or other colors 
for other types of mist). This distance we get from the "Camera Data" Node, "View Distance". Of course this 
distance can be quite big and depends on the overall scene scale, so we most probably need to scale it to our 
needs, which is done by the "Mapping "-Node. Notice the "O.OIA'A' at the third place (Z coordinate) in the 
"Size" row, this means that the view distance value is divided by 100. So why "Z"? This is because the 
cameras in Blender always look along their Z-Axis. 

Next we pass the value through a "Color Ramp"-Node which will clip the value to a range between and 1 . 
and can also be used to fine tune the mist appearance. Next we mix the original color of the material (Color 1) 
with a blueish color (Color2) coming from a "RGB"-Node with the "Mix"-Node. The amount of mixing is 
controled (Fac) by the value derived from the view distance. And thats it! 

I TWIix 


A:1.0O' Add, del IE C 

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D Color? 


t Mapping 





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dr Camera D ] 

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1 View Vecla'O 
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For the best effect you should set the color of the world to exactly the same color as in the RGB Node. To 

achive this just pick the color from the RGB Node with the "Sample"-tool of the color-picker in the World 


About blend files in this book 

You can get the .blend files this book refers to downloading this ZIP file (286. 3M) 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Blender Basic Network setup - Boil it down to the 

by aOld Jima Coulter 

Making games and playing them is a lot of fun, but it is even more fun if you can make games to play 
together with your friends. I will show you how to acooka a basic network setup in blender. Since 
Blenders game engine has no build in network support we have to do it in Python, for this you need a 
matching Python installation for Blender. Take a close look at the terminal or dos-box output when 
Blender starts, it will tell you which version it needs and if the import worked. 


IP: Unique Computer name 

LAN IP: Only accessible inside the local network 

Internet IP: Accessible form all over the world (when routers and firewalls allows it) 

Port: Access line to a specific communication 

Socket: Transmitting and receiving station. 

Libraries: Importing cookbooks (modules) from the Python Library gives blender info on how to 

prepare a special meal 

Logic Bricks: central switching station of the Blender game engine. 

Objects: We will use 2 cubes which we can move around and these movements we will send over the 


If you load the file BasicNetwork.blend you can find 2 scripts in there which are relevant to our 
network setup. ( and These scripts show what you get if you boil a network 
down to its basics. So what do they do? 


1. # SETUP # 

2. from GameLogic import * 

3. from socket import * 

4. from cPickle import * 

5. cont = GameLogic . getCurrentController ( ) 
6_ obj = cont . getOwner ( ) 

7, if obj.OneTime == 0: 

3_ ServerIP = GameLogic. IP 

9_ Serverport = 10000 

10. Clientname = 

11. ClientPort = 10001 

12. GameLogic. sClient = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM) 

13. GameLogic . sClient . bind ( (Clientname, ClientPort ) ) 

14. GameLogic . host = (ServerIP, Serverport ) 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 94 

Blender Basic Network setup - Boil it down to the basics Script 

15. Game Logic .sClient.setblocking(O) 

16. obj.OneTime = 1 

17. PosYou = ob j . getPosition ( ) 

1§_ scene = getCurrentScene ( ) 

19. Server = scene . getOb jectList ( ) ["OBServer"] 

20. PosServer = [0,0,0] 

21. # RECEIVE/ SEND # 

22. Data = dumps ( (PosYou) ) 

23. GameLogic . sClient . sendto (Data, GameLogic . host ) 

24. try: 

25. Data, SRIP = GameLogic. sClient . recvf rom (1024 ) 

26. UPData = loads (Data) 

27. PosServer = [UPData [0] , UPData [1 ], UPData [2 ] ] 

28. Server . setPosition (PosServer) 

29. Server . setOrientation ( Or i Server) 

30. except : 
31. Pass 


from GameLogic import * 

From the library we import the book (module) called GameLogic. By importing this book we have 
access to all the information about the blender game engine. 

from socket import * 

Gives us all the information about network socket setups. 


from cPickle import * 

Gives us information on how to pack data in to a container (similar to a zip program). 


cont = getCurrentController ( ) 

This command gets the Controller for the script and saves it to the variable cont. The logic brick we just made 
accessible, is the Controller that gave the order to execute the python script. 


Obj = Cont . getOwner ( ) 

Gets us the owner of this script. That would be the object that owns the logic brick. 

if Obj.OneTime == 0: 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 95 

Blender Basic Network setup - Boil it down to the basics Explanation 

Obj .OneTime = 1 

Line 6 calls up the property OneTime and if its value is equal to it will execute the lines below that are 
indented. Line 12 will change the value of the property OneTime to 1. By changing the property 
we make sure that the indented lines below line 5 only run one time. 


host = ' ' 

Saves a empty text holder in to the variable host. The purpose of this empty text holder is to make a place 

where later the computer name can be written in to. So you may ask; why not write the computer name in to it 

right away? Well you could do that but then this script would only run on your own computer. So thatas 

why we leave it empty and let the socket fill it out later all by it self. You also 

would have the option to write localhost between the aa, that would say the script right a way to enter 

the name of the local computer in therea! But why write more then necessary? 

ServerPort = 10000 

Saves the value 10000 in to the variable ServerPort. This value will be the port number over witch the socket 
will communicate. Thatas why you will have to make sure that your firewall and your router wonat 
block this and the other ports that will be added later. Information on how you can setup your firewall and 
router to forward information over this port, can be found in the manuals of your firewall and router. If any 
questions or problems come up then you can ask them in the forum. 

GameLogic. sServer = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM) 

This code will create a socket that uses the protocol that is defined inside of the brackets and saves it to the 
global variable GameLogic. sServer. 

AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM is the definition for the UPD protocol. We will use this protocol because it is very 
fast and will keep on working even if it once canat send or receive a packet. 


GameLogic . sServer . bind ( (Host, ServerPort ) ) 

The code .bind((host,Serverport)) is used to bind the information that we have saved in to variable host and 
Serverport to the socket. Now the socket knows on what computer and over witch port he should 


GameLogic . sServer . setblocking ( ) 

The socket will already work with the lines above. But as I already mentioned by line 8 we would like to 
make sure that the script will keep on running even if the socket did not send or receive a packet. 

This can happen very easy, if the connection having a problem, the client and server have different streaming 

rates the connection is temporary used by a other programa! Thatas why we will use the 

code .setblocking(O). The in the brackets will tell the script that it should not block even if it did not send or 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 96 

Blender Basic Network setup - Boil it down to the basics Explanation 

receive anything. If you would put a 1 there, the script would try to receives/send a packet until it has had 
success. If you would do this everything would be as slow as the slowest client that is connected with the 


PosYou = ob j . getPosition ( ) 

Gets the position of servers cube (the server controls the blue cube) 


scene = getCurrentScene ( ) 

Client = scene. getOb jectList () ["OBClient"] 

The command getCurrenScene() will get all the elements of the current scene in to the script. These elements 
will be saved in the variable scene. The variable scene contains all the elements of the current scene, now we 
would like to have access to all the Objects in the scene, this will happen by using the command 
.getObjectList(). In the square brackets we write the name of the object that we would like to save to the 
variable objPumpl. Its important that you put the letters aOBa in front of the objects name. 


PosClient = [0, 0, 0] 

In the variable PosClient we provide a list with 3 elements. This list will be later filed with the coordinates of 
the player. The 3 elements [0,0,0] stand for the X, Y and Z coordinates. 


try : 

Line 17 starts to try to execute the indented lines below if one of the lines fail lines 24 and 25 come in to 
action telling the script to just pass on. The only line below that actually can fail is the Line 18. It 
will fail when it tries to receive and there is no data there to receive. This can for example happen if no Client 
is sending any data. 


Data, CLIP = GameLogic . sServer . recvf rom ( 1024 ) 

The variable GameLogic. sServer contains the information about the socket. The code .recvfrom commands 
the socket to receive data. (1024) defines the maximal size, that the buffer can receive at once. Every time we 
receive data we get 2 blocks. The first block contains the data and is saved in the variable Data. The second 
block contains sender address and is saved in the variable CLIP (=Client IP) 


UPData = loads (Data) 

Now we will use the methods from the cPickle module for the first time. The received data will be unpacked 
and saved to the variable UPData, As you will see in line 22, data that is send over the network is first packed 
in to a container. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 97 

Blender Basic Network setup - Boil it down to the basics Explanation 


PosClient = [UPData [ ] , UPData [1 ] , UPData [2 ] ] 

The received und now unpacked data is saved in to the list we made in line 16. 

UPData[0] = Position on the world axis X 

UPData[l] = Position on the world axis Y 

UPData[2] = Position on the world axis Z 


Client . setPosition (PosClient) 

The list we just have filed out is now used to set the position of the clients player. 


Data = dumps ( (PosYou) ) 

The command dumps will pack any data inside the double brackets in to a container and save it to the variable 
Data. Important: You have to use double brackets here a((PosYou))a and not single brackets 
a(PosYou)a. The Variable PosYou that we are packing here contains the information of the coordinates 
of the Server cube (blue) see line 13. 


GameLogic . s Server . sendto (Data, CLIP) 

To send Data we use GamLogic.sServver to call up the socket and give it the command .sendto. To send data 
do it just as in line 18, you need 2 things: The data and the address that this packed should be send to. This 
information you put inside the brackets. 


except : 



These lines work together with line 17 and already where explained. 

The client is very similar to the script, the only real difference is that it sends data to the 
server first, so it dose not have an already received package that contains the servers address; so this will have 
to be entered manually. We do this in the script line 10. By entering the servers IP address there 
behind the global variable GameLogic.IP. If you now study the script below you may say he way not just 
write it in to line 7 instead of putting the global variable GameLogic.IP there. You are right, you can do so but 
by having the IP entering in the script it makes it easier to find it. 

Also the script contains other informations that help a user to start this program in any network. See 
lines that are behind a comment mark a#a. They are not part of the script, but give you information on 
how to use this script. So thatas why we will have the 3D window on the left side and the script on 
the right side when we open the Basic Network.blend file. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 98 

Blender Basic Network setup - Boil it down to the basics Client. py: 


1, # SETUP # 

2, from GameLogic import * 

3, from socket import * 

4, from cPickle import * 

5, cont = GameLogic . getCurrentController ( ) 
6. obj = cont . getOwner ( ) 

7. if obj.OneTime == 0: 

8. ServerIP = GameLogic. IP 
9_ Serverport = 10000 

10. Clientname = 

11. ClientPort = 10001 

12. GameLogic. sClient = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM) 

13. GameLogic . sClient . bind ( (Clientname, ClientPort ) ) 

14. GameLogic . host = (ServerIP, Serverport ) 

15. GameLogic . sClient. setblocking(O) 

16. obj.OneTime = 1 

17. PosYou = ob j . getPosition ( ) 

18. scene = getCurrentScene ( ) 

19. Server = scene . getOb jectList ( ) [ "OBServer " ] 
20. PosServer = [0,0,0] 

21. # RECEIVE/ SEND # 

22. Data = dumps ( (PosYou) ) 

23. GameLogic .sClient . sendto (Data, GameLogic . host ) 

24. try: 

25. Data, SRIP = GameLogic. sClient . recvf rom (1024 ) 

26. UPData = loads (Data) 

27. PosServer = [UPData [0] , UPData [1 ], UPData [2 ] ] 

28. Server . setPosition (PosServer) 

29. Server .setOrientation ( Or i Server ) 

30. except : 
31. P ass 


Since all the commands in this script where explained in the script I will only give a short summary 
on these lines of code. 

Lines 1 a 5: 

Basic setup to access the Object, its properties and logic bricks. 

Lines 6 + 15: 

Make sure that the intended lines below Line 6 only run once. 

Line 7: 

Saves the global Variable that contains the IP to a local Variable. 

Lines 8 a 12: 

Setup the Socket 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 99 

Blender Basic Network setup - Boil it down to the basics Explanation 

Line 13: 

Saves the complete Server address to a variable. 

Line 14: 

Tells the script to just keep running even if no data was send/received. 

Line 16: 

Gets the position of the red cube. 

Line 17+ 18: 

Make the blue cube accessible by this script. 

Line 19: 

Makes a empty list, that will be uses to set the servers cube (blue cube) 

Line 20 + 21: 

Packs your position in a container and sends it to the server. 

Line 22, 28,29: 

Will try to run the intended lines below line 22, if they fail the script will just pass on. 

Appetite for more 

I hope this little starter whetted your appetite for more. There is a more complete tutorial on the DVD 
(Blends/WSAGNetwork/PumpkinRun_MP.blend) and a lot of information about more complex network 
"meals" can be found at . If any questions come up you can ask them at the 

About blend files in this book 

You can get the .blend files this book refers to downloading this ZIP file (286. 3M) 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 100 

Game Character Animation using Armatures 

by Reevan McKay 

The armature system opens up many possibilities for character animation in the Blender game engine, but can 
be somewhat intimidating for new users. This tutorial guides you through the steps involved in building an 
armature and creating actions that can be used for smooth character animation in the game engine. 

Preparing the Mesh 

This tutorial assumes you have already modeled a character that you want to use in an animation. Due to the 
high cost of calculating skeletal deformation, you will get better performance by using fewer vertices in your 
meshes. It pays to spend some time to optimize your models before continuing. You can use the file 

Tut or ials/ Char act er Animation/ Char act eranimOO .blend as base for this tutorial. 

Many aspects of blender's game and animation engines depend on the fact that you have modeled your 
character and armature using the correct coordinate system. The front view (PAD1) should show the front of 
your character and armature. If this is not the case, you should rotate your mesh so that the front of the 
character is displayed in the front view, and apply the rotations as described in the next step. 

Before adding bones and animating a mesh, it is a good idea to make sure that the base mesh object does not 
have any rotation or scaling on it. The easiest way to do this is to select the mesh and apply any existing 
transformations with CTRL-A->"Scale and Rotation to ObData". 

Working with Bones 

The next step is to build the skeleton or "armature" that will be used to deform the character. A single 
armature object can contain an entire hierarchy of bones, which makes editing animations easier. Select your 
character, then position the 3D-Cursor on it using SHIFT-S->"Cursor to Selection". Add an armature object 
from the toolbox by pressing SPACE->A->" Armature". 

You will see an Armature with one bone appear. Armatures have an Edit Mode similar to meshes. As with 
meshes, you can toggle in and out of Edit Mode using TAB. While you are in Edit Mode, you can add and 
remove bones, or adjust the rest position of existing bones. The rest position of your armature should 
correspond to the untransformed position of the mesh you want to deform, and you should build the armature 
inside the mesh, like a skeleton inside a human body. 


While you are in Edit Mode, you can reposition a bone by selecting one or more of its endpoints and using the 

standard transformation tools such as scaling (SKEY), rotation (RKEY) and translation (GKEY). 

You can also extrude selected points to form new bones with EKEY. 

Now enter Edit Mode and select the tip of the bone. Move the tip to the position showed in figure [c-add] . 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 101 

Game Character Animation using Armatures 

Working with Bones 


7 '^ 





Figure [c-add]. Adding bones 

Now click with LMB to the place where the tip of the new bone should be. At this point a new yellow bone 
will appear, attached to the end of the first bone. You can continue to add connected bones in this fashion. If 
you do not want to create another bone, you can press ESC to cancel the current (yellow) bone. The bones you 
added previously will not be affected. 

One or more bones can be selected by selecting their start and end points. Like meshes, you can select all of 
the bone points within a region by using BKEY or you can select or deselect all bones in an armature with 
AKEY. You can also select an entire bone chain at once by moving the mouse over any one of the chain's 
points and pressing LKEY. Selected bones can be deleted with XKEY or duplicated with SHIFT-D. 

Creating Hierarchy and Setting Rest Positions 

Naming Bones 

Editing Options 

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A Kay 

Ann- l) 

Dis-ptoy OpOcni 


Sbq | 6-Bnri? 

1 Envjrsirt 




Deform Qptons 

VflFtt?: Grpyp& 



1 ResEPo&fflnn 

j Delay Defoim | 

B-Bon& Hesl 


It is a good idea to give meaningful names to the bones in your armature. This not only makes it easier to 
navigate the hierarchy, but if you follow a few simple naming rules, you can take advantage of the 
pose-flipping features. You can have the bone names displayed on the model by selecting the armature, 
switching to the Edit Buttons F9 and clicking the green "Names" button in the "Armature"-panel. 

For symmetrical body elements such as arms or legs, it is a good idea to append ".left" or ".right" (or simply 
".1" and ".r") suffixes to each part. This information is used when flipping poses. An example of this would be 
to name the right arm "Arm.Right" and the left one "Arm.Left". Non-paired limbs such as the head or chest do 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Game Character Animation using Armatures 
not need any special naming. 

Naming Bones 

When re-using the same action on different armatures, the engine looks at the names of the bones in the 
armature, and the names of the animation channels in the action. When there is a perfect match (capitalization 
matters), the animation data in the action will be applied to the appropriate bone. If you want to take 
advantage of action re-use, make sure that all your skeletons use the same naming convention. 

Parenting Bones 

Keep Offset 



To establish parenting relationships within an armature, you must first make sure the armature is in Edit 
Mode. Now select the bone(s) you with to be the child, then the parent bone with RMB. Now press CTRL-P 
to call the "Make Parent" menu. Here you can choose if the child-bone should be just parented (Keep Offset) 
or be connected to the parent. In the later case the the child bone will be moved so that its root matches to the 
tip of the parent. To remove parent relations use ALT-P. 

EjiiKfifld Bines H&ML 

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'^r "i E3i..M ^,L 
E i a**sF. 

rmijnl lUi-j, I. 

S*gH t : ftifl ft. Am a 

1 . * ftuj: 




Figure [c-list]. Parenting bones in the Edit Buttons 

If you named all the bones properly there is also another way to handle parent relations: Select the bones you 
wish to modify (or if you prefer, select all bones with AKEY) and switch to the Edit Buttons with F9. You 
will see a list (Figure [c-list]) of the selected bones in the "Armature Bones"-panel and next to each bone in 
the list you will see a "child of" label and a pull-down menu. To make a bone the child of another bone, 
simply select the appropriate parent from the pull-down menu. Note that the menu only contains the names of 
bones that could be valid parents. This prevents you from accidentally making a loop in parents (such as 
making an arm the parent of the chest, which should be parent of the arm). 

To clear a parenting relationship, set the "child of" menu to the first (empty) choice in the menu. 
Parenting is much easier if you have already named your bones, though it is not necessary. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Game Character Animation using Armatures 

Basic Layout 

Basic Layout 


Figure x-y. Typical bone layout for a humanoid character 

For a typical humanoid character, the following hierarchy is recommended. Some characters may benefit from 

additional bones for elements such as flowing skirts or hair. 

Coordinate System Conventions 

Before going on, it is a good idea to clear any rotation or scaling that may have been assigned to the armature. 
Leave Edit Mode and with the armature object selected, apply the transformations with CTRL-A->"Scale and 
Rotation to ObData". 

The center point of the armature (represented by a purple dot) should be located on the ground, between the 
character's feet. If this is not the case, enter Edit Mode for the armature, select all bones with AKEY and move 
the bones so that the center point is at the correct location. 

The final step before preparing the mesh for deformation is to ensure that the bones in the armature have 
consistent orientations. Each bone is like an individual object with its own coordinate system. You can see 
these coordinate systems (in Edit Mode) by selecting the armature object, switching to the Edit Buttons with 
F9 and clicking on the green "Draw Axes" button in the "Armature"-panel. 

Generally you want to make sure that the Z-axis for each bone points in a consistent direction. In most cases 
this means having the Z-axis point upwards. You can adjust the roll angle of a bone by selecting it in Edit 
Mode, pressing NKEY and adjusting the "roll" field. 

If you are going to be re-using actions on different armatures, it is very important that both armatures have 
their bones oriented in the same way. If this is not the case, you will notice a lot of strange flipping happening 
when you assign the action. 

Establishing Mesh Deformation Vertex Groups 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Game Character Animation using Armatures 

Creating Groups 

Creating Groups 

Once your armature is established, it is time to specify which bones will affect which vertices of the mesh. 
This is done using vertex groups. 

Attaching the Mesh to the Armature 

At this point, we should attach the mesh to the armature. Make sure that the mesh and the armature are 
correctly lined up and that you are not in Edit Mode. 

via* soma ocjafl | tcWct mm* -3 Q d Idaiabai "• BB L J ll 

Select the mesh first and while holding SHIFT, select the armature and press CTRL-P->"Use Armature". 
Blender now asks if he should create vertex groups automatically for you. 

There are different options: 

Don't Create Groups: no groups are created, use this if your character already has groups or you like to keep 

total control on the whole process. 

Name Groups: create groups with the names of the bones, there are no vertices in the groups! 

Create From Envelopes: create groups and assign all vertices to them lying in the range of the bones 


Create From Bone Heat: an attempt to assign vertices automatically to bones. This will often lead to a nice 

starting point for further work 

For editing and refining the groups you can assign vertices to the currently active deformation group by 
selecting vertices and clicking the "Assign" button. The selected vertices will be assigned to the active group 
with the weight specified in the "Weight" slider. You can remove vertices from the current deformation group 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Game Character Animation using Armatures 
by selecting them and clicking the "Remove" button. 

Testing the Skinning 

If you prefer the total control of the process, create vertex groups for all of the bones in your armature 
(making sure the names of the groups and bones match) and assign vertices to the appropriate groups. Make 
sure that every vertex is affected by at least one bone. For this "first pass" of the deformation process, try to 
keep things simple by leaving the weight set to "1.000" and avoid having vertices being assigned to more than 
one group. 

Vertex Groups 



Weight: 1.000 



Copy Group 


To access the vertex grouping features, select the mesh you will be deforming and enter Edit Mode. Switch to 
the Edit Buttons and find the "Group" column. Normally you will have one vertex group for each bone in the 
armature. A vertex can belong to more than one group, which is how smooth deformation is achieved. In 
order to be recognized by the armature, the vertex groups must have exactly the same names as the bones they 
are associated with (capitalization matters). To create a new vertex group, click on the "NEW" button and edit 
the name in the text button that will appear. 

You can see a list of all of the current deformation groups by clicking on the menu next to the group name 
button. Selecting an item from this menu changes the active deformation group. 

Testing the Skinning 

Once you have attached the mesh to the armature, you are ready to start testing the deformation. It often takes 
a fair amount of tweaking to get satisfying results. You want to avoid the excessive pinching or stretching that 
can occur when vertices are not assigned to the right bones. We'll spend more time on that later. For now, 
we'll take a look at how to pose the armature, which is a skill needed for testing the deformation. 

Pose Mode 

In addition to Edit Mode, armatures have a Pose Mode. This is used to position bones within the armature. 
Setting key frames in Pose Mode defines an "action" for the armature, and the game engine will use these 
actions to animate the character. 

Note that only transformations performed in Pose Mode will be incorporated into the action (and therefore the 
;ame engine). Rotations, scalings and translations performed in Object Mode cannot be recorded in actions. 

Figure x-y. Armature in Pose Mode 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Game Character Animation using Armatures 

Pose Mode 

You can toggle in and out of Pose Mode by selecting an armature and pressing CTRL-TAB or by selecting 
Pose Mode with the mode-menu in the 3D View header. When in Pose Mode, the armature will be drawn in 
blue, with selected bones drawn in a lighter shade. 

To manipulate bones in Pose Mode, select bones by using RMB on them and use the standard transformation 
keys for scaling, rotation and translation. Note that you cannot add or remove bones in Pose Mode, and you 
cannot edit the armature's hierarchy. 

At any time, you can clear the pose you have made and return to the armature's rest position by clearing the 
rotation, scaling and translation components using ALT-R, ALT-S and ALT-G respectively. 


i! = iS; EEEEEEE 

mm /, 


Figure x-y. Insert a key for "Arm.L" and "Bicep.L" bone 

You can set key frames for a pose by selecting one or more bones and pressing IKEY and choosing one of the 

transformation channels to key from the pop up menu. 

Weight Editing 

In Pose Mode, manipulate the limbs of the armature through their typical range of motion and watch carefully 
how the mesh deforms. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Game Character Animation using Armatures 
You should watch out for deformation artifacts caused by any of the following: 

Weight Editing 


• Vertices that are not assigned to any bones can be easily detected by moving the root of the 
character's hierarchy (usually the hips or pelvis) and seeing if any vertices are left behind. 

• Vertices that are not connected to the correct bones. If you move a limb (such as the arm) and notice 
vertex "spikes" protruding from other parts on the body, you will have to enter Edit Mode for the 
mesh and remove the offending vertices from the vertex group. 

• Pinching or creasing caused by inappropriate vertex weighting. This effect is most visible in the joints 
of limbs such as arms and legs. Often it is a symptom of vertices that are members of too many 
groups. The easiest way to fix this is to use the weight painting tool. 

To adjust vertex weights, you have the choice of manually assigning weights using the method outlined 
above, or you can use the weight painting tool. 


Figure [c-wp]. Weight painted character 

This feature lets you "paint" bone influence onto the mesh and see the resulting deformation in real-time. 

Make sure you are in wireframe or untextured mode with ZKEY or SHIFT-Z. Access weight painting mode 

by selecting the mesh and clicking on the weight-paint icon in the 3D View header. 

In weight paint mode the mesh is displayed with a "false color" intensity spectrum similar to the view from an 
infrared camera (Figure [c-wp]). Blue areas have little or no influence from the current deformation group 
while red areas have full influence. As you change the active deformation group in the Edit Buttons F9, you 
will see the coloring on the model change. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Game Character Animation using Armatures 


Painting weights onto the model works somewhat similarly to vertex painting. LMB paints onto the area 
beneath the cursor. Pressing UKEY undoes the last painting operation. The cursor size and opacity settings in 
the Vertex Paint Buttons are used to determine your brush settings and the "Weight" field in the Edit Buttons 
is used to determine the "color" you are using (0.000 is the blue end of the spectrum and 1.000 is red). 

To remove weight from a group of vertices, set the vertex weight to 0.000 and paint over the area. Note that 
you do not need to have the mesh in Edit Mode to change the active deformation group, or to change the 


Animation is very important for conveying the impression of life in a game world, and for giving the player an 
immediate reward for his or her decisions. Game characters typically have a set of animated actions they can 
perform, such as walking, running, crawling, making attacks or suffering damage. With the armature system, 
you can design each animation in a separate action and define which actions play at which times using Logic 

At the time of writing, animation constraints (including the IK Solver) only work in the game engine as long 
as you use loose bones in the Armature as targets for the constraints. Enter the armature name into the OB : 
field, then a BO: field appears where you can enter the desired bone name. Another help is provided by the 
use of "Auto IK" in the "Armature" -panel which will help you in posing. 

Multiple Actions and Fake Users 


AY Bones 001 


Arm shire 

















Figure [c-db]. Structure of the file in the Data Select Window 

If you want to create multiple actions in a blender file, remember that only one action can be assigned to an 
armature at a time. If the other actions do not have any users, they will not be saved when the file is saved. To 
prevent additional actions from disappearing a fake user is automatically added to Actions. 

To create or remove a fake user for an action, press SHIFT-F4. This lets you browse the various objects and 
data blocks in the blender file. You may need to click on the "P" button once or twice to find the root of the 
file's structure, which should look like Figure [c-db]. From there, descend into the Action directory, and select 
the actions you want to protect or unprotect with RMB. Pressing FKEY will add or remove a fake user to the 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Game Character Animation using Armatures Multiple Actions and Fake Users 

selected items (indicated by the capital "F" that appears next to the action name), preventing them from being 
accidentally removed from the file. 

Creating an Idle Cycle 

The simplest action to create for a character is the "idle" or "rest" position. This action can be played when the 
character is not doing any other action. A good idle animation gives the game character the illusion of life by 
keeping it moving even when the player is not actively issuing any control commands. 

Since the character is not moving through the level while playing the idle animation, we don't have to worry 
about syncing the animation with the physics system. 

Window tjpei 
%i Scripts Window 
Fi!e Browser 
j? Image Browser 
% Node Editor 
3 Byltons WiilttOW 
"W (Miner 

| Usar Praferaneas 

El "■■• -I Editor 
V Audio Window 

ffl Vi.fcu sequence Edttoi 
3 UV/lnnsgs Editor 
^ NLA Editor 

fed loo Curve Eiitsr 
$t 3D Vie* 
J j^..;l~ View Sated tftjsct! 


To create a new action, split the view by clicking with MMB on one of the window borders, selecting "Split 
Area", and LMB to set where the split will appear. Change the type of the newly created window to Action 
Window by LMB on the window-type icon in the Header and choosing the Action icon. 

Go to a 3D View and select the armature you wish to animate. Enter Pose Mode and make sure that Blender is 
on frame 1 by changing the number in the frame counter button in the header of the Buttons Window, or by 
using SHIFT-LEFT. 

You are now ready to make the first frame of the idle animation, using the Pose Mode techniques described 
earlier. What this pose looks like will depend largely on the personality of your character and the type of game 
you are making. Consider which actions might immediately follow the rest position. If the character is 
supposed to be able to fire a weapon quickly, the rest position might involve holding the weapon in a 
ready-to-fire stance. A less fast-paced game might have the character adopt a more relaxed "at-ease" pose. 

When you are satisfied with the first frame, select all of the bones in Pose Mode and insert a rotation key by 
pressing IKEY->"Rot". Next, deselect all bones and select only the character's root bone (usually the pelvis or 
hips) and insert a "Loc" key. Normally only the root bone gets location keys, while all bones get rotation keys. 

When you insert keys, you should notice that new channels appear in the action window (Figure [c-fk]). The 
yellow rectangles represent selected key frames and gray rectangles represent unselected key frames. You can 
move key frames in the action window by selecting them and grabbing them with GKEY. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 110 

Game Character Animation using Armatures 

Creating an Idle Cycle 

\ 2( : \ ^ View Select Channel Marker Key j Action Editor?! [ifr, ?|ftC:iclle 


Figure [c-fk]. Keys in the Action Window 

Key frames can be deleted by selecting them and pressing XKEY->"Erase selected". 

You can erase an entire action channel (all key frames for a particular bone), by selecting one or more action 
channels by SHIFT-RMB on the channel names in the column at the left. Selected channels are displayed in 
blue, while unselected channels are displayed in red. Pressing XKEY->"Erase selected channels" with the 
mouse over the channel list deletes the selected channels. 

In order to create an action that loops smoothly, you will need to copy the first frame and duplicate it as the 
last frame of the animation. There are two main ways of doing this. 

+- -+- * 


• The first way is to select all of the bones in Pose Mode and click on the "Copy Pose" button. This will 
copy the transformations from the selected bones into a temporary buffer. You can paste the pose at 
another keyframe by changing the frame and clicking the "Paste Pose" button. Note that this doesn't 
necessarily set key frames at the new point in time, unless you have activated the "Auto Keying" 
option in the preference window. If you have not activated "Auto Keying" and you want to make key 
frames after pasting the pose, you can press IKEY-"Avail". 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Game Character Animation using Armatures Creating a Walk Cycle 



(Samo please redo this image, with CTRLDOl.png and CTRLD02.png) 

• The second way to copy a block of key frames is even easier. In the Action Window, select the 
vertical column of key frames for all channels (hint: use BKEY to select with a bounding rectangle). 
Pressing SHIFT-D will duplicate the key frames. You can move the block to a new point in the 
timeline and drop them by LMB. To ensure that the key frames stay on whole frame increments, hold 
down CTRL while dragging. 

Idle animations tend to be fairly long, since the motion involved is typically subtle and shouldn't be seen to 
loop too often. The last frame should be at least 100 or higher. 

While animating, you can "scrub" through the animation by holding the left mouse button and dragging the 
mouse in the action window. This will move the position of the green "current frame" indicator. In this way 
you can test parts of the animation to make sure they play smoothly. You can also play the whole animation 
by moving to the first frame and pressing ALT-A with the mouse over a 3D View. To see the animation in a 
loop, set the "Sta" and "End" values in the Display Buttons (F10) window to match the start and end frames of 
your loop. 

At this point you can go back in and add additional key frames between the start and end. Remember to keep 
the motion reasonably subtle so that the player doesn't notice the repetitive nature of the action. Good 
elements to add are breathing effects, having the character adjust its grip on any weapons or equipment, and 
slight head turns. 

| Action Editor^] |#| C | ACildle | 2 |x | 


When you are satisfied with the action, give it a name by editing the name field in the Action Window 


Creating a Walk Cycle 

Another very important action is the character's walk cycle. This animation will be used when the character is 
moving through the level. This animation is somewhat more complicated, since we have to consider how the 
animation will interact with the physics system. 

When creating the walk cycle, it is generally best to animate it in such a way that the character seems to be 
walking on a treadmill. The forward motion will be provided by the game's physics system at run time. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 112 

Game Character Animation using Armatures 

Creating a Walk Cycle 

A walk-cycle actually consists of two steps. One for the left foot and one for the right foot. For each step there 
are two main key frames: the striking pose and the crossing pose (Figure [c-sc]). The striking pose represents 
the moment when one foot has just been planted on the ground and the other is about to be lifted. The crossing 
pose represents the moment when the two legs cross each other under the character's center of gravity: one 
foot is on the ground and moving backwards, while the other is lifted and is moving forwards. 


Figure [c-sc]. Striking and crossing 

To start creating this animation, switch to the action window and create a new blank action by clicking on the 

Action menu and choosing 'Add New". This will create a copy of any action that may have already been on 

the character. Name the action and make sure the animation is blank, by moving the mouse over the channel 

list, selecting all channels with AKEY and deleting them with XKEY->"Erase selected channels". 

For this animation, we'll make a 24 frame walk cycle. We'll set five key frames to get a basic walking motion 
established. Once that's done you can go back and add additional key frames to smooth out the motion and 
improve the animation (Figure [c-kf]). 


15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Game Character Animation using Armatures Creating a Walk Cycle 

Figure [c-kf]. Key frames for the walk cycle 

The first thing to do is to set the striking pose for the left foot. This pose will be copied and pasted as the last 
frame of the action to ensure the animation loops smoothly. Note that if you later make changes to this first 
frame, you should copy those changes to the last frame again. 

The striking pose has the following characteristics: 

• The leading leg is extended and the foot is firmly on the floor. 

• The trailing foot has the toes on the floor and the heel has just left the ground. 

• The pelvis is lowered, to bring the feet down to the level of the floor. 

• If the walk cycle incorporates arm swinging, the arms oppose the legs. If the left leg is advanced, the 
left arm will be swung back, and vice versa. 

When you are satisfied with the pose, insert rotation key frames for all bones, and insert an additional location 
keyframe for the pelvis bone. Copy this pose to the end of the animation loop, which will be frame 25. Frame 
25 will not actually be played however; we will end the loop at frame 24 when playing. Since frame 25 is a 
duplicate of frame 1, the animation should play back seamlessly. 

If you built the character's armature using the naming conventions and coordinate systems recommended 
earlier in the tutorial, you can take advantage of the character's axial symmetry by copying the striking pose 
and pasting it flipped. To do this, go to the first frame, and select all bones in Pose Mode. Click the "Copy 
Pose" button and set the active frame to the middle of the animation (in this case, frame 13). To paste the 
pose, click the "Paste Flipped" button. 



Set "Avail" key frames for the appropriate bones. Note that if your animation does not incorporate arm 
swinging (for example if the character is carrying a weapon), you might choose to only select the pelvis and 
legs when copying and pasting the pose. Otherwise, the character will seem to switch the weapon from one 
hand to the other. 

The next task is to create the crossing pose. The first one will occur halfway between the first frame of the 
animation and the flipped pose you just created (i.e. frame 7). The crossing pose has the following 

• The planted foot is underneath the character's center of gravity. 

• The lifted foot is crossing past the planted leg. 

• The pelvis is raised to bring the feet up to the level of the floor. 

• If the arms are swinging, the elbows will be crossing each other at this point. 

Set "Avail" key frames for all bones on this frame and copy the pose. Advance the active frame to halfway 
between the end of the animation and the second striking pose (frame 19) and paste the pose flipped. 

At this point test your animation loop. It is a good idea to go in and look at it frame by frame with 
LEFT ARROW and RIGHT ARROW. If you see frames where the feet seem to push through the floor, adjust 
the height of the pelvis accordingly and set "Loc" key frames, or adjust the rotation of the bones in the 
offending leg and set "Rot" key frames for them (Figure [c-bad]). 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 114 

Game Character Animation using Armatures 

Game Logic 


Figure [c-bad]. Bad positions of the character's legs 

If you prefer working with Ipo Windows, you can edit action channel Ipos directly, though this is not always 
required. To do this, select an action channel in the Action Window, switch one window into an Ipo Window 
with SHIFT-F6 and choose "Pose" from the Ipo-type menu. 

Ipo type: 

H3 Sequence 
: % Constraint 

30 32 1£ Objec t 
i |S|»|© 

i nn iii nnnn i^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^" 


• Note that Action Ipos display rotations in quaternions instead of Euler angles. This gives nice 
predictable results when working with complex combinations of rotations, but can be a bit unusual to 
work with. The best tactic is to set the action value of the quaternions by inserting "Rot" key frames in 
pose mode, and only using the Ipo Window to adjust the way the curves are interpolated. 

• To view several different Ipos in different windows, you can use the "pin" icon in the Ipo Window 
Header buttons to prevent the displayed Ipo from changing when you change object selection. 

- IP;ACtlp0.009 


Game Logic 

When adding game logic to your character, make sure to put the game logic on the object which can use the 
actuator you want. For example, "Action" actuators on the armature object itself, rather than on the mesh. 
Similarly, "ShapeAction" actuators on the mesh object. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Game Character Animation using Armatures 

Game Logic 


Figure [c-dyn] . Dynamic object for the character 

If you are making your character a dynamic physics object, you may need to adjust the center point of the 

armature based on the size of the dynamic object to make sure that the character's feet touch the floor. The 

character's feet should touch the bottom of the dotted dynamic object bounds (Figure [c-dyn]). 

Generally speaking, you will need to add an Action Actuator for each different action that your character can 
perform. For each actuator, you will need to set the start and end frames of the animation, as well as the name 
of the action. 

Play if AC: wain 



Ena; 2S 

Blersdln: 5 




Blender has the ability to create smooth transitions or to blend between different game actions. This makes the 
motion of game characters appear much more natural and avoids motion "popping". To access this 
functionality, all you have to do is adjust the "Blending" parameter in the Action actuator. This field specifies 
how long it will take to blend from the previous action to the current one and is measured in animation 
frames. A value of "0" indicates that no blending should occur. Note that this blending effect is only visible in 
the game engine when the game is run. 

Action actuators have many of the same playback modes as Ipo actuators, including looping, playing, flippers 
and property- driven playback. 

You should try and design your game logic so that only one action is triggered at a time. When multiple 
actions are active at the same time, the game engine can only displays one of them on any given frame. To 
help resolve ambiguity, you can use the "Priority" field in the action actuator. Actions with lower numbers 
will override actions with higher numbers. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 116 

Game Character Animation using Armatures Game Logic 

About blend files in this book 

You can get the .blend files this book refers to downloading this ZIP file (286. 3M) 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 117 

Flying Buddha Memory Game 

"Flying Buddha" is a game designed by Freid Lachnowicz (artwork, models, textures) and me (Carsten 
Wartmann, Python and game logic). The goal of the game is to find pairs of gongs, like in the good old 
"Memory" game. 

Besides that, it also includes some action elements, like the dragonfly which will become angry (note the 
indicator on the top-right) if you jump too high. Also it requires some good timing for the controls of the 
Buddha. The Buddha's goal, reaching "Zen" is completed when he has found all pairs. For competitions the 
time needed to solve will be displayed on screen. 

Flying Buddha game controls 




Movement, you can steer in the air and slow down your fall 


Select a gong 

Load the game Games /FlyingBuddha .blend from the DVD and have fun playing it! 

Accessing game objects 

Accessing individual objects from Blenders game engine is not trivial. In the "Flying Buddha" game, I needed 
a possibility of randomly shuffling the gongs at game start. 

Generally speaking, it is a good thing to have as much game logic as possible contained on the object that 
needs that logic. This helps when re-using this object in the same or even different (Blender) scenes. So my 
first idea was to let the gongs choose a new position themselves. But this soon turned out to be too 
complicated, because of synchronizing problems and complex logic in the gongs. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Flying Buddha Memory Game 

Accessing game objects 

I then decided to use an object to control the shuffling process, and have the information about the other 
objects including their positions is gathered by a Near Sensor. This approach has many advantages. For 
example we can filter out whole groups of objects with the "Property:" field, we are not bound to a fixed 
number of objects etc. 


Load the file Tutorials/FlyingBuddha/FlyingBuddha_simple .blend from the DVD. It 
contains a simpler version of the "Flying Buddha" game, which does not contain all the intro scenes but is 
fully functional (press CTRL-LEFT for a full screen view). Use this file to explore the Game Logic. 

The difference in the full game and this tutorial file are build-in debugging and testing logic. Most notably is 
that you can test the re-shuffling of the gongs every time by pressing SPACE. The logic for this is on the 
"Flamethrower" object (on layer 4). 

Have a look at Figure [fb-lbs] the interesting parts in this context are the Sensors "mixitbaby" and "near". 
Both are connected to a Python Controller, which is then connected to a Message Actuator. Also note the 
"shuffle" Property, this controls the number of swapped pairs. The other Bricks are not related to the 
shuffling, they are needed for other game parts. 


Figure [fb-lbs]. LogicBricks for shuffling the gongs 

As you can see, the Near Sensor only looks for objects carrying a Property with the name "num". Also make 

sure that the "Dist:" setting is high enough for the Near Sensor to cover all objects. 

The Python Controller will be called every frame by the Property Sensor as long the Property "num" is in the 
range from 1 to 1000. 

Shuffle Python script 

Open a Text Window (SHIFT-F1 1) and choose the script "" with the Menu Button. 

# Shuffle script, swaps positions of two gongs 

import GameLogic 

def ranint (min, max) : 

return (int (GameLogic . getRandomFloat ( ) * (max+1-min) +min) ) 

contr = GameLogic . getCurrentController ( ) 

owner = contr . getOwner ( ) 

key = contr . getSensor ( "mixitbaby" ) 

near = contr . getSensor ( "near " ) 

mess = contr . getActuator (" shuffled" ) 

# collects all gongs 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Flying Buddha Memory Game 

objs=near.getHitObjectList () 

if key . isTriggered ( ) and len (ob js) ==20 : 

owner. shuffle = owner . shuffle - 1 

if owner . shuffle&lt ; : 

GameLogaddActiveActuator (mess, 1) 
else : 

gl = ranifiDt 19) 
g2 = rani(i0tl9) 

Shuffle Python script 

posl = oifgpi ] . getPosition 
pos2 = okfgfS ]. getPosition 
obgjsl ] . setPosition (pos2 ) 
obgjS ] . setPosition (posl ) 

Listing [fb-py]. Script to shuffle the gongs 

So lets have a look into the script. The lines 1 to 12 contain the usual initialization, and getting information 
about the Controller, Sensors, Actuators and the owner which is needed to access Properties. The definition of 
a new function in line 5 is used to make a random function which returns an integer number in a specified 
range. This will save us much typing later. 

In line 15 the first important step is done, using the method getHitOb jectList ( ) of the "near" object, 
we collect all game objects within the Near Sensors range into the list "objs". 

Line 17 tests if the Property Sensor ("key") is triggered and if all objects (the gongs) are collected in the 
"objs" list. This is necessary to avoid Python script errors due to uninitialized objects. 

In line 18 we decrement the Property "shuffle" by one to keep track how many swaps we already did. 

The i f -block beginning in line 19 executes the Message Sensor connected to the Python Controller if the 
Property "shuffle" is less then zero, the message can then be used to start the game. 

The else-block is executed when "owner.shuffle" is bigger than zero. This means that gongs need to be 

In lines 22-23 we get two random numbers into the variables "gl" and "g2". The numbers will be in a range 
from to 19 because we have 4x5=20 gongs, "gl" and "g2" are the indices of the gongs we want to swap in 
the next lines. Note that lists in python start with the element "0". 

In the lines 25-26 the script reads the positions of the gong-objects using the random indices. The method 
used here is getPosition ( ) . You can insert a print posl, pos2 statement after line 26 to actually see 
the gong positions while running the game. 

Python is an auto documenting language. Use a print dir ( ob ject ) statement to find out what methods 
an object provides. 

The final two lines then swap the positions of the two gongs. The first object indexed as ob j s [ gl ] is set to 
"pos2" which is the position of the first gong. Same for the other gong. You can see the shuffling process in 
the game itself by looking at the gongs from the backside. 

In this tutorial I showed you how to use Python in the game engine to access and change objects in a scene. 
We used this approach to keep the game logic local on the objects. If you are used to non object-oriented 
programming languages or systems, this may appear strange to you at first. But this approach has many 
advantages. For example, you don't need to change the logic while editing your scenes or adding objects, the 
script will even work when adding objects while running the game. Also, re-using the logic in other scenes is 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Flying Buddha Memory Game Shuffle Python script 

much easier this way. 

About blend files in this book 

You can get the .blend files this book refers to downloading this ZIP file (286. 3M) 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 121 

Apricot OpenGame Project: Yo Frankie! 

'" fHi rtft 



After Orange and Peach, Blender Institute did continue with a new open project: Apricot. This time it wasn't a 
movie but a 3D game! Starting February 1st 2008, a small team of again the best 3D artist and developers 
developed a game jointly with the on-line community. The main characters in the game are based on the short 
3D animation open movie Peach. 

Just like our previous Open Projects Orange and Peach, the game itself and all of the production files will be 
published under the Creative Commons, free to be reused and for everyone to learn from. More importantly, 
the team was challenging Blender and Crystal Space to the max, inspiring the entire development community 
to prove an open source production pipeline is ready for industry quality 3D game creation. . 

Now the project is over and lead to even to two games! It was planned to use the crystal space game engine, 
but during the project also the Blender game engine was used to make a own game. This massive use of 
Blender for creating realtime content lead to a huge leap in Blender development, especially in the realtime 
part, just as the open movies "Elephants Dream" and "Big Buck Bunny" did. 

In this book we will of course concentrate on the Blender game engine and just touch the surface of the game, 
on the the "Yo Frankie!" DVD you will find: 

• A full functional prototype in the Blender Game Engine, running in Linux, Windows and OS X. 

• A complete level in Crystal Space, with installer, running in Linux, Windows and OS X. 

• All .blend files, models, textures, sound clips, game sources, and so on... all the material used to 
create the game. 

• Documentation and video tutorials by the team members about all technical aspects the game; like 
how to re-use assets, animate characters, or add new levels. 

• The Big Buck Bunny movie in various formats 

Visit the blog for more information about this project. 

Creative Commons 


fcc 'commons 


The Apricot open game project, the data weall publish online and on the DVDs, and all of the contents on 
this website is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution license 3.0. If any content on this site is not 
licensed as such, it will be clearly indicated. In short, this means you can freely reuse and distribute this 
content, also commercially, for as long you provide a proper attribution. 

The attribution is: (c) copyright Blender Foundation - Excluded from the Creative 
Commons is: all logos (including Blender logo, Apricot logo, Yo Frankie! logo, Creative Commons logo) and 
associated trademarks. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 122 

Apricot OpenGame Project: Yo Frankie^o Frankie! Blender Game Engine Logic By Campbell Barton 

Yo Frankie! Blender Game Engine Logic By Campbell Barton 


The game is separated into a number of blendfiles. characters, levels and props. The levels and props have 

almost no logic, only properties assigned to them that the characters use to define how to interact with them. 

The levels contain mostly static scenery, linking in characters, props and effects as groups. 

Having a character with its camera, animations, sounds and logic in an external blend file is extremely 
powerful, not only being able to link the one character into multiple levels, but also have multiple instances of 
that character in a level. 

Logic Sharing 

Once we had the logic for the sheep, we wanted to be able to add extra characters without having to redo the 
logic. This was made possible by the recent addition of group instances in the game engine, added especially 
for the Apricot project. 



15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Apricot OpenGame Project: Yo Frankie! Logic Sharing 

imMsMwd character groups 

Character specific objects such as the armature, mesh and shadow mesh of each character are parented to a 
dummy mesh that runs the logic. All three groups share the logic objects but have unique armature and 

To avoid each character behaving in the same way, a script runs when the character starts that sets a "type" 
property based on the children. The type property determines if the character can attack, get kicked, carried 
and how aggressive they are. 

There are two playable characters (Frankie and Momo) which also share logic but have their own unique 
mesh and armature. 

No changes in behavior are needed however they do need to use different key layouts and have their own 
section of the screen (splitscreen). As with the sheep this is done on when the character starts, for the moment 
only one or two players are supported at once, but adding more would be trivial. 


States are a new addition to blender added for the Apricot project, allowing us to group logic into states that 
can each be enabled and disabled (you could think of them as logic layers). States were used heavily with all 
complex gamelogic. Frankie for example has states such as idle, walking, running, falling, gliding, hanging, 
drowning and death. Each state has a number of sensor and actuators that will switch states under certain 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 124 

Apricot OpenGame Project: Yo Frankie! 


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lhiDw ftactCamnMi 

Throw Pla»C4ml**10 


Here is an example of how states switch during gameplay 

• Initial State -> Falling 

• Ground Collision -> Idle State 

• UpKey -> Walk State 

• No Ground Collision -> Fall State 

• Water Collision -> Drown State 

Logic Elements 

Frankies Camera 


This file (Blends/YoFrankie/tutorialf iles/bge_camera_example .blend) shows how the 
apricot camera works. Although a 3rd person camera facing forward is not overly complex there are are still 
various issues to overcome. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Apricot OpenGame Project: Yo Frankie! Logic Elements 

The initial problem we had with blenders camera was that Frankie could become obscured by objects which 
made the game unplayable. 

We started by parenting a camera to Frankie, using blenders slow parent feature to dampen the cameras 
response to Frankie, avoiding jitter and jarring motion. To prevent trees and walls getting in the way of the 
camera, a ray sensor from Frankie points towards the camera and uses a python script to scale the camera 
parent based on the collision location. 


• There is a dummy character in this file to test movement, added so the camera has something to look 

• The scene with the terrain and pillars is a 'Set Scene' called "example_scene". 

• Keys for movement are Arrow Keys and Space for jump. Keys 1 and 2 set orbit on and off. 

Objects and their use (matching frankie. blend) 

• Frankie - Parent mesh with all player control and properties 

• FrankieDummy - Mesh that shows Frankie, is a rig and mesh in frankie.blend 

• Camera_Ray - An empty that tracks the camera from Frankie's position. This casts a ray to the camera 
and detects if anything is in the way of the view. 

• Camera_Scaler - This is a parent to the camera so scaling it changes the camera distance from 
Frankie. The scale is controlled by a python script that uses the Camera_Ray hit position to set the 
scale, (this is the only script used by this camera setup). There is also an orbit mode that makes this 
object rotate about to see Frankie better from all sides while he is idle, drowning or dead. 

• SlowVertParent - This is the parent of the camera, slow parent is used so changes in scale or Frankie 
turning are not applied instantly to the camera. We needed to use a vertex parent for the camera 
otherwise the camera would have scale applied to it which caused distotion of the 3D view. 

• MainCam - The main camera tracks to the Camera_Ray 

Frankie's States (Simplified) 


This character logic example 

(Blends /YoFrankie /tut or ialf iles/bge_logic_s tat e_example .blend) is based on 
Frankie's logic and shows how you can use states to control behavior without setting any properties or running 
python scripts. 

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Apricot OpenGame Project: Yo Frankie! Logic Elements 

Python should be used to add more advanced functionality, but using states helps give scripts a limited 
context keeping them smaller. 


• Up, Left, Right - Movement 

• Space - Jump 

Level Properties 

• ground - use to detect floor you can walk on 

• kill - sends you to the death state 


1 Idle state. Can jump, walk and turn from here 

2 Walk state. Can jump, idle and turn from here 

3 Jump State. Only ever enabled for one logic tick, adds upward force and goes into fall state immediately. 
This is because motion from other states (walk in this case) can interfere with the jump force. 

4 Fall State. Can land from here. This state is enabled on startup (notice the black dot over the state) and is 
enabled whenever Frankie is not touching a 'ground' property object. 

6 General State for turning, and checking if Frankie touches any 'kill' objects. This state is always enabled 
while Frankie is alive, having one of these states is useful for situations you want the character react to 
regardless of his current behavior. 
15 Death, this state turns off the general state, removing user input, waits for 4 seconds and ends the object. 

Level Portals 

Your in file 


This collection of blendfiles (Blends/YoFrankie/tutorialf iles/portal_test .blend) show 
how a single character can be linked into any number of scenes and blendfiles, easily moving between them 
with portals. 

The character is a group of objects with game logic and a camera. This group is then linked into many levels 
keeping the character logic in one place where it can be edited. 

These examples focus on how we did portals, which can do the following. 

• move to another location in the level. 

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Apricot OpenGame Project: Yo Frankie! Logic Elements 

• move to another scene in the blend file (object if its defined) 

• move to another blend file (scene and object if they are defined) 

• keep the properties of the character such as life and inventory between between scenes and blendfiles. 

To make a portal just add an object you can collide with and give it the property "portal", value 
"SomeObjectName" for eg. On touching the portal you'll be transported to an object called 

If you want to move to another scene add the property "portal_scene", value "MyOtherScene" for eg. 

To go into another blend file add the property "portal_blend", value / /level_2 .blend for eg. The value 
is a path to another blend file, the / / prefix means its in the same directory as the current blend file. 

When using "portal_scene" or "portal_blend" properties, the "portal" property must be present, if you don't 
want to set an object location, its value should be an empty string. 

The properties described work the same way as the apricot levels, however character scripts were modified for 
the purpose of this example. 

Take a look at the portals in this directory for examples. 


Here is an example (Blends /YoF rankle /tut or ialf lies /bge_splash_example .blend) 

showing how splashes are created for the water and lava levels. 

Water objects need collision sensors linking to "splash_logic'"s controller. In this case there are two water 
objects, but there is no limit. 

splash_logic runs a python script called "detect_splash" whenever there are collisions, The "detect_splash" 
script moves "splash_logic" to each collision location and adds a splash object. 

This way many splashes can happen at once. 

It is up to the objects that land on the water to float, sink or be removed, they only need to collide with the 
water. In this example the cube's dynamics are suspended and it is removed after 200 logic ticks. 

The empty objects above are there to create objects that make a splash however any object could be dropped. 
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Apricot OpenGame Project: Yo Frankie! Logic Elements 

The splash object its self must be in a disabled layer for the AddObject actuator to work. See layer 20. 

2 Player Split Screen 


This file (Blends/YoFrankie/tutorialf iles/bge_splash_example .blend) shows how two 

instances of the same character group can have their own keys and screen assigned on started. 

This is done by having a python init script for each character that assigns a unique ID, used to configure each 

Once the script runs, the state is changed to respond to user input only. The character objects in this scene are 
dupligroup instances. Change to the "character_group" scene to see their logic and see the 
"frank_init_2player" script to see how they are initialized. 

Use the arrow keys for player one, WASD keys for player two. 



• radio I 

Toggle 1 
(Toggle [ 

* j"adio 2 

• I radio 3 

Save Config 

Load Config 

back 1 


This blendfile (Blends/YoFrankie/tutorialf lies /bge_menu_example .blend) shows a 
simplified version of the YoFrankie start menu. 

The menu has the following functionality: 

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Apricot OpenGame Project: Yo Frankie! Logic Elements 

• input from mouse, keyboard or joystick 

• menu items can load scenes, blenderfiles or trigger your own actuators. 

• toggle and radio menu items can be used to set configuration options. 

• options can be saved an loaded to a file using new functionality in the game actuator. 

• logic is generic, reusable between multiple menus. 


The basis of the menu is quite simple, all objects starting with "item_" are alphabetically sorted and treated as 
menu items. Only one item can be active at a time by pressing up/down or passing the mouse over it. Pressing 
enter or clicking will execute the menu items action. 

The "menu_select" script is where most of the menu logic is controlled. It runs on the "menu_logic" object, 
reacting to user input by scanning the scene for "item_" prefixed objects and adjusting their properties 

The "active" property is used by all items. When set to 1, the items sensor detects this and plays an animation. 
For YoFrankie we chose to use invisible items so we could attach animations to one or more objects, giving 
us a larger area for the mouse to activate as well. 

Item Activation Type: Trigger 

These items only need an extra "trigger" property. When the menu item is activated trigger is set to 1. The 
items own logic needs to check for the trigger value to act on it. Once executed the trigger value needs to be 
set back to zero. See the menu items "Quit", "Save Config" and "Load Config" 

Item Activation Type: Portal 

Using the same properties as in the levels, portals can load blendfiles, scenes and objects (to set the initial 

The properties are 

• active: described above. 

• portal: object name 

• portal_scene: scene name 

• portal_blend: blendfile name 

See the menu items "Open Blendfile", "Configure" and "Back" for examples of a portal. 


If you want to configure settings in a menu, you can use the python dictionary "GameLogic.globalDict" which 
is kept between loading files and can be saved and loaded to a file with the game actuator. 

All game configuration is kept in a dictionary - GameLogic.globalDict['conf ]. 

There are currently two types of buttons that will automatically adjust the python dictionary when activated. 
Both use the "conf_key" property to specify which setting is changed. 

Even through there are only a few buttons, many configuration buttons can be added without making any 
changes to the menus inner workings. 

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Apricot OpenGame Project: Yo Frankie! Frankies Logic 

See the "init_options" script and menu items in the options scene to see how they work. 


This is fairly simple, the toggle button switches value in the configuration dictionary on and off. 

• active: described above. 

• toggle: or 1, the menu item checks this to display a larger dot when enabled. 

• confjsey: toggle this option, GameLogic.globalDict['conf ][conf_key] = True or False 


Unlike the toggle button, multiple radio buttons share the same conf_key. 

• active: described above. 

• radio: the value of confjcey when the button is enabled. So for instance 3 buttons low/med/high 
would have "radio" values of 0,1,2. 

• enabled: only 1 of the radio buttons sharing the same confjcey will ever be enabled at a time. This is 
used to play an animation making the enabled option stand out. 

• conf_key: toggle this option, GameLogic.globalDict['conf ][conf_key] will be set to the "radio" value 
of the button thats enabled. 

This example omits key binding configuration since it is fairly complicated and specific to YoFrankie. 

Frankies Logic 

Frankie's behavior is made from a number of objects with an invisible parent that does almost all the logic. 
The logic bricks are divided into manageable states (walk, run, fall, idle etc) so each state can be edited 
without dealing with the logic from other states. 

There are two main exceptions to this rule, status (15) action (16) so Frankie can execute actions and his life is 
maintained throughout gameplay. 

Sensor logic bricks detect... 

• user input (keyboard or joystick) 

• collisions with special level elements (eg. lava, water, bounce, portal). 

• property changes to health and inventory. 

Actuators are used to... 

• play animations and sounds 

• enter new states 

• set properties for health, carrying and timers. 

• apply physics forces (eg. jumping and running) 

• constrain orientation (eg. walk - upright, run - ground parallel, glide - limit pitch). 

Scripts are needed for advanced functionality like... 

• gliding, where Frankie's pitch influences speed and decent. 

• hanging off a ledge, where rays are cast to detect the top of the ledge setting Frankie's vertical 

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Apricot OpenGame Project: Yo Frankie! 

Frankies Logic 

• Context sensitive actions that test surroundings for enemies, what Frankie's carrying and his 

Frankie's States 


• idle (1) state is the default state when Frankie is on the ground and not doing anything. 

• walk (2) when holding forward or backwards. 

♦ servo motion actuator to maintain constant speed. 

• run (3) when holding down action key and forward. 

♦ linear velocity only is used to move Frankie forward. 

♦ a distance constraint actuator with the rotation option enabled is used to keep Frankie running 
parallel to the surface of the ground (making loop-the-loops possible) 

♦ run speed is controlled from a the "frank_run_speed" script, that adjusts the run speed based 
on the "boosted" property and Frankie's pitch (to accelerate around a loop-the-loop). 

• fall (4) state is set when Frankie is not colliding with any ground objects and immediately after 

♦ Frankie is constrained to being upright while falling using orientation constraint actuator. 

♦ From this state Frankie can also bounce or change states by landing on another player to be 
carried, grab onto a ledge or glide by holding down jump. 

• ledge hang (5) state continuously keeps Frankie attached to an edge where Frankie can shimmy from 
side to side, drop off or climb if there is ground above the ledge. 

♦ This is one of the few states where actions are disabled (state 16) 

♦ dynamics are not suspended, the python script keeps Frankie attached to the edge. 

• carried (6) when Frankie's "carried" property is non-zero, this state is set, almost all functionality is 
disabled and Frankie can only throw objects. 

• idle animation (8) when idle for a while this state is added, using "frank_random_anim" script to play 
a random animation actuator. 

♦ This state differs from others because it's added on top of another state. Since this state only 
plays an animation it doesn't matter if it's disabled by another state being set, such as walking 
or falling. 

• death (1 1) is set when Frankie's life is zero, this state will immediately switch to state 12 or 27 if there 
is lava collision. 

• death ground (12) plays the death animation then sets respawn state 26. This state is set exclusively, 
disabling all player input. 

• stats (15) updates Frankie's health, reacts to being hit, touching water, collects pickups, activates 
portals and sends messages to the heads up display (HUD) overlay scene. 

♦ This state will run most of the time, in all other states where Frankie has free movement - (not 
death, drown or respawn). 

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Apricot OpenGame Project: Yo Frankie! Frankies Logic 

• actions (16) state detects input and performs actions - a combination of playing animations and 
performing action logic. The logic for catching and checking if Frankie is on the ground or not is also 
done in this state. 

♦ the "frank_action_all" script senses key input, checks what there is to kick or throw then sets 
the "action_name" property and plays the animation. This keeps the script running while 
"action_name" is set. Running the logic on keypress would be simple but not very 
convincing, so the script has a frame set for each action to execute logic, after the frame in the 
armature animation and the "action_done" property is set. 

♦ You can add your own actions by adding a key sensor, action actuator and following the 
conventions in "frank_action_all" script. 

♦ this state also runs along side most other states (as with state 15), however it's disabled during 
ledge grab and ledge climb. 

• jump init (18) state plays a sound, sets the linear velocity and resets the "jump_timer" and "grounded" 

♦ After setting the properties we immediately switch to the fall state. This is done because 
having all jump actuators attached to controllers in idle, walk and run states would be hard to 

• glide (19) state is enabled by holding jump while falling. All of the glide logic is performed in the 
"frank_glide" script which deals with the dynamics of speed and pitch to enable swooping and 
remaining airborne for a short time. 

• ledge climb (20) is used when pressing forward while hanging on a ledge. An animation plays while 
Frankie moves up onto the ledge above. 

♦ Servo motion actuators move Frankie up and forward at a fixed speed without having to 
suspend dynamics. 

♦ The motion actuators are synchronized with the animation using delay sensors to time the 
change in motion from upward to forward. 

• stop idle animation (23) resets the idle animation timer and disables camera orbit, then disables the 
animation state and its own state. 

• respawn (26) resets Frankie's location and restores almost all his properties to their original values. 

• death lava (27) is the same as death ground, except a different animation and sound play. 

• drown (28) state is similar to the death states, except instead of respawning, the "frank_drown_revive" 
script moves Frankie to the second last location where he was touching the ground. 

Frankie's Properties 

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Apricot OpenGame Project: Yo Frankie! 

Frankies Logic 









Name:predator False 



Name:kickable False 















rn e :wate r_to u c h_ti m e 





































































• id This is a unique player ID integer for each player, or 1 for players 1 and 2. This is used when 
initializing the player to set key keyboard preferences and splitscreen. When you throw an object, 
your "id" is assigned to its "projectile_id" so we know who last threw the object. Starting as -1, 
correctly initialized in the script "frank_init" 

• grounded is used by a lot of Frankie's logic bricks and scripts to know if he is on the ground or not. 
This value is managed by the "frank_ground_test" script (State 16) where a "ground" collision and -Z 
ray sensor are used to detect if the ground state changes. This property could be removed and be 
replaced with ground collision sensors everywhere, however a collision sensor alone can jitter on 
bumpy terrain, the combination of ground + ray gives better results. 

• predator is used by sheep, ram and rat logic to tell you're an enemy and to attack or run away from 

• kickable is used for 2 player mode to allow you to kick each other. Sheep and rats also have this 

• hit is set by other objects logic when you're attacked (rats, rams or a second player) When this is set, 
Frankie's life property will have the hit value subtracted and the hit value set back to zero. The 
"frank_health" script responds to non-zero hit values. Using this method makes adding in your own 
enemies easier, all they need to do is set the "hit" value of the object they are attacking. 

• orig_pos stores Frankie's initial location when entering the level. When Frankie dies this position is 
used for respawning. This value is initialized in the "frank_init" script. It is used in "frank_respawn" 
and as a fallback location in "frank_revive" scripts. 

• ground_pos and ground_pos_old properties are updated every second, storing the last instance 
Frankie was on the ground. At the moment this is only used for reviving after drowning, where 
Frankie is revived at the (2nd) last point where he touched the ground. ground_pos_old is always a 
second older then ground_pos to make sure the ground location used isn't too close to the water and 

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Apricot OpenGame Project: Yo Frankie! Frankies Logic 

set immediately before drowning. These values are set in frank_ground_pos 

• water_touch_time Simply drowning when Frankie touches the water doesn't work well, especially 
jumping off drowning sheep. This timer is used to make sure Frankie is touching the water for a short 
period before switching to the drowning state, (see water_timer sensors and controller in State 15) 

• camera_orbit is an integer used to set the camera orbiting around Frankie when he plays idle 
animations, drowns or falls in lava. The "Camera_Scaler" object has a sensor that checks this 
property, running a motion actuator when its nonzero and plays an ipo when its false to set the 
rotation back. See "Camera_scalers" orbit_on and orbit_off controllers. 

• idle_anim_trigger This timer is used to play idle animations when Frankie has been inactive for a 
while. It is initialized to a negative number and will orbit the camera, then add the idle animation state 
around 0.0 See logic bricks in State 1 with the idle_anim prefix 

• carrying integer is set to 1 when Frankie is carrying something. Many scripts use this to check if 
Frankie can do actions like collect items, tailwhip, double jump and run. The main logic setting this 
value is the "frank_carry" script which runs whenever an object with the "carried" property touches 
Frankie. See State 16 frank_carry controller. 

• carried defines this as an object that can be carried (player 1 can carry player 2 for example). Its value 
is used by scripts and logic bricks to know if you are being carried. When this is nonzero state 6 is set 
where dynamics are suspended and Frankie can't do very much (except throw anything he's already 

• force_walk timer is used when we want to stop Frankie from running, when the timer is below zero 
the run state will switch immediately back to walk. This is set to always be negative when carrying an 
object, and used to force walking for a short time when Frankie is hit, throwing, kicking and 

• action_name is used when Frankie performs an action - currently its value will be either 
"throw_carry", "throw", "kick" or "tailwhip". This means we know what action is currently running 
and also stops multiple actions from running at once. Once finished the value will be set to an empty 
string. See state 16 where the "frank_action_all" script is used to control all the actions 

• action_done is used by the "frank_action_all" script to check if the function associated with an action 
has run yet. Without this, actions could not take place in the middle of an animation. See state 16 also 

• throw_item stores the item Frankie will throw next. If there were more collectible items that had 
different purposes, this could be used to cycle through active items. See "frank_sense_pickup" script 
in state 15 where the last collected item sets the "throw_item" and "frank_action_all" in State 16 
where the "throw_item" defines the item to throw next 

• life for storing Frankie's current health and for updating the HUD meter. See the "frank_health" script 
in State 15 

• life_max Frankie's maximum health value to limit how much life Frankie can pick up. See 
"frankie_sene_pickup" in State 15 

• revive_time is set to zero when Frankie is hit, another hit wont be applied until "revive_time" is over 
1.0 See "frank_health" script from state 15 

• jump_time timer is set to 0.0 upon jumping, where it is used to ignore any ground collisions for a 
short time and then to detect if it's too late to do a double jump, jump time is also re-used for timing 
the glide duration. See "frank_ground_test" on State 16 and State 18 where the jump values are set 

• doublejump is used to check if Frankie has double-jumped (since you can only double-jump once) 
See "frank_fall" script in State 4. 

• glide_z_init is set to Frankie's Z axis when he starts gliding, its used to make sure he can never glide 
to a higher level then when he starts. See the "frank_glide" script in State 19 

• run_wall_timer is used so Frankie can flip off a wall when he runs into any wall with the "slip" 
property. See "frank_wall_run" script in State 3 

• boosted is set set when Frankie catches a butterfly (touches a pickup with a "boost" property), making 
his colour flash run a lot faster. See "frank_run_speed" script in State 3, "frank_sense_pickup" where 
the boost value is set 

• can_climb is set when hanging by casting a ray above the ledge to detect if there is any ground for 
Frankie to climb onto. If this is not zero, pressing up while hanging will make Frankie climb up onto 
the ledge. See "frank_ledge_hang" script in State 5 

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Apricot OpenGame Project: Yo Frankie! Building a simple test level 

• ledge_regrip_timer is used when dropping from a ledge (down key while hanging) to stop Frankie 
from grabbing the ledge immediately after dropping. See the "frank_ledge_collide" script in State 4 

Building a simple test level 

Most of the game on the DVD uses Blenders GLSL materials, so it is needed to use a decent graphics card to 
get the full look and performance. On the "Yo Frankie! DVD" there is also a (graphically) simple game. 

Level Design Physics/Logic 

Setting up a level to run with Frankies logic is easy to start with, just make sure any area you want to stand on 
has the "ground" property. 

From here you can play the level, you'll probably notice glitches but these can be dealt with by fine tuning the 
level, (see notes below). 

Physics Objects 

The current method of defining ground and barriers is limited in that it requires you to have separate objects 
for each. 

For the Yo-Frankie levels it was easier to remove collisions from the scenery and add invisible physics 

Physics can be disabled for scenery in the game logic buttons. Physics only objects can have their render 
option turned off in the outliner so they are initialized invisible (saves adding UV's and using the invisible 


Walls and other vertical surfaces you dont want to run up should have a material with no friction (See the 
materials DYN button). 


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Apricot OpenGame Project: Yo Frankie! 



These properties are checked for in Frankie and other entities logic, so the characters interact correctly with 
the level. 

• ground property is used to define anything Frankie can stand on. These surfaces don't have to be flat 
(a loop-the-loop for instance has the "ground" property). However make sure this isn't assigned to 
walls and barriers. 

Platforms you jump up onto should be surrounded by a barrier that doesn't have the "ground" property, The 
top should be outset about 0.05 so collision with the top of the barrier won't also collide with the ground, 
otherwise Frankie will start walking before he is on top of the platform. 

• slip wall property makes back-flips off walls possible when run directly into. Running at the wall 
from an angle will cause Frankie to run parallel to the wall. This isn't necessary for gameplay to work 
but makes running around a level feel smoother. The value of this property isn't used. 

• ledge property is used to define areas that Frankie can hang. on. The value of this property isn't used, o 
These should be vertical strips 0.45 deep, o Ghost collision option can be used if you want to be able 
to ungrip and fall through the ledge-grab geometry (with branches for example). 

• bounce property will make the object bounce Frankie back up in the air when he falls onto it. The 
value of this property isn't used. 

• kill property will make Frankie lose as many lives as the kill value which must be an integer. 

• water property should be applied to the surface of a river so Frankie drowns when touching it for a 
short time. 

This object should be a ghost. The value of this property isn't used. 

• lava similar to water, just plays a different animation for Frankie. 

• liquid this property should be applied to water or lava objects so pickups will disappear when 
touching them. The value of this property isn't used. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Apricot OpenGame Project: Yo Frankie! Starting A New Level Using Linked Groups 

Starting A New Level Using Linked Groups 

This tutorial will take you through linking groups from external blendfiles, into your own scene, using the "Yo 
Frankie!" characters and other assets for your own level. 

Set Blender to the default scene. Now scale the Cube down to a flat ground and make it also bigger. Change to 
the Logic Buttons F4 and add a Property "ground" to our ground cube. This will tell the player characters 
(Frankie, Momo, the sheeps etc.) where to walk on. 

Now use the menu "File->Append or Link" or SHIFT-F1 and browse to the DVD, look for the folder and file 
Blends /YoF rankle /chars/ frankie .blend. Click it with LMB and you will enter the file itself. 
Here you can browse all elements in that file. Now click on "Group" you will see some groups, containing 
Frankie the main character and also Momo. 

g :\Ble ride r\Ap ricoftcharsVfrankre .tile nd\G roup\ 

T) | FlyingSq 


Load Library 



Flying Squirrel 
FrankyNo Logic 

{Wl 151 hSil-*H I man unary 

| Relative Path? [ Appsrm 


Look at the header, right now the "Append" button is active. This will append the group into our scene. We 
should use this option when we want to change the imported object or character later. However, it is better to 
copy the needed things from the original location into a own location and use the power of library linking. 

Now activate "Link", for this quick test we will just use the characters as they are supposed to be used in the 
"Yo Frankie!" game. So select "FlyingSquirrel" with LMB and use the "Load Library" button. 

Remember that when you use "Linking" you always have to put the DVD into the drive when you try to load 
your new level. For starting a real new game or a level which will integrate into the game you should copy the 
DVD contents to a place on your harddisk. 


Right now nothing appeared in our scene, no wonder, we linked a group. Place the 3D Cursor where you want 

to add the character and use the Toolbox with SPACE->Add->Group->frankie->FlyingSquirrel to add a 

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Apricot OpenGame Project: Yo Frankie! 
dupligroup instance.. 

Starting A New Level Using Linked Groups 


You should now be able to run the game by pressing PKEY, however the scene will be without textures. So 
stop the game engine with ESC and choose "Blender GLSL Materials" from the "Game"-menu and switch to 
the textured viewmode by pressing ALT-Z. 

You should now also see a shadow on the ground, if not you need to assign a material to the ground. It is best 
to keep the main characters on layer 1 and also put there the ground and all elements on which the characters 
shadow should fall. 

You already noticed that the screen splits into two views, even if there is no second player. This is because we 
need some initialization for the main characters. Split the big 3D view and change one window to a Text 
Editor using SHIFT-F11. Now use ALT-0 to open the script 

"B lends /YoFrankie/ in it_opt ions .py". 

Setup default configuration options 

use GameLogic . globalDict which is stored between loading blend files 
i i i 

import GameKeys 

def main ( ) 

try: conf = GameLggabalDict [' CONFIG ' ] 
except: conf = GameLogiglobalDict [' CONFIG ' 

def confdef (opt, value) : 
if opt not in conf: 
[opt] =cOTafLue 



# Keys 

# PI 

( 'PLAYER_COUNT' , 1) 

( 'GRAPHICS_DETAIL' , 2) # 2 == high 

( 'GRAPHICS_GLSL' , 1) # toggle 

( 'KEY_UP_P1 ' , GameKeys. UP ARROWKEY) 

( ' KEY_D0WN_P1 ' , GameKeys . DOWNARROWKEY) 

( 'KEY_LEFT_P1 ' , GameKeys . LEFTARROWKEY) 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Apricot OpenGame Project: Yo Frankie! 

Modify Apricot Files 


# P2 

# PI 

# P2 


( ' KEY_UP_P2 ' , GameKeys . WKEY) 
( 'KEY_D0WN_P2 ' , GameKeys. SKEY) 
( 'KEY_LEFT_P2 ' , GameKeys . AKEY) 
( 'KEY_RIGHT_P2 ' , GameKeys . DKEY) 

( ' KEY_ JUMP_P 1 ' , GameKeys. MKEY) 

( 'KEY_THR0W_P1 ' , GameKeys . SPACEKEY) 

( 'KEY_ACTI0N_P1 ' , GameKeys . NKEY) 

( ' KEY_JUMP_P2 ' , GameKeys . GKEY) 
( ' KEY_THR0W_P2 ' , GameKeys . JKEY) 
( 'KEY_ACTI0N_P2 ' , GameKeys . HKEY) 

import Rasterizer 
Rasterizer. showMouse (True) 

main ( ) 

Init the main characters 

Now add an Empty and use a Always Sensor to just call this script one time. To do so you need to switch of 
the pulse button. 

Add J 

X | AWays 

i f I 






I r.i 

X I Python 




We can now add more elements. First try to add some water, for now it is not important to make good looking 
water, so we can just add a plane and give it a blueish color. Give it a Property "water" and make it "Ghost" in 
the Logic Buttons F4. As soon as a character touches the water it will drown. 

Similar - working are game objects with the "kill" Property. When touching the character will loose life energy 
until he dies. 

You can now start adding more objects and maybe sheep, rats or whatever and start to design your own "Yo 
Frankie!" Level. 

Modify Apricot Files 

If you like to make a new game or at least to change vital parts of "Yo Frankie!" then it is recommended to 
copy the whole folder tree to your disk and work in there. Save changes to the files into a new file, so that 
your changes don't interfere with the original levels. 

My goal is to make a special butterfly level, where Frankie only has to collect butterflies. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Apricot OpenGame Project: Yo Frankie! 

Modify Apricot Files 


First I loaded the butterfly (Blends/YoFrankie/chars/butterf lyl .blend) and saved it under a 
new name. First thing we have to do is to switch of (set to "False") the Property "pickup". We will handle our 
things ourself here. Now locate the Keyboard Sensor and change it to a Collision Sensor. Enter "predator" in 
the Property field, so it will only react on collisions with a main character. 

In the Ray Sensor "above_any thing" we can now lower the Range value, so that Franky can reach a flying 
butterfly with a normal jump. 

Beside that I am sending a message with the subject "Butterfly", so we can count the score. 

For a mean effect I also added a single butterfly-wing and will add it to the scene when the butterfly is caught. 

Next I modified Frankie.blend. I don't want to use the (quite complex) HUD overlay which comes with 
Frankie. So I simply deleted the name "hud" in the Scene Actuator. This one is a bit hidden in the complex 
logic of Frankie. It is on the object "Main Cam" and you need to make the logic bricks visible by clicking on 
the name "Main Cam". 


We are now ready to test our modified files. Make a simple level, don't forget to add the "ground" Properties 

to the ground objects and use the "" script to initialize the player. Now add a main Character 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Apricot OpenGame Project: Yo Frankie! 
and some butterflies. You should now be able to catch the butterflies. 

Modify Apricot Files 


With a simple logic you are now able to count the score when the option "Show Debug Properties" in the 

"Game"-menu is activated. 

I also added a own HUD for displaying my "kill count" and dropped in some props from the game. This was 
all done in a couple of hours, sure I am not th greatest level designer, but however, without the help of all the 
production data I could never made such a visually appealing game in such a short time. It takes much longer 
to make a level playable or fun, but with the latest developments we unlock Blender for the artists more and 
more, you don't need to be a developer anymore for such kind of stuff. 

You can see that it needs some exploration and coming with that a deeper understanding of the complex 
coherences of the "Yo Frankie!" files, but the reward is high, you look behind the scenes of a professional 
done game. Be sure to check out all the other files and tutorials on the "Yo Frankie!" DVD. 

About blend files in this book 

You can get the .blend files this book refers to downloading this ZIP file (286. 3M) 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



The reference section will be your guide to exploring the Blender 3D game engine further after following the 
tutorials. To learn modeling and linear animation refer to the books mentioned in the appendix. 

Real-time Materials 



Game menu material options 

There are different options on how to use materials for real time-content in Blender. All different kinds have 

specific advantages and disadvantages. The material system in Blender is now nearly complete usable in the 

game engine, however these materials need a good graphics cards. 

Because of the deep impact on the speed of your game you probably need to make a decision what kind of 
material you want. In the Game menu you will find options to switch between the materials. 

The following sections will explain the material options in the Game-menu. 

Texture Face Materials 

Texture Face Materials are the most basic materials in the game engine. Basically they only provide basic 
Materials (color) or one texture. 

Features like lighting, specularity, hardness are working on vertex level so for low poly objects you will see 
artifacts in the lighting or in the specularity spot. 

For a basic material, add a new one in the Material Buttons F5 or choose an existing one. Then change colors 
or other attributes. The object will be lit according to the lights (see also #Lamps in the game engine ) in the 
same layer. 

To add a texture we have to use UV texturing, see #UV Texturing . The texture will be mixed with the material 
color (only in the game engine not in the 3d view). To get vertex lighting we need to set the faces to "Light" in 
the Texture Face Panel in the Edit Buttons F9. Use the "Copy"-button to copy the Active Face Mode from the 
active to all selected faces. Beside the mixing with the plain material color it is also possible to use 
vertex-colors, see #Vertex Paint . 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 143 


Blender Multitexture Materials 

Blender Multitexture Materials 

With these materials it is possible to have more up to three texture channels on an object. These textures can 
mix in different kind of ways. This makes it possible to have simple pre rendered light maps or faked 
reflections (using EnvMaps). Especially helpful is the possibility to bake the render into the texture, this can 
be done in the "Render"-menu. 

Lighting, specularity, hardness for Blender Multitexture Materials is calculated on vertex level. 

aati | Obj«t 


| Orca | 


Wn | Ww | Art 

St>n i TjikhH i 

■■ :..-■ L"Ji ■ 

*rt> DttO 

lUn | Spin 




<.ir?. ■ on 


1 K j Y H 


9Miii| wg| wnos 1 ummr 

| | 

coll mo ■>■■>■>■. I 

fll K« i^BBBBi 

81M) ■^■^■J 

ChppOJM m, 

*1] I wmp |iie hum l 

Auto SmO*lh 

Degr 30 

Center Center New 

Center Cursor 

| TexMesh: 



UV Terturs 






Vertex Color 


You need to add a material with more than one texture channel. Then assign two or three textures to it, set the 
texture blending mode to one of the supported modes: Add, Multiply, Subtract, Divide or Mix. For Mix you 
need to adjust the Col: slider too. 

Be sure to uncheck "UseAlpha" in the texture or the mixing will not produce the correct results! 

The texture coordinates should come from one ore more UV Textures, which you can add and manage in the 
Edit Buttons F9, "Mesh"-panel. 


• Multitexture. blend (the supported mixing modes) 

GLSL Materials 

. i . k* i B^K 


Blenders GLSL Materials are the newest development for real time 3D and interactive display in the 
3DViews. In the game engine you exactly get what you see in the 3D Views and it even almost looks like 
rendered. The purpose of this system is to stick closely to the material system as in Blender's internal renderer. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Reference GLSL Materials 

Only a subset of the material options are supported, with hopefully more in the future, but the ones that are 
supported should give nearly identical results. Some advanced features like ray tracing are not likely to be 
added given that graphics card don't support them efficiently yet. 

The main supported features are: 

• All material diffuse and specular shaders. 

• Diffuse and specular ramps. 

• All nodes, except for the dynamic node and limited support for material node. 

• Image textures only with few options. 

• A subset of the texture mapping options. 

• All lamp types except area, and basic support for shadow buffers. 

• Unlike Multitexture materials, most material and light settings are currently not animateable with 
GLSL materials. The limitations: 

• All objects will compute the lighting for all lamps, even if they are far away or on another layer. 
Hence it is important to keep the number of lamps as low as possible. For example for outdoor scenes, 
two sun or hemi lamps can illuminate the whole scene already. 

• The game engine supports maximum two UV layers and no compatible Oreo texture coordinates. 

GLSL Materials Performance Tips 

Since Blender's materials system was designed for off line rendering and the GLSL materials attempting to be 
compatible with the internal render, they may not render as fast as more optimized game engines. Therefore it 
is important to optimize the material and light settings for best performance: 

• If some settings are set to values like 0.001 or 0.98, the visual difference with settings 0.0 or 1.0 may 
be very small, but it makes it harder for Blender to optimize the shader. Therefore it is advised to set 
such settings to 0.0 or 1.0 so that the effect can be completely disabled and does not need to be 
computed at all. 

• Various material shaders are supported, but may perform very slow. Lambert and Phong are fastest, 
so if possible those should be used. Note that for specularity Cook Torr is the default, which can in 
many cases be switched to Phong without much difference. 

• Additionally it helps to disable specularity if it is not needed. Not only can the Spec value be set to 0.0 
in materials, but it also helps to enable No Specular on lamps, so only one lamp affects specularity for 

• If an image does not have alpha, it can help to disable Use Alpha in the texture buttons. 

• Avoid slow texture or ramp blending modes, mix/add/subtract/multiply are the fastest, 
hue/saturation/value/color are very slow. 

• Alpha blending needs to be avoided if possible, and Clip Alpha is a faster alternative, see the #Game 
Engine Alpha Blending for more information. 

• For shadows, it is more efficient to bake them for the whole scene, and use an OnlyShadow spot lamp 
for the character. On this spot lamp it is best to set the shadow buffer size low, enable No Specular, 
set SpotBl to 0.0. Also then the Layer option for shadow can be enable so that the lamp only casts the 
shadow of the character. 

Graphics Card Support 

This implementation takes advantage of the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL), and requires a graphics card 
and drivers that support it. The game engine already supported such GLSL shaders, though they had to be 
manually written. The following cards typically support it, though the earlier ones have restrictions on the 
complexity of materials and the number of lights. Be sure to install the latest graphics card drivers as they 
might fix bugs and improve performance. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 145 

Reference GLSL Materials 

• ATI Radeon 9x00, XxOO, XlxOO, HD2x00 and HD3xOO series and newer. 

• NVidia Geforce FX, 6x00, 7x00, 8x00, 9x00 and GTX 2x0 and newer. 

Intel or VIA graphics cards, ATI Radeon cards older then the XxOO series, and Nvidia Geforce cards older 
than the 6x00 series are unlikely to support this functionality well, unless through a slow software fall back. 
The game menu provides settings to disable things such as lights, advanced shaders or shadows which can 
help on older graphics cards or complicated scenes. 

Game Engine Alpha Blending 

Transprarent faces are always expensive in a real time environment. Therefor there are different modes which 
all have their limitations but differ in rendering speed. 

For clarity, here is an overview of alpha sorting in the game engine, there are four transparency types in the 
game engine: 

• Opaque: solid, no transparency at all. 

• Alpha: transparency with values between 0-1, blends with faces behind it. 

• Add: like Alpha, but adds color rather than blends. 

• Clip Alpha: otherwise known as binary alpha, each pixel renders either completely opaque (when 
alpha > 0.5) or completely transparent (alpha <= 0.5). 

Ideally one would not have to deal with such settings, but for good performance it is important to pick the 
right ones, since rendering with Alpha isn't as fast as Opaque. In many cases Clip Alpha can be used instead 
of Alpha while still being nearly as fast as Solid. For example for leaves one usually does not need partial 

Dbhuc r J.JJ ■.:„:,„ 


These settings can be set per face in the Texture Face panel. Note that for GLSL materials, the ZTransp 
setting must be used to enable any alpha, consistent with the internal render engine. The Alpha/ Add/Clip 
Alpha settings can then be used to specify the exact blending type. 

One important thing to know is that for rendering faces with Alpha and Add correct, the faces must be sorted 
before rendering in every frame. This is only supported in the game engine, not in the Blender viewport, 
which means that faces with alpha will draw incorrect in some cases there. Clip Alpha does not require 
sorting, which is useful since sorting objects with many polygons is slow. 

Sorting has to be enabled with the Sort option in the Texture Face panel. The reason alpha sorting has to be set 
separately is because of the performance hit, and some objects might still render OK without sorting, so it is 
not enabled by default. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 146 


Lamps in the game engine 

Lamps in the game engine 


Edit ► 

Mesh ► j 
Curve >• ! 

Select ► 
Transform ► 
Object ► 
View ► 
Render ► 

Surface >• 
Meta i> 

Group ► 


ii ' 








Area 1 


Lamps are created with the Toolbox (SPACE->Add Lamp) you can then choose the type of the lamp. 

For a selected lamp you can switch to the Lamp Buttons (F5) to change the properties of that lamp. These 
properties are the type of the lamp, the color, the energy, etc. Due to the fact that the game engine is fully 
integrated in Blender, there are some buttons which are only useful for linear animation. 

Common settings for all lamp types are the energy, and the color (adjustable with the RGB sliders). 

To allow a face to receive real-time lighting in Blenders game engine, the face has to be set to "Light" in the 
"Texture Face"-panel. With the layer settings for lamps and objects (Edit Buttons, F9) you can control the 
lighting very precisely. Lamps only affect faces on the same layer(s) as the lamp. Per Layer you can use eight 
lamps (OpenGL limitation) for real-time lighting. 

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■> uwtim* 

• tfutt • 

■ | ■*.:■ ■ M4 


Figure xx: Lamp Buttons, settings for Blenders game engine 

Lamp types for the game engine 

Lamp: Lamp is a point light source. 

Spot: This lamp is restricted to a conical space. In the 3DView the form of the spotlight is shown with broken 
lines. Use the SpotSi slider to set the angle of the beam. 

Sun: The "Sun" lamp type is a directional light. The distance has no effect on the intensity. Change the 
direction of the light (shown as a broken line) by rotating the lamp. 

Hemi: Only supported with GLSL Materials! A "Hemi" lamp is a 180A° constant light source. Great for fill 

The "Lamp" and "Spot" lights can be sensitive to distance. Use the "Disk", "Quadl:" and "Quad2:" settings 
for this. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


GLSL Shadows 

Lamps in the game engine 

Dynamic shadows (moving objects or lamps) in the game engine are possible with GLSL Materials and Spot 
Lamps. Static shadows can be realized using light mapping techniques. 

First enable GLSL Materials in the Game menu. Then assign a Blender Material to all the shadow receiving 
objects. Enter the Textured Mode with ALT-Z. 

Use a Spot with "Buffer Shadow" enabled as lamp. Set the size of the spot (SpotSi) according to your scene. 
Note that shadow lamps can easily decrease the speed of your game. If your shadow is too jagged like in the 
image [!below], then you might increase the ShadowBufferSize. Try to keep both values as low as possible. 


Bias: If the shadow is only partially visible or parts of your object don't cast a shadow on the object itself, 

then decrease the "Bias:" value. 

Only Shadow: In some situations it is nice to have a shadow but avoid illumination caused by the lights 
source itself. Examples are character shadows where the shadow gives a visual hint how high a character is 
while jumping for example. 

Use the "Layer" option (see below) in the "Shadow and Spot" Panel to avoid that other objects interfere with 
the characters shadow. If your character needs to rotate use Vertex Parenting to attach the lamp. 

Layer Buttons: 

• Layer in the "Lamp"-panel: This lamp only shines on objects in the same layer(s) as the lamp. Also 
shadows are only received from this lamp if the object shares the layer with the lamp. 

• Layer in the "Shadow and Spof'-panel: Only Objects in the same layer casting shadow from this 


• GLSL_Lamps.blend 

• GLSL_LayerLamps.blend 

• GLSL_Lamps_Bias.blend 

• GLSL_Lamps_OnlyShadow.blend 

UV Texturing 

The UV editor is fully integrated into Blender and allows you to uv-map textures onto the faces of your 
models. Each face can have individual texture coordinates and an individual image assigned. This can be 
combined with vertex colors to darken or lighten the texture or to tint it. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



UV Texturing 

UV Mapping is the art of mapping a 2D image around a 3D object with few distortions as 
possible ! 

With GLSL Materials now nearly the whole material system is available in the game engine. However this 
also needs some attention with textures. For now it is not so simple as with the old Texture Face Materials to 
get two images on different faces on one object. With GLSL we need multi-materials for that. 

For UV mapping you enter EditMode for your object (only mesh objects supported). It is recommended to use 
the Face Select Mode in the EditMode, however it is perfectly ok to select faces by selecting 3 or 4 vertices or 
3 or four edges. All the powers of EditMode are usable (i.e. Border Select, Circle Select, see also the 

We now need a UV coordinate for the object. This can be achieved in some ways depending on the way you 
work or what you prefer: 

• select faces, then assign or load an image in the UV/Image Editor 

• use "New" in the "Mesh"-panel in the Edit Buttons F9 to make a new UV Texture 

• unwrap the object using UKEY 

Face Specials 

.'til- <■!-,<■ :;: 


Shade smooth 

Shade Flat 

Triangulate (CM T) 

Ouadi from Triangses [flit JJ 

Flip Triangis Edggs (Ctrl Shift F) 

Facs Mode Set 
Face Made clear 

UV ROMS {Sbffl - CCW) 
UV Mirror (Shil - Switch Aws) 
Color ftalate (Shfll - CCW) 
color Mitfer(5hiit - soften Axis) 


STRG-F calls the "Face Specials"-menu 
Important functions for UV mapping here: 

• Face Mode Set/Clear: setting the face modes, like Tex, Tiles, Light, Invisible, Collision etc. This can 
also be done in the "Texture Face"-panel in the Edit Buttons 

• UV Rotate/Mirror: Rotate/mirror the texture-coordinates 

t Mullires 

UV Calculation HMg£tr| 

8 Face 

Active Face Mode 

I Copy 1 




| Shared 








rig (Transp) 

Active Face 

Alpha Blend 


Cnpy | 



Clip Alph 




\ Co 


15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Reference UV Texturing 


In the "Texture Face"-Panel of the Edit Buttons F9 you will find these functions also, and more: 

Face modes 


This enables the use of textures. To use objects without textures, disable "Tex", then the material 

color will be used or paint the faces with VertexPaint. 

This indicates and sets the use of the tile mode for the texture, see Section #Texture Tiles 

Enables real-time lighting on faces. Lamps only affect faces of objects that are in the same layer as 

the lamp. Lamps can also be placed on more than one layer, which makes it possible to create 

complex real-time lighting situations. See also Section #Lamps in the game engine 

Makes faces invisible. These faces are still calculated for collisions, so this gives you an option to 

build invisible barriers, etc. 

The faces with this option are evaluated by the game engine. If that is not needed, switch off this 

option to save resources. 

With this option vertex colors are blended across faces if they share vertices. 

Faces with this attribute are rendered two sided in the game engine. 

Faces can have color that can be animated by using the ColR, ColG, ColB and ColA Ipos. Choosing 

this option replaces the vertex colors. 

Faces with this attribute are rendered with the negative X-axis always pointing towards the active 

view or camera. 

Faces with this attribute are pointing in the direction of the active view with the negative X-axis. It is 

different to "Halo" in that the faces are only rotated around the Z-axis. 

Faces with this attribute are projected onto the ground along the Z-axis of the object. This way they 

can be used to suggest the shadow of the object without using expensive real-time shadows. 

Faces with this attribute are used for displaying bitmap text in the game engine, see Section #Bitmap 


Enable sorting of faces for correct alpha drawing. Note this is slow, use Clip Alpha whenever 


Normal opaque rendered faces. The color of the texture is rendered as color. 

Faces are rendered transparent. The color of the face is added to what has already been drawn. Black 

areas in the texture are transparent, white are fully bright. Use this option to achieve light beam 

effects, glows or halos around lights. For real transparency use the next option "Alpha". 

The transparency depends on the alpha channel of the texture. 
Clip Alpha 

The transparency depends on the clipped alpha channel of the texture. (See also #Game Engine Alpha 

Blending ) 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 150 


UV Texturing 

Cony Face 5e lecteil 
Active Material 
Active Image 
Active UV Coords 
Active Mode 
Active Transp 
Active Vertex Colors 

TeKFaes UVsttem layer 
TexFace Images from layer 
TsxFace All from laysr 
Vertex Colors torn layer 


The "Copy" buttons will always copy the Face Modes from the active face (dotted highlight) to the selected 
(pink highlight) faces. "CopyUV", "CopyTex" and "CopyColor" are copying UVs, texture and color from the 
active face to the selected faces. 

In the "Copy Face Selected" menu called by CTRL-C you find more helpful functions to copy face properties. 


Unwrapping helps you to find a mapping from the 2D image to your 3D Object. A plane or a cube are easy to 
map, but with more organic and round objects like bottles, spheres or faces you need help in unwrapping. 
Usually the automatic unwrapping is the base and the artist then optimizes the result. 

The UV Calculation menu is called out of Edit Mode with UKEY, all selected Faces are taken into 

UV Calculation 

Cube Projection 
Cylinder from Vie*' 
Sphere train View 

Project Fram view 
Project from view (Sauna's) 


Click project from rece 
Follow Active (quad$) 
Ligbtaap LI V Pact 
Unwrap (smart projections) 



Unwraps the object taking seams into account 
Cube Projection 

Cubic projection (good base for walls, houses, technical devices) 
Cylinder from View 

Cylindrical projection (bottles, tires) 
Sphere from View 

Spherical projection (planets, marbles) 
Project from View 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



UV Texturing 

The UV coordinates are calculated using the projection of the 3DWindow (good base for manually 

tweaking the result) 
Project from View (Bounds) 

The UV coordinates are calculated using the projection of the 3DWindow and then scaled to fit into 

the image dimensions. 

Resets the UV coordinates of the selected faces 
Click project from face 

With three mouse clicks you can interactively set the uv coordinates in the 3DView 
Follow Active (quads) 

The quads of an object are unwrapped. Good for complex rectangular buldings. With the option 

"Loop Average" the face areas will be taken into account. 
Lightmap UVPack 

Method to unpack complex objects to use the map for light maps. 
Unwrap (smart projections) 

Powerfull unwrap method for mechanical and architectural objects. 


UV Calculation 

Image Aspect 

Cube Size: 1 .ODD 

Transform Correction 

Cyl Radius 1.000 

View Aligns Face 

VA Top Al Obj 

Angle Based 

Fill Hole* 

Polar ZX 


In the "UV Calculation"-panel of the Edit Buttons F9 you can fine tune some parameters for unwrapping. 

Image Aspect 

Scales the unwrapping to the texture aspect 
Transform Correction 

With this option, the UV stays intact during an edge slide 
Cube Size and Cyl Radius 

Adjusts the size or radius for cubic or cylindrical unwrapping 
Unwrapper (Conformal/Angle Based) 

Unwrapping method 
Fill Holes 

Fill holes to prevent overlaps inside the unwrap 
View Aligns Face/Top/Obj 

Align the sperical/cylindrical unwrapping to the equator, pole or to the object align itself 
Polar ZX/ZY 

Polar is X or Y for cylindrical or spherical unwrap 


Seams are important for a good unwrapping. They define the edges where the unwrap algorithm is "cutting" 
the mesh apart. Place seams so that they are not noticeable or at a place where the material or texture changes 
much. Try to match the face areas in the projection with the faces of the 3d object. 

Select the edges you want the seam to be and do CTRL - EKEY -> Mark Seam. To clear a seam use CTRL - 
EKEY -> Clear Seam. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


UV/lmage Editor 

Anatomy of the UV/lmage Window: 

UV Texturing 

Man- *~ 




Repeat Image [ Normalized Coords | 

AspX: 1.00 

AspV: 1 .00 

Cursor X: 1086.65- 

Cursor V: 299.86 

Draw Type: 

Dash | Black | White [| Smooth [ 

Final Shadow 

| UV Stretch 


Proportional Fa3!ofT 
Proportional Sdrrifirj 






Llmd Slitah. 

Shift V 

Minimis* SisBh 


Avttij» !;is--:ds seas 


Pack lElarjd-i 

C»l P 


Live urftwap Transrorm 

L-ayc-as Chppsd to Image Size 
Quasi CBjiMra his d Rectangular 

Sr*ap to PiKflSs- 

-.ii r 

wlEtt &tone^E3ider.ipX I 


View menu 

Basic functions for the window, including zoom, maximize etc. 

In the View Properties panel you can find nice functions to help you while working with UVs. Deactivate the 
"Face"-button to switch of the display of faces which can occlude your sight on the object and the image. 
"Repeat Image" helps you with tiling the image on the objects faces. "UV Stretch" will give you a visual hint 
how much your image gets distorted. Also note the possibility to set and read the position of the 2D Cursor. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Reference UV Texturing 

Image menu 

Basic image functions for load, save, pack etc. Also place for Python helper scripts. 
Select menu (only availble when the mesh is in EditMode) 

This menu contains special selection methods. 
UVs menu 

This menu contains many useful functions for working with UVs. It is beyond the scope of this chapter to 
explain everything here. 

Working with UV Coordinates 

As soon as you have a UV Texture on your object, you can work with it in the UV/Image Editor. UV vertices 
are represented with yellow (selected) or pink (unselected) points, connected by lines , just like in EditMode. 

There are almost the same tools to work with the UV vertices as you are used to from the EditMode. Grab 
with GKEY, rotate with RKEY, scale with SKEY etc. 

Unlike in meshes all UV faces (triangle or quad) have their own vertices, there is no sharing between vertices, 
because we need to be able to move any faces where ever we want. However, because it is often needed to 
move vertices together, an option is enabled by default to stick vertices together for easy editing. You can 
choose this behavior in the UV/Image Editor header: 


Shared Vertex 

This will stick 3d vertices which are shared by face in the mesh. Usually you don't want to separate 

such vertices in the UV coordinates, because this will generate seams in the texture on the object. 
Shared Location (default) 

Vertices in the UV coordinates will be moved together when they share the same place (in a 5 pixel 


Move vertices freely 

Texture Tiles 

Texture Tiles can be used to have more textures in one image an still be able to repeat textures on the objects. 
This is quite useful to save texture memory on older systems. The other use is to have simple animated 

Load a tiled texture into the UV/Image Editor, unwrap your object and assign the texture. Open the "Real-time 
Properties" -panel in the View-menu. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 154 


UV Texturing 



Now set "X:" and "Y:" according to the number of tiles in your texture and activate "Tiles". In EditMode you 
can now select the tile you want to use with SHIFT-LMB from the texture. It is now possible to use the 
normal UV editing tools and so for example scale up to have the tile repeated on your object. 

For a simple texture animation you load a tiled texture on your object, then also set "X:" and "Y:" according to 
the number of tiles in your texture, no need to activate "Tiles" this time. Instead activate "Anim" and set the 
"Sta:" and "End:" to the desired values (End = X * Y). Finally set the speed (in frames per second) of the 
animation with "Speed:". You should now see a texture animation in your game. For a GLSL Material you 
also need a Blender Material and a Texture with your animation, then you could for example animate a Nor 
map to get real ripples on your water object. 

Texture Tiling Animation only works for Texture Face Materials and GLSL Materials. 

• TextureTiling.blend 

• TileAnim.blend 

• TileAnimGLSL.blend 

Bitmap Text 


t Mullires 

UV Calculation 

e Face 

Active Face Mode 

[ cow 1 


| invisible 

| Shared 








ng (Transp) 

Active Fact 

Alpha Blend 


cm 1 


Alpha ClipAlpb 







Blender has the ability to draw text in the game engine using special bitmap fonts textures. These bitmap fonts 
can be created from a TrueType or a Postscript outline font. See JTJ for how to make your own. On DVD are 
some textures with bitmap fonts to try. 

To get bitmap text or numbers displayed on a single face you need a special bitmap with the font rendered 
onto it. UV map the first character ("@") of the text-bitmap onto your text object (usually a plane). In the 
"Texture Face"-panel in the Edit Buttons F9 activate "Text" for all faces of your text object. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



UV Texturing 

Then create a property named "Text" for your object. The property can be any type, so a Boolean Property 
will also be rendered as "True" or "False". For testing use a String -property and enter some text. Then start the 
game engine to see the results. 

Vertex Paint 


Vertex Paint Panel in the Edit Buttons F9 

To start VertexPaint press VKEY or select the VertexPaint mode in the 3DView Header. The selected object 

will now be drawn solid. You can therefore now draw on the vertices of the object while holding LMB, the 

size of the brush is visualized by a circle while drawing. RMB will sample the color under the mouse pointer. 

Enter the Edit Buttons F9 to see the aVertexPainta-panel. Here you can also find more options to control 

R, G, B: The active color used for painting. Can also be set by using the Color Picker called by a LMB-click 
into the color field (see below) 

Opacity: The extent to which the vertex color changes while you are painting. 

Size: The size of the brush, which is drawn as a circle during painting. 

Paint Modes 




The manner in which the new color replaces the old when painting: the colors are mixed. 
The colors are added. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



UV Texturing 




The paint color is subtracted from the vertex color. 
The paint color is multiplied by the vertex color. 
Blurs the color according to the surrounding colors 
Paint over darker areas only 


Paint over lighter areas only 

Color field: A LMB click calls the color picker 

SetVCol: Sets all vertices to the chosen color 

All Faces: Paint on all faces inside the brush 

VertexDist: This specifies that the extent to which the vertices lie within the brush also determines the brush's 

Normals The vertex normal (helps) determine the extent of painting. This causes an effect as tough you were 
painting with light. 

Spray: Continues to add color while holding LMB and moving the mouse 

Set: The "Mul" and "Gamma" factors are applied to the vertex colors of the Mesh. 

Mul: The number by which the vertex colors are multiplied when "Set" is pressed. 

Gamma: The number by which the clarity (Gamma value) of the vertex colors are changed when "Set" is 
pressed. You can choose on which faces you like to paint with the Painting Mask, called by FKEY or the icon 

\M] in the 3DView header. You can now select faces with the RMB, SHIFT-RMB, Border- or Circle-Select. 
Painting will now only occur on the selected faces. When the Painting Mask is active, you can choose with the 
Buttons "Faces", "Edges" and "Hidden Edges" how the faces or edges should be displayed while painting. 
This especially helps while staring to paint on a solid colored object. 

Texture Paint 


To start Texture Paint select the Texture Paint Mode in the 3D Window header or out of the UV/Image Editor. 
Depending from where you activated Texture Paint you are now ready for painting either in the 3D View on 
your objects, or in the UV/Image Editor on your texture. 

Texture Paint needs a UV textured object to work. You also need to unpack a packed texture first. 
15/02/2011 12:39:15 



UV Texturing 

In the UV/Image Editor you paint like in a 2D paint application, in the 3D View you actually painting on the 
3d object depending on ho the faces are oriented in 3D space. 

You can now paint holding the LMB. RMB will sample the color located under the mouse pointer. 

In the 3D View you can call the "Paint Properties" -panel with NKEY. Here you can adjust the color. Using 
the FKEY you can switch on a paint mask, meaning you can only paint on the selected faces. Faces are 
selected like in Edit Mode, RMB selects, SHIFT-RMB adds, you can also use Border Select or Circle Select. 

In the "Painf'-panel in the Edit Buttons F9, you can also choose between different paint modes and mix 
modes. Further you can adjust the opacity, size, falloff and spacing of you brush strokes. It is also possible to 
add or recall brush settings or to paint using a different texture. 

The "Image Painf'-panel has similar options. But aside of that you can also clone draw a different texture onto 
your texture. 

Resource Handling 

For publishing and easier handling of Blender's files, you can include all resources into the saved file. 
Normally textures, samples and fonts are not included in a file while saving. This keeps them on your disk and 
makes it possible to change them and share them between files. But if you want to distribute a file it is 
possible to pack these resources into the Blendfile, so you only need to distribute one file, preventing missing 

The functions for packing and unpacking are summarized in the "External Data"-menu. You can see if a file is 
packed if there is a little "parcel" icon to the right in the menu bar. After you packed a file, all new added 
resources are automatically packed (AutoPack). 

When working with textures, sounds or fonts you will notice a pack-icon near the File- or Datablock-Browse. 
This icon allows you to pack/unpack the file independently. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



UV Texturing 

Unpack IflfoFfaa... 

M&fctf ill F'AS-i-i Atv-.0!u1if 
Report kta-sSng F" rise = 

find hissing Filss... 


External Data menu entries 

Pack into .blend file 

This packs all resources into the Blendfile. The next save will write the packed file to disk. 
Unpack into Files 

This unpacks all resources to the current directory. For textures a directory "textures" is created, for 
sounds a "samples" directory and fonts are unpacked to "fonts". 

Unpack3 files 

rectory (ere rte .vneri ecessary) 

Write files to current directory (overwrite existing flies) 

Use flies in originai location (create when necessary) 
Write files to original location (overwrite existing files) 

disable AutoPack, keep al! packed flies 
\$b for each file 


A menu will request further options. Be careful with the options overwriting files. 

Use files in current directory 

This unpacks only files which are not present in the current directory. It creates files when necessary. 
Write files to current directory 

This unpacks the files to the current directory. It overwrites existing files! 
Use files in original location 

This uses files from their original location (path on disk). It creates files when necessary. 
Write files to original location 

This writes the files to their original location (path on disk). It overwrites existing files! 
Disable AutoPack, keep all packed files 

This disables AutoPack, so new inserted resources are not packed into the Blendfile. 
Ask for each file 

This asks the user for the unpack options of each file. 
Make all Paths Relative 

This option changes all file paths so that they address the file in a relative way. So you can move your 

scene between different computers without caring for drives letters or such. 
Make all Paths Absolute 

This makes all paths absolute. 
Report Missing Files 

Reports missing files. A text buffer "missing_files.log" is created and contains informations about the 

missing files. 
Find Missing Files 

With this option you can point Blender to a directory containing the missing files. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



Blenders Game Engine 

Blenders Game Engine 

Technically speaking the Blender game engine is a framework with a collection of modules for interactive 
purposes like physics, graphics, logic, sound and networking. Functionally the game engine processes virtual 
reality, consisting of content (the world, it's buildings) and behaviors (like physics, animation and logic). 
Elements in this world - also called GameObjects - behave autonomously by having a set of tools called Logic 
Bricks, and Properties. For comparison, the Properties act as the memory, the Sensors are the senses, the 
Controllers are the brain and the Actuators allow for actions in the outside world (i.e. muscles). 

At the moment, the Controllers can be scripted using python, or simple expressions. The idea is that the 
creation of logical behavior can be edited in a more visual way in the future, so the set of controllers expands 
with AI state machines, etc. Controllers could be split in control centers, like an audio visual center, motion 
center, etc. 

In fact Blender contains two game engines. One is the older and depreciated engine called "Sumo" and the 
new game engine internally called "Ketsji". Sumo is still integrated inside Blender to enable older games to 
run. The new engine is accompanied by a physics engine called "Bullet" (Author Erwin Coumans also know 
as one of the original authors of "Ketsji", see [21) which calculates the physical behaviors of the objects, like 
falling, forces and collisions. 

Options for the game engine 




Enable Ail Frames 
Generals Display Lists 
Record Game pnysics 10 ipo 
*• Show Fraraerate arid Profile 

:.>■.:■-■?•■:. 1: ; Visual :j'iv 
Show Deis«8 Properties 

TrsjdUiE Face Materials 
BienJer MullllGriura Materials 
»/ EJIOtfto GLSL Materials 

Sfi:£- Model 

- SCE Scene 


J Enable Lighli 
V Er dij f 5-iTilf ■ s 
§ • Enable Shadows 
•j> Eraatla Ranifjs 
v Eri&rjle NorJss 


Start Game 

Starts the game, shortcut is PKEY. If there is more than one 3dView the cursor changes into a 
question mark and you can now choose the view the game should be started in. 

Enable All Frames 

Normally the game engine will try to play the game in 60 frames per second (fps), if the CPU or 
graphics power is not high enough the engine will start dropping frames to maintain the overall speed 
of objects. This can cause stutter in the playback or even cause errors in collisions. With "Enable All 
Frames" the movement of the objects will slow down, but no frame will be dropped. This option is 
also very useful when using the game physics for linear animation. 

Generate Display Lists 

This option can improve the performance of the game (esp. in big and complex levels) quite a lot. 
However on older graphics cards this can lead to errors. 

Record Game Physics to IPO 

The movements of game objects will be recorded into Ipo animations. Very helpful for complex 
physics based animations (rolling, falling, jumping, collisions etc.) 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Reference Options for the game engine 

Show Framerate and Profile 

This will display statistical informations during game play. Good for optimizing your game. 
Show Physics Visualization 

This option draws objects bounds and also shows the status of physical objects. Good for debugging 

and testing physics. 
Show Debug Properties 

This option enables the display of properties with the debug "D" button set in textured views. 

Wireframe and solid shaded views always display debug properties. 
Texture Face Materials 

Most basic material and texture system in Blender. See #Real-time Materials . 
Blender Multitexture Materials 

Advanced use of multiple textures for games. See #Real-time Materials . 
Blender GLSL Matrials 

Up to date material system. Requires modern graphics cards. See #Real-time Materials . 
GLSL Material Settings 

In the sub menu you can enable/disable features of the GLSL material system for performance 

reasons or compatibility with graphics cards. 

A .blend-file with this option will autostart the game after loading. To edit such a .blend you can 

prevent autostart with a command line option. 

Other Game Engine Options 

In the User Preferences window you will find some more options: 


Mip-mapping is a texture filter to avoid flickering in textures and to enhance performance, especially 

when viewed from distance or a flat angle. In some cases this filtering can be unwanted or can even 

cause a performance drop, so this can be disabled here. 
Disable Game Sound 

Disable game sound, helpful to avoid errors on computers without sound hardware. 
GL Texture Clamp 

With these options you can force textures to a specific size. This can help to enhance the performance 

on slow computers or older graphics cards. 

Logic Buttons 

The Logic Buttons are meant for making interactive 3d worlds in Blender. Blender is a complete development 
tool for interactive worlds including a game engine to play the worlds. All this is done without compiling the 
game or interactive world. Just press PKEY and it runs in real-time. The main window for working with the 

Blender game engine are the Logic Buttons F4 (1®J). Here you define your Logic Bricks, which add the 
behavior to your objects. 

The word "games" is here used for all kinds of interactive 3D-content; Blender is not limited to making and 
play games, you can also do for example scientific visualizations or interactive 3d-manuals. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 161 


Logic Buttons 


: uft bofly 
Rigid body 


enast Advances 


AM PfOttSNy 




Warns pi 











Niraeifur! | False 






Belte Wstldl 



Figure xx-y. Logic Buttons left part 

The Logic Buttons can logically be separated in two parts. The left part contains global settings for 


This includes settings for general physics, like the damping or mass. Here you also define wether an object 
should be calculated with the build-in physics, as an actor or should be handled as an object forming the level 
(like props on a stage). 

Settings for GameObjects: 

With the menu button defaulting to Static you can choose how the physics engine should thread your object: 

No collision No collision detection for the whole object. Use this for objects which can never be touched by 

any dynamic object to save performance. 

Static This object acts as surrounding for a level or as a prop (like on a stage). These objects are still movable 

with Logic Bricks or Ipos, dynamic objects will react on collision with them. 

Dynamic These objects will follows the laws of physics, like falling, bouncing and colliding 

Rigid body This option enables the use of advanced physics by the game engine. This makes it possible that 

spheres roll automatically when they make contact with other objects and the friction between the materials is 

non-zero. Other shapes will tip over, tumble etc. 

Soft Body This makes an object a soft body. 

If you only see few buttons, one labeled "Physics" you need to create a world in the Shading Context 
F5, World Buttons which also creates a physics environment. 

The "Advanced" button will call a pop up which covers advanced settings for the chosen object type. 

Depending on the object type other buttons will appear: 

Dynamic f R 

( Ghost 

Advanced Sellings 

Mass: \M 

Radius: 1.00 


No sleeping 


Damp HMO 

| RotDainp I 

DaFh j fiatFh 1 

Form D 1 

1 xMelorcl.lMS) * 

« y Mc&qh; 1.000 > 

z friction; 1 .000 1 


15/02/2011 12:39:15 




Logic Buttons 

Actor This makes Static objects detectable for Near and Radar sensors. Dynamic and Rigid Body objects are 

always an actor. 

Ghost Ghost objects that don't restitute to collisions, but still trigger a collision sensor. 

Advanced Settings Clicking on this button will call a pop-oup menu containing advanced settings for the 

choosen object type. For dynamic objects it will contain 

Margin Each physics object has a collision margin in which collisions are detected. This margin leads 

to a much more stable simulation. However, for small objects or special cases you might want to 

decrease this margin to avoid gaps between resting objects. 

Clamp Velocity (except when totally still) with a minimum and maximum value (0 = disabled). 
Mass The mass of a dynamic actor has an effect on how the actor reacts when forces are applied to it. You 
need a bigger force to move a heavier object. Note that heavier objects don't fall faster! It is the air drag that 
causes a difference in the falling speed in our environment (without air, e.g. on the moon, a feather and a 
hammer fall at the same speed). Use the "Damp" value to simulate air drag. 

Radius The size of the bounding sphere for sphere bound objects. The bounding sphere determines the area 
with which collisions can occur. 

No sleeping Disable auto (de)activation for dynamic objects. Usually a object will be deactivated until it gets 
moved or hit by another object to save performance. For character objects this behavior can be unwanted. 
Damp General (movement) damping for the object. Use this value for simulating the damping an object 
receives from air or water. In a space scene you might want to use very low or zero damping, air needs a 
higher damping, use a very high damping to simulate water. 
RotDamp Same as "Damp" but for rotations of the object. 

Do FH The FH system allows floating and hovering objects. Use together with the FH settings in the DYN 
Materials section. 

Rot FH Uses the fave normal of the ground object to rotate the object. 

Anisotropic Anisotropic friction. This enables different friction along the axes of an object. Great for 
sliding/skiing etc. 

For the advanced settings for soft body objects please look in the soft body section. 

With the "Bounds"-button you can activate other bounds types than the default bounding-sphere: 


Collision Bounds 
Triangle Mesh 
Convex Hull 


ced Sewngs 



Corns; I", 'id 


Box Bounding box around the objects extends. 
Sphere or default (no Bounds button activated) 

Spherical bounds, visualized by a dotted circle in the 3DView. The Radius can be changed in the 

"Radius:" field. 
Cylinder Cylindrical bounds, good for wheels, bottles, cans etc. 
Cone Cone shaped bounds. 

Convex Hull Convex (outward bulging surface) hull around the actual shape of the object. No holes or inward 
bulges are calculated. 

Triangle Mesh This makes concave objects possible, for performance it is still recommended to use 
compound objects 
Compound Adds dynamic children (parented with CTRL-P to the main object) to the physics calculation 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 




Below the object settings you define the Properties of a GameObject. These Properties can carry values, 
which describe attributes of the object like variables in a programming language. Use "ADD property" to add 


Properties carry information bound to the object, similarly to a local variable in programming languages. No 
other object can normally access these properties, but it is possible to copy Properties with the Property 
(Copy) Actuator (see #Property Actuator ) or send them to other objects using messages (see #Message Body ). 

Add Properly 




Float C 








Bool i 

Name-Cool | False 



String * 


Hello World! 


1 Del 

Timer i 




The big "ADD property" button adds a new Property. By default a Property of the float type is added. Delete a 
Property with its "Del" button. The Menu Button defines the type of the Property. Click and hold it with the 
left mouse button and choose from the pop up menu. The "Name:" text field can be edited by clicking it with 
the left mouse button. SHIFT-BACKSPACE clears the name. Important 

Property names are case sensitive. So "Benoit" is not equal to "benoit". 

The next field is different for each of the Property types. For the Boolean type there are two radio-buttons; 
choose between "True" and "False". The string-type accepts a string; enter a string by clicking in the field 
with the left mouse. The other types use a Number Button to define the default value. Use SHIFT-LMB for 
editing it with the keyboard, click and drag to change the value with the mouse. 

Property types: 

Boolean (Bool) This Property type stores a binary value, meaning it can be "TRUE" or "FALSE". Be sure to 

write it all in capitals when using these values in Property Sensors or Expressions. 

Integer (Int) Stores a number like 1,2,3,4,... in the range from -2147483647 to 2147483647. 

Float Stores a floating point number like 3.14159265. 

String Stores a text string. 

Timer This Property type is updated with the actual game time in seconds, starting from zero. On newly 

created objects the timer starts when the object is "born". 

Example of some Logic 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



Example of some Logic 

y. A*..'3ys Keeps firing 

I ™ I n. | < 1j Q > | Ltvill iwj 

it I Kflytto Bjd -ftay |E 

" ... fOjJ lwH| liwj 

''^"^~^ X flNC Juslpuii 1 |U 

ii-aie ■■?.'» 

loc » cm • ; ■ nun »| < « j 


Figure xx-y: Example of some Logic Bricks 

The right part of the Logic Buttons is the command center for adding logic to your objects and worlds. The 

logic consists of the Sensors, Controllers and Actuators. 

Sensors are like the senses of a life form; they react on key presses, collisions, contact with materials (touch), 
timer events or values of properties. 

The Controllers are collecting events from the sensors and are able to calculate them to a result. These are 
similar to the mind or brain of a life form. Simple Controllers just do an AND on the inputs. An example is to 
test if a key is pressed AND a certain time has passed. There are also OR Controllers and you can also use 
Python scripting and expressions in the Expression Controller to create more complex behavior. 

The Actuator actually performs actions on objects. A Motion Actuator for example is like a muscle. This 
muscle can apply forces to objects to move or rotate them. There are also Actuators for playing predefined 
animations (via Ipos), which can be compared to a reflex. 

The logic is connected (wired) by click and hold LMB on an outlet (sphere) then dragging the mouse to the 
inlet and release. Sensors to Controllers and Controllers to Actuators. After wiring you are immediately able 
to play the game! If you discover something in the game you don't like, just stop the game engine, edit your 
3-D world and restart. This way you can drastically cut down your development time! 

The Blender laws of physics 

All objects in Blender with the "Dynamic" or "Rigid Body" option set are evaluated using the physics laws as 
defined by the physics engine and the user. 

The key property for a dynamic object is its mass. Gravity, forces, and impulses (collision bounce) only work 
on objects with a mass. Also, only dynamic objects can experience drag, or velocity damping (a crude way to 
mimic air/water resistance). 

Note that for dynamic objects using dLoc and dRot may not have the desired result. Since the velocity of a 
dynamic object is controlled by the forces and impulses, any explicit change of position or orientation of an 
object may not correspond with the velocity. For dynamic objects it's better to use the linV and angV for 
explicitly defining the motion. 

As soon we have defined a mass for our dynamic object, it will be affected by gravity, causing it to fall until it 
hits another object with its bounding. The gravity has a value of 9.81 by default, if you use one Blender unit 
as lm and the mass of 1.0 as one kilogramm your objects will almost react as in the real world. You can 
change the gravitation in the World Buttons with the "Grav" slider. A gravity of zero is very useful for space 
games or simulations. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



The Blender laws of physics 

Damping can be used to simulate air drag. Damping decreases the velocity in percent (%) per second. 
Damping is useful to achieve a maximum speed. The larger the speed the greater the absolute decrease of 
speed due to drag. The maximum speed is attained when the acceleration due to forces equals the deceleration 
due to drag. Damping is also useful for damping out unwanted oscillations due to springs. 

RotDamp does the same like Damp, but for rotational movements. 

Use the "Damp:" and "RotDamp:" settings to suggest the drag of air or other environments. Don't use it to 
simulate friction. Friction can be simulated by using the dynamic material settings. 

Do Fh and Rot Fh are a special way to simulate floating behaivior. Together with the dynamic settings in the 
Material this can be used to make boats or hovercrafts. 

For some objects you need to have different friction in different directions. For instance a skateboard will 
experience relatively little friction when moving it forward and backward, but a lot of friction when moving it 
side to side. This is called anisotropic friction. Selecting the "Anisotropic" button in the Logic Buttons (F4) 
will enable anisotropic friction. After selecting this button, three sliders will appear in which the relative 
coefficient for each of the local axes can be set. A relative coefficient of zero denotes that along the 
corresponding axis no friction is experienced. A relative coefficient of one denotes that the full friction applies 
along the corresponding axis. 

Dynamic Settings in the Material 

Some physical attributes can be defined with the material settings of Blender. The Material Buttons can be 
accessed via the icon in the header of the Buttons Window or by pressing F5. Create a new material or choose 
an existing one with the Menu Button in the header. 

In the Material Buttons you need then to activate the "DYN" button to see the dynamic settings: 


Fh Damp 0.000 

Fh Dist 0.00 

Fh Norm 

Reslitut 0.200 





I I ! I 


Restitute: Objects will bounce on a collision. To control the amount of bounce add a material to the objects 
and set the Restitute value in the DYN section of the material to near zero for a soft material and near 1 .0 for a 
very elastic material. Note that a very elastic ball will not bounce on a very soft material, so tune both 

Friction: Friction is a force tangent to the contact surface. The friction force has a maximum that is linear to 
the normal, i.e., the force that presses the objects against each other, (the weight of the object). The friction 
value denotes the Coulomb friction coefficient, i.e. the ratio of the maximum friction force and the normal 
force. A larger friction value will allow for a larger maximum friction. For a sliding object the friction force 
will always be the maximum friction force. For a stationary object the friction force will cancel out any 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Reference Soft Bodies by Erwin Coumans 

tangent force that is less than the maximum friction. If the tangent force is larger than the maximum friction 

then the object will start sliding. 

Fh Force: In conjunction with the "Do Fh" and/or "Rot Fh" in the Logic Buttons F4 you make an object float 

above a surface. "Fh Force" controls the force that keeps the object above the floor. 

Fh Dist: "Fh Dist" controls the size of the Fh area. When the object enters this area the Fh mechanism starts 

to work. 

Fh Damp: Controls the damping inside the Fh area. Values above 0.0 will damp the object movement inside 

the Fh area. 

Fh Norm: With this button activated the object also gets a force in the direction of the face normal on slopes. 

This will cause an object to slide down a slope 


• FhDemo.blend 

• Another way to have floating behaiviour is the Force Field Consraint, see ForceFieldConstraint.blend 

Soft Bodies by Erwin Coumans 

From Blender 2.48 onwards, the game engine features Bullet soft body simulation. 

1 S1aJ:jc 




I '-.'■■i ■■' '•'. 




Mms: 602.92 




Soft Body Features 

• Flat cloth or volumetric soft bodies 

• Control over mass, friction, stiffness, shape matching and collision detection settings 

• Collision detection beween soft bodies as well as rigid bodies and static collision bounds of all types. 

• Attaching soft bodies against rigid bodies or using fixed pinning 

• Physics Debug Visualization of the dynamic soft body structures 

• Dynamically create new soft bodies using the Add Object Actuator 

Creating a Bullet soft body 

• Choose "Soft Body" in the Logic Buttons F4 

• Choose a collision shape bounds for soft bodies, the bounds types for soft bodies are automatically 
restricted to convex hull or triangle mesh bounds. 

Basic Soft Body Setting 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 167 


Soft Bodies by Erwin Coumans 

I.-'.-: . 1.00 

Lmsfff o.soo 
tm o.sso 

Fitn&Dn D.i 00 


LinStiff: Linear Stiffness, lower values create very flexible soft bodies, and larger values (1) more stiffness. 

Note that the shape matching feature and bending constraints will still keep extreme flexible bodies in shape. 

Shape Match: when this option is enabled, Bullet will remember the original shape of each soft body, and 

tries to match the shape of a soft body, no matter how large the deformation has been. 

kMT: Shape matching coefficient, how strong the soft body will return to its original shape. This only appear 

when the "Shape Match" option is enabled. 

Friction allows to control the dynamic friction for soft bodies, in the range "[0..1]". 0.0 means no friction, soft 

bodies will slide. 

Advanced Settings 

Cluster Collision RS/SS: collision clusters can improve the collision detection, and it can avoid soft bodies 

passing through triangle meshes. Instead of colliding between individual vertices/nodes and faces, deformable 

convex clusters can be used. You can choose to use clusters between soft bodies (SS), or between soft body 

and rigid body (RS). 

Cluster Iter: Higher values will create more detailed collision clusters. If you choose 1 it will use a single 

cluster using all vertices. This setting is only used if Clusters RB / SS is enabled. 

Position Iter: position solver iterations. Use a higher value to improve the quality of position correction for 

soft bodies. 

Pinning or attaching soft bodies 

▼ C : i ■ ' 

: ,'■■ lil "' li n 1 H; 


Child Of 

Copy Location 
Copy Rotation 
Copy Scale 

Limit Location 
Limit Rotation 

Limit Scale 
Limit Distance 

Track To 

Locked Track 
Follow Path 

Clamp To 
Suatcn To 

! :;: :.-i: , : : ' .".:- . 





15/02/2011 12:39:15 



Soft Bodies by Erwin Coumans 

You can use the Rigid Body Joint to attach a rigid body against a soft body. Similar to rigid body constraints, 
you can also pin/fix a soft body to make a vertex non-movable: just don't provide a second attachment object, 
or attach to a static object. 

Right now, vertex groups are not supported, so you have to use Rigid Body Joint constraints. 

• Select a single soft body, or both a soft body and rigid body, using the "Add Constraint" -button in the 
Object Context F7, Object Buttons, "Constrainf'-panel. 

• Enable the Show Pivot to see where the soft body will be pinned (px/py/pz frame). Bullet will 
automatically take the closest vertex/node to this pivot point. 

• You can use multiple constraints to pin/attach multiple parts of the soft body. 

• Python constraints can be used to create soft body constraints while the game is running. However, 
currently you cannot remove those constraints on-the-fly. 

General soft body tips and some known issues 

Apply Object 

and Rotation to ObData 

Visual Transform to Objects Loc/Sc ale/Rot 
Scale to ObData 
Rotation to ObData 

• Blender 2.48 performs no collisions between soft bodies that have Clusters enabled, and soft bodies 
that have Clusters disabled. This will be fixed in future versions. 

• Subdivide the soft body triangle mesh to allow some more deformation: go into Edit Mode, select all 
vertices (AKEY or AKEY-AKEY) and hit subdivide. 

• UV Sphere meshes are not compatible with soft bodies, so use a Ico sphere instead. 

• If the mesh is too detailed, simplify the mesh using mesh decimation-modifier 

• Use Show Physics Visualization to debug issues with soft bodies, collision shapes etc. Enable the 
setting in the game menu. 

• When running the game with Show Physics Visualization enabled, you will notice the complex 
dynamic structures for soft bodies: 

• Don't use scaled meshes. Instead, use the Apply Scaling feature, or Apply Scale and Rotation by 
selecting the soft body object and pressing CTRL-A 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



Bullet Game Engine Features 

Bullet Game Engine Features 

The physics engine in Blender is called "Bullet" (Author Erwin Coumans, also know as one of the original 
authors of the Blender game engine, see ') calculates the physical behaviors of the 
objects, like falling, forces and collisions. Bullet is a 3D Collision Detection and Rigid Body Dynamics 
Library for games. Open Source, ZLib license, free for commercial use, including Playstation 3. 

The Bullet engine is used to drive many aspects of a game like GameLogic (Ray-, Near-, Collision Sensors), 
Constraints (Point, Hinge, Generic), it also contains a vehicle setup (only accessible via Python) 

Bullet Physics Tips and FAQ 


.— -■ ■ 


1-ftMtw PtW ' tan I 

F:"D.i-p C TIO 

-■■■ ."■::- : 


Avoid Scaling 

Don't scale your objects. Apply scale using CTRL-A. If you use Sphere-bounds, make sure the radius 
fits the sphere 

Keep masses for dynamic objects similar 

If an object of 100 kg rests on an object of 0. 1 kg, the simulation will have difficulties. In order to 
avoid large mass ratios, keep mass of objects similar (in the order of a few kg) 

Vie\ Boundary Display bhjact Mtrie i |0 i ■ fi 
Sialic Triangle-Mesh 


an """ —»-"■"»■' 

Corwex Hull Pal /tope 

_Q Cone | No sleeping 

Do Rl Sill 

Damp: O.Oi Spiiere 



15/02/2011 12:39:15 



Bullet Game Engine Features 

Assign the right bounds type 

For a cylinder, choose cylinder, even for non-moving objects. Similar for a box etc. Convex Hull can 
approximate meshes for moving objects and static objects. 

Don't use too many vertices in Convex Hull meshes 

About 4 to 32 vertices should be fine. For more complex objects use simple proxy objects for the 
collision margin 


Leave the center of the object in the middle of the mesh 

The center (where the axis are) needs to be inside the mesh, not near to the boundary or outside!. 

Leave the gravity to 10, don't make it too large 

The physics simulation works better with smaller gravity, so if possible don't use large gravity. 
Avoid very small dynamic objects (< 0.2 units) 

Don't make dynamic objects smaller then 0.2 units if possible. For the default gravity, 1 unit equals 1 

meter, so any 'side' of the objects should be bigger then that. 
No large objects 

Don't use large objects, or large triangles. 
Don't use degenerate triangles 

Triangles that are have extreme long sides as well as extreme short sides can lead to problems. 

in els © sj j t£ IJ £1 

host : jffiRiRiflBod] No sleeping , Sensors 

: Fil l MMfcTpB I ms: 1 .ODD | FOfF h."^ t ,,. . ..- ■ ,. _ 

; ' -, .- ] — ' -- ■■ — r — r l '< ■•■■ •■ ■ llllM " Ji - j acdvalion 


After a few seconds, the object doesn't move anymore. It doesn't interact with moving platforms etc. 

You can manually activate an object, using python command 'object.restoreDynamics'. Or use the 'no 
sleeping' button. But don't use the 'no sleeping' button too much, perhaps just for the main 
character/car etc. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



Bullet Game Engine Features 


How to setup a vehicle 

Use the PhysicsConstraints module in Python, and create a special constraint on a rigid body. 

• For collision Bounds it is best to use Convex Hull Polytope. Remember to switch on collision for the 
chassis polygons! 

• Don't use box, because shifting the center of the box doesn't work. 

• Give the vehicle enough space to move: too narrow roads, too sharp corners and high street curbs and 
other obstacles that are difficult to avoid are very frequent mistakes which makes driving frustrating, 
rather then fun. 

This constraint allows to add wheels, set tire friction, suspension, steering and so on. 

There is a demo vehicle3_Steering fix.blend in the physics demos. 

See the Python Vehicle Script for the code. 

• To improve (vehicle) simulation quality add this line to the python scrips: 

PhysicsConstraints . setNumTimeSubSteps (2 ) 

• don't set friction of track and ground to zero, better lower the friction of car chassis This way you can 
add traffic cones and other interesting dynamic objects. Ground friction of means bad physics 

• Try to tweak the form factor (under No sleeping button) a little bit, but keep it close to 0.4. For 
example 0.45 

• For debugging to see that the ray cast for each wheel has correct position and direction use: 

fdraw the raycast lines 

PhysicsConstraints . setDebugMode ( 1 ) 

• Make sure you don't use overlays scenes and other camera effects (split screen/viewports) during 
debugging. The debug lines will not properly show up. 

There is a small gap between the ground and my object 

Except for boxes and sphere, there is indeed a tiny gap (0.06 by default) between objects. This gap 
allows the simulation to run smoother and more stable. It is not recommended, but you can reduce the 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Reference Bullet Game Engine Features 

gap with the "Margin" parameter in the Logic Buttons or using Python: 

controller = GameLogic . getCurrentController ( ) 
owner = controller . getOwner ( ) 
owner . setCollisionMargin (0.01) 

You can also consider using margin of zero for static/non moving objects, and leave the default margin for 
dynamics objects. 

I want higher quality simulation or create IPO key frames for animation 

If you are on high performance machines or just rendering / creating key frames, and don't worry 
about real time you can increase the sub steps to improve quality of simulation, using a python script 

import PhysicsConstraints 

PhysicsConstraint s . setNumTimeSubSteps (2 ) 

default is 1. 2 or more make simulation more accurate. 
Rigid Body Joints 

Add Constraint 

To Object C 

▼ Rigid Body Joint 

| Const 




= 1 

No Col. 



Pivot X: 4.50 


to X: COO 


Pivot Y: 0.00 


Ax V: 0.00 


Pivot Z: 0.00 


A*Z: -S0.00 



Rigid Body Joints can be added in the Object Buttons F7, "Constraints"-panel. Add a "Rigid Body Constraint" 
with the "Add Constraint" button. Constraints will keep a Object in a defined location or restrict the rotation 
around defined axes. However be careful, it is possible to break a constraint/joint using Dloc or dRot 

In common for all rigid body constraints are the position and rotation of the Pivot point (visualize with 
"ShowPivot"). Enter the name of the object to constrain into the field "toObject:". disable 

The "No Col." button disables the collision detection between the two linked bodies. Often the bodies are 
(almost) overlapping, and collision detection conflicts with the other constraints. 

Always remember that you add constraints to the parent object, not the constrained object (child)! 

For debugging and visualizing a constraint it is very helpful to use the "Show Physics Visualization" from the 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



Sound Buttons 

Joint Types 

■ Generic (experimental) 
Vp, Cone Twist 


With the "Rigid Body Constraint" chosen from the "Constraints"-panel you can specify different types of 




Point to point constraint, also known as ball socket joint, limits the translation so that the local pivot 
points of two rigid bodies match in world space. A chain of rigid bodies can be connected using this 

Hinge constraint, or revolute joint, restricts two additional angular degrees of freedom, so the body 
can only rotate around one axis, the hinge axis. This can be useful to represent doors or wheels 
rotating around one axis. The user can specify limits and motor for the hinge. 

Cone Twist 

To create rag dolls, the cone twist constraint is very useful for limbs like the upper arm. It is a special 
point to point constraint that adds cone and twist axis limits. 


A generic D6 constraint. This generic constraint can emulate a variety of standard constraints, by 
configuring each of the 6 degrees of freedom (dof). The first 3 dof axis are linear axis, which 
represent translation of rigid bodies, and the latter 3 dof axis represent the angular motion. For each 

• Lowerlimit == Upperlimit -> axis is locked. 

• Lowerlimit > Upperlimit -> axis is free 

• Lowerlimit < Upperlimit -> axis it limited in that range 


• RigidBodyJointTypes. blend 

• ConstraintHinge. blend 

Sound Buttons 

The Sound Buttons are used for loading and managing sounds for the Blender game engine. Currently only 
WAV files are supported. 


EimnsH ' IF1EIS — 

f Listener 

Blender sound block 

Game Mfarale: 2ZQ50 Hz 



| Copy sound 

500 Hz, 28817 Sam 

Sample: Mono, 1 6 bit, A' 


g;y)leri<ierW)) tlcor\aueHoVJkOap.wav 

Volume: 1 HI^^^^H 

Lead sample Play 

Volume: 1 .OOGN^H^Mj 

Pitch: 0.00 

1 fin 

Velocity; 340.29 | 

3D Sound 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Reference Performance and design issues 


Figure xx-y. The Sound Buttons 

In the "Sound"-panel you can see the name of the Sound Object (here "SO:boird_flap.wav"). This name is set 

to the name of the sound sample by default, you can always rename it. With the Menu Button next to the 

"SO:" you can browse existing Sound Objects and load new Sound Objects. "Copy sound" makes a duplicate 

of the sound. 

Below the "SO:" block you can assign already loaded samples to the Sound Object. So the Sound Object 
name doesn't have to be the name of the sample. For example you can use a Sound Object "SO:explosion" and 
then use "explosion_nuke.wav" later. You load samples using the "Load Sample" button. Using the Menu 
Button to the left of the file location, you can browse samples already loaded and assign one to the Sound 

Above the sample location, Blender gives you some basic information about the loaded sample, like the 
sample frequency, 8 or 16bit and if the sample is stereo or mono. 

When the pack/unpack button (parcel) is pressed, the sample is packed into the *. blend file, which is 
especially important when distributing files. 

The "Play" button plays the sound, you can stop a playing sound with ESC. The "Vol:" slider sets the volume 
of the sample. With the Pitch: value you can change the frequency of the sound. Currently there's support for 
values between half the pitch (-12 semitones) and double the pitch (+12 semitones). Or in Hertz: if your 
sample has a frequency of 1000 Hz, the bottom value is 500 and the top 2000 Hz. 

The "Loop" button sets the looping for the sample on or off. Depending on the play-mode in the Sound 
Actuator this setting can be overridden. "Ping Pong" plays the sound forwards, then backwards in a loop, great 
for engine sounds. 

The "3D Sound" Button activates the calculation of 3D sound for this Sound Object. This means the volume 
of the sound depends on the distance and position (stereo effect) between the sound source and the listener. 
The listener is the currently active camera. 

The "Scale:" slider sets the sound attenuation. In a 3D world you want to scale the relationship between gain 
and distance. For example, if a sound passes by the camera you want to set the scaling factor that determines 
how much the sound will gain if it comes towards you and how much it will diminish if it goes away from 
you. The scaling factor can be set between 0.0, all positions get multiplied by zero, no matter where the source 
is, it will always sound as if it is playing in front of you (no 3D sound), 1 .0 (a neutral state, all positions get 
multiplied by 1) and 5.0 which over accentuates the gain/distance relationship. 

The "Listener"-panel in the Sound Buttons defines global settings for the listener. The listener is the current 
active camera. The "Volume:" slider sets the global volume of all sounds. The settings for the Doppler effect 
are currently not supported. 

Performance and design issues 

Computers get faster every month, nowadays nearly every new computer has a hardware accelerated graphics 
card. But still there are some performance issues to think about. This is not only a good design and 
programming style but also essential for the platform compatibility Blender provides. So to make a 
well-designed game for various platforms, keep these rules in mind: 

1 . Don't use properties in combination with AND/OR/Expression controller as scripting language. Use 
the Python Controller for all more complex things 

2. Use as few inter-object LogicBrick connections as possible. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 175 

Reference Game Logic Bricks 

3. Use ALT-D (instanced mesh for new object) when replicating meshes, this is better than SHIFT-D 
(copies the mesh). 

4. Alpha mapped polygons, especially sorted, are expensive, so use with care. 

5. Switching off the collision flag for polygons is good for performance. The use of "Ghost" is also 
cheaper then a regular physics object. 

6. Keep the polygon count as low as possible. Its quite easy to add polygons to models, but very hard to 
remove them without screwing up the model. The detail should be made with textures. 

7. Keep your texture-resolution as low as possible. You can work with hi-res versions and then later 
reduce them to publish the game. 

8. Polygons set to "Light" are expensive. Use with care or use lightning baked into textures. 

9. Instead of real-time lighting use VertexPaint to lighten, darken or tint faces to suggest lighting 

10. Use simpler geometry for bounding and collision-bounds of objects 

1 1 . Separate real time shadows to layers 

12. Use GLSL Materials with care, not all graphics cards will provide them (or fall back to a slow 
software rendering). 

Game Logic Bricks 

The game logic in Blenders game engine is assembled in the Realtime Buttons. Here you wire the different 
Logic Bricks together. The following is a brief description of all the Logic Bricks currently available. 


Sensors act like real senses; they can detect collisions, feel (Touch), smell (Near), view (Ray, Radar). 

Always Sensor 

The most basic Sensor is the Always Sensor. It is also a good example for the common buttons every sensor 

X I Always 


Always Sensor with common elements for Sensors 

The button labeled "X" deletes the Sensor from the game logic. This happens without a confirmation, so be 

careful. The Menu Button to the right of the delete button (here labeled "Always") allows you to choose the 

type of Sensor. Click and hold it with the left mouse button to get the pop up menu. Next is a Text Button, 

which holds the name of the Sensor. Blender assigns the name automatically on creation. Click the name with 

the left mouse button to change the name with the keyboard. Note 

Name your Logic Bricks and Blender objects to keep track of your scenes. A graphical logic scheme can 
become very complex. 

With the small arrow button you can hide the contents of the LogicBrick, so it only shows the top bar. This is 
very handy in complex scenes. Together with the State system (see #State System) this helps to keep track on 
complex logics. 

The next row of buttons is used to determine how and at which frequency a Sensor is "firing". This topic is a 
bit complex, so we will give examples in more than one part of this documentation. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 176 

General things on sensors 


The internal state of a sensor can only take two values: true or false. This state value is updated at each frame 
based on the external conditions that the sensor monitors: keyboard key press/release for the keyboard sensor, 
mouse movement for the mouse sensor, etc. At the start of each frame, the BGE runs through all the enabled 
sensors and updates their internal state. The sensor state remains unchanged through the rest of the frame 
processing. Transition between true/false states is the primary cause for triggering controllers. The Lvl and 
Pulse buttons can be used to generate more triggers but this is discussed in the a later section. The Inv button 
inverts the internal state: when the external condition is true, the internal state is false and vice- versa. 

The direction of the transition (false/true or true/false) does not matter for triggering the controllers: either 
way, the controller is executed. Note that the controller is not executed immediately, but only when all 
enabled sensors have been updated. Regardless if multiple sensors are triggering the same controller, each 
triggered controller is executed only once. The internal state transition of a sensor triggers all the active 
controllers that are attached to it. 

A controller that is executed will usually check the internal state of the sensors and take appropriate action. 
The logic controllers (AND, OR, XORa!) evaluate a formula using the state of all the sensors connected to 
them as input values; they do not use the transition information. The Python controller runs a user provided 
script and it is up to the script writer to check the state of the sensors using the Sensors aisPositive()a 
function. Note that the transition information is available through the aisTriggered()a function: the script 
writer can find out which of the sensor triggered the controller. 

Pulse Modes and Lvl 

The Lvl and Pulse buttons can be used to generate more triggers than just state transition. 

111 | ... | f : Lvl | Inv | 


Pulse Mode Buttons 

There are two pulse buttons: one for the true state (left) and for the false state (right). When either button is 

selected, the frequency parameter "f:" determines at which frame interval the triggers are generated. A trigger 

is generated every frequency+1 frame. If the frequency parameter is 0, a trigger is generated on every frame. 

If the false(true) state pulse button is selected, the repeated triggers are produced when the sensor internal 

state is false(true). The pulse triggers are synchronized with the state transition: the first pulse trigger will 

arrive frequency+1 frame after the state transition. If both buttons are selected, repeated pulses are produced 

all the time but are still synchronized with the state transitions. 

u" n 

"■ — n" 

y | y 

Uj 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j i j | [ lyiTTTJTPT 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 




Different Pulse Mode Settings on a Keyboard Sensor 


Before activating any pulse mode in the Sensor, try first without, this can save much performance, this is 
especially important with the Always Sensor. If you still need a pulse mode, think if you can raise the f: 
(frequency) setting, this can also save much performance. 

If none of the mode buttons are activated the Always Sensor fires exactly one time. This is very useful for 
initializing stuff at the start of a game. 

Lvl button: This button has only an effect when entering a state (when the state to which the sensor is 
connected is being activated due to a state actuator). Normally, a sensor generates an event (activates the 
controller) only when there is a transition in its internal state. When the Lvl button is selected, the sensor will 
always generate an initial event, whether positive or negative, based on the current sensor state. Example: you 
have a keyboard sensor that controls a motion actuator; you want the motion actuator to be immediately 
activated even if the key is already pressed when entering the state, so select the Lvl button. 

Limitation: for the time being, this works reliably only if the sensor is connected to a single state. In a future 
version, it will work even if the sensor is used by multiple states. 


• PulseModesDiagramm.blend (visualizes the Pulses and their values) 

• MoveCertainDist.blend (different uses of Pulse-Modes with the Motion Actuator) 

Common Sensor Python Functions 






The frequency for mode sensors 



True if this sensor activates on negative events. 



True if the sensor is in negative mode. 



True if the sensor is in positive mode. 



True if this sensor brick has been activated. 


Sets the frequency for mode sensors. 


Sets if this sensor activates on positive (true) or negative 


Sets negative mode. 


Sets positive mode. 



Returns whether this sensor is a level detector or a edge 



True if this sensor brick is in a positive state. 



True if this sensor brick has triggered the current 


Reset sensor internal state, effect depends on the type of 
sensor and settings. 


Set whether to detect level or edge transition when 
entering a state. 



15/02/2011 12:39:15 




Allows to check if a python object is of a certain type. For 
example, if you get an object from the scene's object list, 
you can check if this object is of type lamp: if 
ob.isA("KX_LightObject"): ... 

All Sensors provide these functions. 

Delay Sensor 

X I D 



' f: 


Lvl In 



The Delay sensor generates positive and negative triggers at precise time, expressed in number of frames. The 
delay parameter defines the length of the initial OFF period. A positive trigger is generated at the end of this 
period. The duration parameter defines the length of the ON period following the OFF period. There is a 
negative trigger at the end of the ON period. If duration is 0, the sensor stays ON and there is no negative 
trigger. The sensor runs the OFF-ON cycle once unless the repeat option is set, then the OFF-ON cycle 
repeats indefinitely (or the OFF cycle if duration is 0). 

Delay Sensor Python Functions 




Set the initial delay (in frames) before the positive trigger. 


Set the duration (in frames) of the ON pulse after initial delay and the 
generation of the positive trigger. 


Set the sensors repeat mode. 



Return the delay parameter value. 



Return the duration parameter value 



Return the repeat parameter value 

Keyboard Sensor 

X Keyboard 


at h 

ail <* 


Lvl Inv | 


All keys 






The Keyboard Sensor is one of the most often used Sensors because it provides the interface between Blender 
and the user. 

The mode buttons are common for every Sensor so they have the same functionality as described for the 
Always Sensor. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 




By activating the "All keys" Button, the Sensor will react to every key. In the "Hold" fields you can put in 
modifier keys, which need to be held while pressing the main key. 

The Keyboard Sensor can be used for simple text input. To do so, fill in the Property which should hold the 
typed text (you can use Backspace to delete chars) into the "Target:" field. The input will be active as long the 
Property in "LogToggle:" is "TRUE". 

Python methods: 

Keyboard Sensor Python Functions 





Returns the key code 
this sensor is looking 


Set the key this sensor 
should listen for. 

list of kev status, kevcode. 


Get a list of keys that 
have either been 
pressed, or just 
released this frame 
(when the Sensor is 

list of kev status, kevcode. 


Get a list of currently 
pressed keys that have 
either been pressed, or 
just released. With this 
function you will get 
all pressed keys even 
if the Sensor is not 
triggered anymore. 

Import the Game Keys module (see #GameKeys Module ) to have symbolic names for the keys. 

Mouse Sensor 



« f: 

Lvl | Inv I 

Left button 


Currently, the Sensor is able to watch for mouse clicks, mouse movement or a mouse over. To get the position 

of the mouse cursor as well you need to use a Python- script. 

To get the coordinates of the mouse it is necessary to use Python, see the examples. 

Python methods: 

Common Mouse Sensor 
Python Functions 



15/02/2011 12:39:15 





getXPosition( ) 

Gets the mouse's X-position 


getYPosition( ) 

Gets the mouse's Y-position 

Use the Menu Button to choose between the Mouse Sensor types: 


Mouse over any 

Mouse over 




Wheel Down 


Wheel Up 
Right button 


Middle button 



Left button 

Left button 


Left/Middle/Right Button 

The sensor gives out an event when the correlate mouse button is pressed. 
Wheel up/down 

The sensor gives an event when the mouse wheel is moved up or down. 

The sensor sends out an event when the mouse is moved. 

The following to mouse over modes are working as follow: a ray is fired from the mouse pointer into the 
scene (see examples section below on how to make the mouse pointer visible in a game). The results of the 
ray to object collision can be used in several ways, this reflects in the python functions for the mouse over 

Mouse over 

The Sensor sends an event when the mouse pointer is over the object which carries the 
Sensor. To make mouse over works as expected, ensure to start the game in a Camera view! 

Mouse over any 

The Sensor sends an event when the mouse pointer is over any object (with collision faces). 
To make mouse over any works as expected, ensure to start the game in a Camera view ! 

Mouse Over Any Sensor Python Functions 



list [x, y, z] 


Returns the normal of the detected face 



Returns game object the mouse is over 

list [x, y, z] 


Position in space where the ray hits the object 

list [x, y, z] 


Where the ray points to 

list [x, y, z] 


Returns the end point of the sensor ray. 

list [x, y, z] 


Returns the start point of the sensor ray. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 





• Blends /Reference/MouseOverAdd. blend (Trackball View, Blender style, uses 

• Blends /Re ference/ShowMouse .blend (making the mouse pointer visible)</code> 

• Blends /Reference/MouseOverAdd. blend (adding objects at the mouse cursor)</code> 

• Blends /Reference/GetHitNormal .blend (use of getHitNormal())</code> 

Touch Sensor 

JC| Touch 

' l|sensor4 

"■ „. 



Inv | 


The Touch Sensor gives an event when the object it is assigned to, touches a material. If you enter a material 
name into the "MA:" text field it only reacts to this material otherwise it reacts to all touches. 

The Touch Sensor inherits from the Collision Sensor, so it provides the same methods, hence the method 
names. See also #Collision Sensor. 

Touch Sensor Python Functions 





Argument is a string containing the property or material 
name to collide with. 



Returns the property or material to collide with. 



Returns the last object hit by this touch sensor. 



Returns a list of all objects hit in the last frame. 



Returns true if this sensor looks for a specific material, false 
if it looks for a specific property. 


Set flag to true to switch on positive pulse mode, false to 
switch off positive pulse mode. 

Collision Sensor 


The Collision Sensor is a general Sensor used to detect contact between objects. Besides reacting to materials 
it is also capable of detecting Properties of an object. Therefore you can switch the input field from Material 
to Property by clicking on the "M/P" button. 

Collision Sensor Python Functions 




15/02/2011 12:39:15 





Argument is a string containing the property or material 
name to collide with. 



Returns the property or material to collide with. 



Returns the last object hit by this touch sensor. 



Returns a list of all objects hit in the last frame. 



Returns true if this sensor looks for a specific material, false 
if it looks for a specific property. 


Set flag to true to switch on positive pulse mode, false to 
switch off positive pulse mode. 

Near Sensor 

The near sensor reacts to actors near the object with the sensor. 

X | Near 









1 Dist 1 .00 

»| 4 

Reset 2.00 




The near sensor only senses objects of the type "Actor" (a dynamic object is also an actor). 

If the "Property:" field is empty, the near sensor reacts to all actors in its range. If filled with a property name, 
the sensor only reacts to actors carrying a property with that name. 

You can set the spherical range of the near sensor with the "Dist" Number Button. The "Reset" value defines 
at what distance the near sensor is reset again. 

The Near Sensor is a special case of a touch sensor, see #Touch Sensor for the Python methods and functions. 

Radar Sensor 


The Radar Sensor acts like a real radar. 

It looks for an object along the axis indicated with the axis pop up 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 





If a property name is entered into the "Prop:" field, it only reacts to objects with this property. 

In the "Ang:" field you can enter an opening angle for the radar. This equals the angle of view for a camera. 
The "Dist:" setting determines how far the Radar Sensor can see. 

Objects can't block the line of sight for the Radar Sensor. This is different for the Ray Sensor (see #Rav 
Sensor) . You can combine them for making a radar that is not able to look through walls. 

Radar sensor is a near sensor with a conical sensor object. Please look at #Near Sensor for the common 
Python methods. 

Radar Sensor Python Functions 




list [x, y, 


Returns the origin of the cone with 
which to test. 

list [x, y, 

getConeTarget() IReturns the center of the bottom face of 
the cone with which to test. 



Returns the height of the cone with 
which to test. 


• RadarSensor.blend 

Property Sensor 


The Property Sensor senses Properties attached to the object carrying the Property Sensor. 


t Changed 
I Not Equal 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 




You can change the type with the pop up menu to Equal, Not Equal, Interval and Changed. 


The "Equal" type Property Sensor checks for equality of the property given in the "Prop:" field and the value 
in "Value:". If the condition is true, it fires events according to the pulse mode settings. 

The "Not Equal" Property Sensor checks for inequality and then fires its events. 

The "Interval" type property sensor fires its event if the value of property is inside the interval defined by 
"Min:" and "Max:". This sensor type is especially helpful for checking float values, for which you can't 
depend on to reach a value exactly. This is most common with the "Timer" Property. 

The "Changed" Property Sensor gives out events every time a Property is changed. This can, for example, 
happen through a Property Actuator, a Python script or an Expression. 

Property Sensor Python Functions 





Gets when to activate this sensor. 


Set the type of check to perform. 



Return the property with which the sensor operates. 


Sets the property with which to operate. 



Return the value with which the sensor compares to the value of the 


Set the value with which the sensor operates. 

Random Sensor 





* ! 1 1 



1 mv ! 




The Random Sensor fires a pulse randomly according to the pulse settings (50/50 pick). The Random is a so 
called "pseudo random", that means with the same seed the same sequence of numbers will be generated. This 
can be used to achieve "random" behavior that is the same on every game start. For more complex random 
functions see #Random Actuator. 

With a seed of zero the Random Sensor works like an Always Sensor, which means it fires a pulse every time. 

Property Sensor Python Functions 





Sets the seed of the random number generator. 



Returns the initial seed of the generator. 



Returns the last random number generated. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Ray Sensor 


It B 

i i e 




Inv J 




The Ray Sensor casts a ray for the distance set into the Number Button "Range". If the ray hits an object with 
the right Property or the right Material the Sensor fires its event. 

Other objects block the ray, so that it can't see through walls. See also #Radar Sensor 
Without a material or property name filled in, the Ray Sensor reacts to all objects. 

Ray Sensor Python Functions 





getHitObject() Returns the game object 
that was hit by this ray. 

list [x, y, z] 


Returns the position (in world 
coordinates) where the object was hit by 
this ray. 

list [nx, ny, nz] 


Returns the normal (in world 
coordinates) of the object at the location 
where the object was hit by this ray. 

list [dx, dy, dz] 


Returns the direction from the ray (in 
world coordinates) 

Message Sensor 


The Message Sensor fires its event when a Message arrives. The "Subject:" field can be used to filter 

messages matching the given subject. 

Message Sensor Python Functions 





Change the message subject text that this sensor is listening to. 



Get the number of messages received since the last frame. 



Gets the list of message bodies. 



Gets the message subject this sensor is listening for from the 
Subject: field. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 






Gets the list of message subjects received. 

See in section #Message Body on how to get the message body. 

Joystick Sensor 


With the joystick sensor you can access joysticks, game pads and other gear connected to the computer. With 
logic bricks it is only possible to use button and to check if a joystick axis is moved a certain amount. To get 
the values of analog devices it is necessary to use a Python script, see the examples below. 

With the type menu of the joystick sensor you can choose what the sensor sould sense. 

Common for all Joystick Sensor types is "Index:", which tells Blender which joystick to use. The "All" button 
selects that all events for this type should trigger the sensor, especially usefull for Python scripts. 


Button The number button "Number: 0" selects the joystick button to use. 


Axis With "Number: 1" you choose which axis pair to use. With the menu right to the "Number: 1" Button 
you choose in which direction the stick needs to be moved for the sensor to fire an event. With "Threshold: 0" 
you can choose a value how much the stick needs to be moved to let the sensor fire. This is mostly used if a 
analog stick is used. 


Hat Some joysticks and game pads have a hat-controller, mostly used to change the view direction. With the 
"Number: 1" button you choose which head-controller to use. Hat-controllers can sense usually 8 directions, 
up, up+right, right, right+down, etc. The "Direction:" field gives the direction in a binary manner: 











15/02/2011 12:39:15 




If you like to check for up and right you simply add the values, 1+2=3. Of course normally you can't press up 
and down at the same time on conventional sticks, but of course this way we are very flexible and have a 4 bit 
digital input we could use also for other things (robotic experiments, other types of input devices...)- 

Joystick Sensor Python Functions 






Returns the current axis this sensor reacts to. 



Returns a list of the values for the current state of each axis. 



Returns the current button this sensor is checking. 



Returns a list containing the indicies of the current pressed state of each button. 



Returns the current direction of the hat. 



Returns the joystick index to use. 



Returns the number of axes . 



Returns the number of buttons . 



Returns the number of hats . 



Returns the threshold of the axis. 



Returns True if a joystick is connected at this joysticks index. 


Sets the current axis this sensor reacts to. 


Sets the button the sensor reacts to. 


Sets the hat the sensor reacts to. 


Sets the joystick index to use. 

Examples: - Analoglnput.blend (get analog input from a joystick) 

Actuator Sensor 


The actuator sensor detects when certain actuator on the same object is triggered, useful for reducing the 

number of controllers and wires because you don't need to pass this information with properties anymore. 

The sensor generates a positive when the corresponding sensor is activated and a negative when it is 
deactivated (the contrary if the Inv option is selected). 

Actuator Sensor Python Functions 






Return the Actuator with which the sensor operates. 


Sets the Actuator with which to operate. 


Actuators are disabled at the start of the game; if you want to detect the On-Off transition of an 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 




actuator after it has been activated at least once, unselect the Lvl and Inv options and use a NAND 


Some actuators deactivates themselves immediately after being activated. The sensor detects this 

situation as an On-Off transition. 


• See Pinnball tutorial (detection of an complete played Ipo) 

• This Actuator is also very to detect the loss of contact of the distance Constraint Actuator 



Controllers act as the brain for your game logic. This reaches from very simple decisions like connecting two 
or more inputs, simple expressions, to complex Python scripts which can carry artificial intelligence. 

Common Controller Python Functions 




list [SCAJSensor] 


Gets a list of all 
sensors attached 
to this 



Gets the named 
linked sensor. 

list [SCA_IActuator] 


Gets a list of all 
actuators linked 
to this 



Gets the named 
and linked 



Returns the 
priority for this 


Sets the priority 
for this actuator 



Get the given 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



Simple Logical Controllers 



Gets the owner 
of the 



Get the name of 
the Python 


Set the name of 
the Python 



Get the current 
state of the 


isA() allows to check if a python object is of a certain type. For 
example, if you get an object from the scene's object list, you can 
check if this object is of type lamp: if ob.isA("KX_LightObject"): 

Simple Logical Controllers 



_ X I OR 
inputs is true. 

■ cont 

® The AND controller only passes an event if all inputs are 


1 Q 

*• The OR controller passes an event if any number of the 

output is true if any of the input is false. 



output is false if any of the input is true. 



if and only if one input is true and all the other inputs are false. 

*• The NAND controller is an inverted AND controller: the 

** The NOR controller is an inverted OR controller: the 

** The XOR controller is an exclusive OR: the output is true 



® The XNOR controller is an inverted XOR: the output is 

false if and only if one input is false and all the other inputs are true. 

The NAND, NOR and XNOR controllers are very useful to create complementary outputs to start and stop 
actuators synchronously. 

Expression Controller 

> | Expression 




15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Reference Expression Controller 


With the Expression Controller you can create slightly complex game logic with a single line of "code". You 

can access the output of sensors attached to the controller and access the properties of the object. 

The expression mechanism prints out errors to the console, so have a look there if anything fails. 


Expressions can be used in the Expression Controller and the Property Actuator. 

Table: Valid expressions 

Expression type 


Integer numbers 


Float number 





"I am a string!" 




sensorname (as named in the sensor LogicBrick) 

Table: Arithmetic expressions 




Addition, 12+3, 


Subtraction, 12-3, 


Multiplication, 12*3, 


Division, 12/3, propname/21 


EXPR1 greater then EXPR2 


EXPR1 greater or equal 


EXPR1 less than EXPR2 

Table 26-3. Boolean operations 






logical OR 


logical AND 


EXPR1 equals 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



Conditional statement: IF( Test, ValueTrue, 
ValueFalse ) 

Python Controller 

Table 26-4. Expression examples 









String comparison between a Property and a string 



A string compare is done 

Python Controller 




. SCripJ: 



The Python controller is the most powerful controller in game engine. You can attach a Python script to it, 
which allows you to control your GameObjects, ranging from simple movement up to complex game-play and 
artificial intelligence. 

Enter the name of the script you want to attach to the Python Controller into the "Script:" field. The script 
needs to exist in the file or Blender will ignore the name you type. 

Remember that Blender treats names as case sensitive! So the script "player" is not the same as "Player". 
Python for the game engine is covered in #Game engine Python 

Python Controller Functions 






Gets the Python script this controller executes. 


Sets the Python script this controller executes. 

State System 

States are a way to achieve complex logics without cluttering your Logic Buttons and having to redo already 
existing Logic Bricks. States are a group of Logic Bricks which get executed at a certain time or state (hence 
the name) of the game. 

Imagine a character wandering around. There may be different materials for the ground (e.g. ice and sand), a 
different control method in water or air, etc. Without states you would now start to use Properties, 
Property-Sensors and Actuators to control what state the actor has. With the state system probably only one 
LogicBrick changes the state and you are done. 

State internals (by Benoit Bolsee) 

The state system is object based. The current state mask is stored in the object as a 32 bit value; each bit set in 
the mask is an active state. The controllers have a state mask too, but only one bit can be set: a controller 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Reference State System 

belongs to a single state. The game engine will only execute controllers that belong to active states. Sensors 
and actuators don't have a state mask but are effectively attached to states via their links to the controllers. 

Sensors and actuators can be connected to more than one state. When a controller becomes inactive because of 
a state change, its links to sensors and actuators are temporarily broken (until the state becomes active again). 
If an actuator gets isolated, i.e all the links to controllers are broken, it is automatically disabled. If a sensor 
gets isolated, the game engine will stop calling it to save CPU power. It will also reset the sensor internal state 
so that it can react as if the game just started when it gets reconnected to an active controller. For example, an 
Always sensor in no mode that is connected to a single state (i.e connected to one or more controllers of a 
single state) will generate a event each time the state becomes active. This feature is not available on all 
sensors, see the notes below. 

State GUI 

This system system is fully configurable through the GUI: the object state mask is visible under the object bar 
in the controller's colum as an array of buttons just like the 3D view layer mask. Click on a state bit to only 
display the controllers of that state. You can select more than one state with SHIFT-LMB. The "All" button 
sets all the bits so that you can see all the controllers of the object. The "Ini" button sets the state mask back to 
the objects default state. You can change the default state of objects by first selecting the desired state mask 
and storing using the menu under the "State" button. 


If you define a default state mask, it will be loaded into the object state make when you load the blend file or 
when you run the game under the Blenderplayer. However, when you run the game with Blender, the current 
selected state mask will be used as the startup state for the object. This allows you to test specific state during 
the game design. 

The controller displays the state they belong to with a new button in the controller header. When you add a 
new controller, it is added by default in the lowest enabled state. You can change the controller state by 
clicking on the button and selecting another state. If more than one state is enabled in the object state mask, 
controllers are grouped by state for more readability. 

The new "Sta" button in the sensor and actuator column header allows you to display only the sensors and 
actuators that are linked to visible controllers. 

A new state actuator is available to modify the state during the game. It defines a bit mask and the operation to 
apply on the current object state mask: 

Cpy: the bit mask is copied to the object state mask. 

Add: the bits that set in the bit mask will be turned on in the object state mask. 

Sub: the bits that set in the bit mask will be turned off in the object state mask. 

Inv: the bits that set in the bit mask will be inverted in the object state mask. 

Things to note: 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 193 


State GUI 

• Although states have no name, a simply convention consists in using the name of the first controller 
of the state as the state name. The GUI will support that convention by displaying as a hint the name 
of the first controller of the state when you move the mouse over a state bit of the object state mask or 
of the state actuator bit mask. 

• Each object has a state mask and each object can have a state engine but if several objects are part of a 
logical group, it is recommended to put the state engine only in the main object and to link the 
controllers of that object to the sensors and actuators of the different objects. 

• When loading an old blend file, the state mask of all objects and controllers are initialized to 1 so that 
all the controllers belong to this single state. This ensures backward compatibility with existing 

• When the state actuator is activated at the same time as other actuators, these actuators are guaranteed 
to execute before being eventually disabled due to the state change. This is useful for example to send 
a message or update a property at the time of changing the state. 

• Sensors that depend on underlying resource won't reset fully when they are isolated. By the time they 
are activated again, they will behave as follow: Keyboard sensor: keys already pressed won't be 
detected. The keyboard sensor is only sensitive to new key press. Collision sensor: objects already 
colliding won't be detected. Only new collisions are detected. Near and radar sensor: same as 
collision sensor. 


Actuators are the executing Logic Bricks. They can be compared with muscles or glands in a life form. 

Depending on the type or purpose of an Actuator, an Actuator can act differently on a pulse. Some inputs are 
more like keys (the get released when no pulse arrives) some act more like a switch (needs to be switched of 
by a pulse carrying a negative value). This is especially important for the Motion Actuator. 

Common Actuator Python Functions 






Returns the priority for this actuator 


Sets the priority for this actuator 



Get the given name 






allows to check if a python object is of a 
certain type. For example, if you get an 
object from the scene's object list, you 
can check if this object is of type lamp: 
if ob.isA("KX_LightObject"): ... 

(Shape) Action Actuator 

The Shape Action Actuator will play Actions or Shape Key animations in the game engine. If you add it to a 
mesh, it will add a Shape Action Actuator, if added to an Armature it will be an Action Actuator. Have a look 
at the examples below and the Character Animation tutorial. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



(Shape) Action Actuator 


X Shape Action 





J Ptay 



1 < 51a: 

* 1 4 




i JFrameProp: 



Fill in the start and end frame of your action into the "Sta:" and "End:" fields. 

Action play modes 

Play: Plays the Action from "Sta" to "End" at every positive pulse the Actuator gets. Other pulses while 
playing are discarded. 

Flipper: Plays the Action from "Sta" to "End" on activation. When the activation ends it plays backwards 
from the current position. When a new activation reaches the Actuator the Action will be played from the 
current position onwards. 

Loop Stop: Plays the Action in a loop as long as the pulse is positive. It stops at the current position when the 
pulse turns negative. 

Loop End: This plays the Action repeatedly as long as there is a positive pulse. When the pulse stops it 
continues to play the Action to the end and then stops. 

Property: Plays the Action for exactly the frame indicated in the property entered in the field "Prop:". 

Enter the name of your (Shape) Action into the field "AC:". Blender will blank the input if the entered name 
does not exist. 

If you switch states the "Continue" -button becomes important. In case that the "Continue" -button is pressed, 
upon deactivation of the Actuator, the last played frame of the action will be stored and restored when the 
Actuator is enabled (because of a state switch) again. 

In case you have more than on Action on your Object, "Blendin:" allows you to blend between the Actions. 
"Blendin:" is measured in numbers of frames. 

Actions with lower "Priority:" will override Actions with higher priority. Keep in mind that the overriding 
Actions need to be lower in the Actuators stack. 

Enter a Property name into the "FrameProp:" filed to get the actual frame number of the played action. This is 
very handy to synchronize the game with specific actions. 

Action Actuator Python Functions 





Sets the current action 


Specifies the starting frame of the animation 


Specifies the ending frame of the animation 

setB lendin(blendin) 

Specifies the number of frames of animation to generate when 
making transitions between actions 


Sets the priority of this actuator 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



Motion Actuator 


Sets the current frame for the animation 


Sets the property to be used in FromProp playback mode 


Sets the internal frame timer 


Sets the operation mode of the actuator 


Set the actions continue option True or False 



Returns the operation mode of the actuator 



When True, the action will always play from where last left off, 
otherwise negative events to this actuator will reset it to its start 



returns the name of the action associated with this actuator 



Returns the starting frame of the action 



Returns the last frame of the action 



Returns the number of interpolation animation frames to be 
generated when this actuator is triggered 



Returns the current frame number 



Returns the name of the property to be used in FromProp mode. 

setChannel(channel, matrix, 

Sets the channel to use 


Sets the current action, action (string): The name of the action to set 
as the current action, reset: Optional parameter indicating whether to 
reset the blend timer or not. A value of 1 indicates that the timer 
should be reset. A value of will leave it unchanged. If reset is not 
specified, the timer will be reset. 


Specifies the starling frame of the animation. Parameters: start 
(float) the starting frame of the animation 


ShapeAction.blend (Shape and Armature Action playing in the game engine) 

Motion Actuator 

The motion actuator is meant to move objects. Depending if you have a non-dynamic (so not evaluated by the 
physic engine) or dynamic object (see Doc:Reference l) it changes its appearence a bit. So for non-dynamic 
objects the Simple Motion Actuator would look like: 

0.00 0.00 




Because we operate in a 3D environment all parameters are for all three axis, so the numbers below are meant 
from left to right as X, Y and Z value of a parameter. 

Loc: X, Y and Z value the object should be moved upon activation of the Actuator. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



Motion Actuator 

Rot: Rotation around X, Y and Z axis when the Actuator is activated. Normally you can look at this value as 
rotation speed. However if you need to rotate a certain amount of degrees you can use this formula to 
calculate the value for the Rot-parameter: Rot = Degrees / 50 

With activated (default) "L"-buttons (L for local) all rotations and movements will be along the objects axes. 
With a deactivated "L"-button the movement or rotation will be along the world coordinates. 


• The Motion Actuator needs a negative event to deactivate, see "examples/MoveCertainDist.blend" 

For dynamic Objects there are much more options: 

X| Motion i ad 

Simple motion 

Loc ' 0.00 

0.00 " 


Rot < 0.00 ► 

« 0.00 ► 

< 0.00 ► 

Force < 0.00 ► 

< 0.00 ► 

« O.0Q ► 


Torque 0,00 - 

« 0.00 * 

< 0.00 » 

LinV < 0.00 ► 


« O.0Q " 

LJ add | 

AngV < 0.00 > 






Loc: X, Y and Z value the object should be moved upon activation of the Actuator. 

Rot: Rotation around X, Y and Z axis when the Actuator is activated. Normally you can look at this value as 
rotation speed. However if you need to rotate a certain amount of degrees you can use this formula to 
calculate the value for the Rot-parameter: Rot = Degrees / 50 

The movement and orientation of dynamic Objects is usually evaluated by the physics engine to simulate 
natural behaviors of the objects, e.g. falling and colliding with other objects. Using Loc/Rot for dynamic 
objects is not recommended unless you know what you are doing or you want to achieve a special effect. 

Force: Dynamic objects have a mass, and you need a force to move them. This force can be set here for X, Y 
and Z axes. 

Torque: Same as for Force but here a force to rotate the object 

LinV: Sets a linear velocity of the object. This can be used to set a starting speed of an object, but it should 
not be used to actually move the object. When the "Add"-button is pressed the velocity will be added to the 
existing object velocity 

AngV: Same as Linv but for rotational speed 

Damp: Damp works only for LinV and AngV (linear and angular Velocity). It defines the time constant, in 
frames, to get to the specified velocity. 

With activated (default for Loc/Rot/Force/Torque) "L"-buttons (L for local) all rotations and movements will 
be along the objects axes. With a deactivated "L"-button the movement or rotation will be along the world 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



Motion Actuator 

To avoid problems with objects getting faster and faster, or to allow more control over your game-physics 
there is another type of Motion Actuator, the Servo Control Actuator. You choose this type with the "Motion 

Motion actl 

Servo Contra! 


This variant of the motion actuator allows to control speed with force. The control is technically of the type 
"PID" (Propotional, Integral, Derivate): the force is automatically adapted to achieve the target speed. All the 
parameters of the Servo Actuator are configurable. The result is a great variety of motion style: anisotropic 
friction, flying, sliding, pseudo Dloc, etc. This actuator should be used in preference to Dloc and LinV as it 
produces more fluid movements, avoids the collision problems with Dloc and interacts correctly with gravity 
unlike linV. 

LinV : target speed as (X,Y,Z) vector in local or world coordinates (mostly useful in local coordinates). 

Limit: the force can be limited along each axis (in the same coordinates of LinV). No limitation means that 
the force will grow as large as necessary to achieve the target speed along that axis. Set a max value to limit 
the acceleration along an axis (slow start) and set a min value (negative) to limit the brake force. 

P: Proportional coefficient of servo controller, don't set directly unless you know what you're doing. 

I: Integral coefficient of servo controller. Use low value (<0.1) for slow reaction (sliding), high values (>0.5) 
for hard control. The P coefficient will be automatically set to 60 times the I coefficient (a reasonable value). 

D: Derivate coefficient. Leave to unless you know what you're doing. High values create instability. 


The servo motion actuator applies forces, it is therefore not compatible with other actuators that sets the force 
too, i.e a simple motion force actuator or another servo motion. Although it is possible to combine two servo 
motion actuators that works on different axis. 

This actuator is compatible with simple Drot motion actuator but not with LinV and Dloc motion. 

This actuator works perfectly in zero friction environment: the PID controller will simulate friction by 
applying force as needed. 

(0,0,0) is a valid target speed. 

Motion Actuator Python Functions 




list [x,y,z,local] 


Gets the angular Velocity (AngV) set in the 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



Constraint Actuator 


list [x,y,z,local] 


Gets the Loc set in the Actuator 

list [x,y,z,local] 


Gets the Rot set in the Actuator 



Gets the Damp set in the Actuator 

list [x,y,z,local] 


Gets the Force set in the Actuator 

list [min,max,active] 


Gets the force limit X as set in the Actuator 
(Servo Control) 

list [min,max,active] 


Gets the force limit Y as set in the Actuator 
(Servo Control) 

list [min,max,active] 


Gets the force limit Z as set in the Actuator 
(Servo Control) 


Sets the force limit for the x-axis 


Sets the force limit for the y-axis 


Sets the force limit for the z-axis 

list [x,y,z,local] 


Gets the linear velocity set in the Actuator 

list [x,y,z,local] 


Gets the torque set in the Actuator 


Sets the torque value 

list [x,y,z] 


Set the values for the DLoc row, use local=0 
to move along global axes 

list [x,y,z] 


Set the values for the DRot row, use local=0 
to rotate around global axes 


Damping for the HnV/linRot 


Set the values for the Force row, use local=0 
to move along global axes 


Set the values for the linV row, use local=0 to 
move along global axes 


Set the values for the Torque row, use 
local=0 to rotate around global axes 

Constraint Actuator 

The Constraint Actuator offers different ways to constraint or inhibit a movement or degree of freedom. Use 
the "Constraint Type"-menu to choose between Location, Orientation and Distance. 


X j Comlramt 





— J 

J_jJamp__0 Win 
[ None 





: Canstrssm type 

1 Or isn taken 
_ Distant e 


15/02/2011 12:39:15 



Constraint Actuator 


With the Constraint Actuator of the type "Location" you can constraint the location of an object in the 


I Loc Z 

*Loc V 





First choose a axis at which you want to limit the movement. If you need to constraint an object on more axes, 
use more Constraint Actuators. 

With the values under "Min" and "Max" you adjust the limits of the movement. The values are in Blender 

"damp" controls how fast/hard (low values) or slow/soft (high values) the Actuator reacts on a position change 
of the object. 


for dynamic objects this Controller is of limited use because it will not define a hard border, instead have a 
look at #Reference 

for dynamic objects try to use the Servo-Control Motion Actuator 

• See the "Flying Buddha" demo (Buddha main character) 


[Icheck Change!] This variant of the constraint actuator allows to set the distance and orientation relative to a 
surface. The controller uses a ray to detect the surface (or any object) and adapt the distance and orientation 
parallel to the surface. 



X | Constraint i | act3 


= 1 

damp Range 


None COO N | 

r*P Property: 

PER time 


Damp: Time constant (in numbers of frames) of distance and orientation control. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Reference Constraint Actuator 

Dist: Select to enable distance control and set target distance. The object will be position at the given distance 
of surface along the ray direction. 


Direction: chose a local axis as the ray direction. 

Range: length of ray. Object within this distance will be detected. 

N: Select to enable orientation control. The actuator will change the orientation and the location of the object 
so that it is parallel to the surface at the vertical of the point of contact of the ray. 

M/P: Select to enable material detection. Default is property detection. 

Property/Material: name of property /material that the target of ray must have to be detected. If not set, 
property/ material filter is disabled and any colliding object within range will be detected. 

PER: Select to enable persistent operation. Normally the actuator disables itself automatically if the ray does 
not reach a valid target. 

time: Maximum activation time of actuator. Zero means unlimited, values above zero meaning number of 
frames before automatic deactivation. 

rotDamp: Time constant (in numbers of frame) of orientation control. Zero: use Damp parameter. Above 
zero: use a different time constant for orientation. 


• If neither N nor Dist options are set, the actuator does not change the position and orientation of the 
object; it works as a ray sensor. 

• The ray has no "X-ray" capability: if the first object hit does not have the required property/material, 
it returns no hit and the actuator disables itself unless PER option is enabled. 

• This actuator changes the position and orientation but not the speed of the object. This has an 
important implication in a gravity environment: the gravity will cause the speed to increase although 
the object seems to stay still (it is repositioned at each frame). The gravity must be compensated in 
one way or another, the new servo control motion actuator is the simplest way: set the target speed 
along the ray axis to and the servo control will automatically compensate the gravity. 

• This actuator changes the orientation of the object and will conflict with Drot motion unless it is 
placed BEFORE the Drot motion actuator (the order of actuator is important) 

• All parameters are accessible through Python. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 201 


Constraint Actuator 

This variant of the constraint actuator allows to align an object axis along a global direction. 

X Constrain! ; act3 


damp OX V Z 

None ' O.OG ■"• < O.OO ► < 0,00 > 

< timeO ► minO.O 

maxO.G ; 



Damp: Time constant (in numbers of frames) of orientation control. 

X,Y,Z: Global coordinates of reference direction. 

time: Maximum activation time of actuator. Zero means unlimited, values above zero meaning number of 
frames before automatic deactivation. 

Direction: chose a local axis as the ray direction. 



• (X,Y,Z) = (0,0,0) is not a valid direction 

• This actuator changes the orientation of the object and will conflict with Drot motion unless it is 
placed BEFORE the Drot motion actuator (the order of actuator is important). - This actuator doesn't 
change the location and speed. It is compatible with gravity. 

• All parameters are accessible through Python. 

Force Field 

Log Message: 

BGE patch: new force field constraint actuator 

A new type of constraint actuator is available: Force field. 
It provides a very similar service to the Fh material feature 
but with some specificities: 

- It is defined at the object level: each object can have 
different settings and you don't need to use material. 

- It can be applied in all 6 directions and not just -Z . 

- It can be enabled/disabled easily (it's an actuator) . 

- You can have multiple force fields active at the same time 
on the same object in different direction (think of a 
space ship in a tunnel with a repulsive force field 

on each wall) . 

- You can have a different damping for the rotation. 

Besides that it provides the same dynamic behavior and the 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



Constraint Actuator 

parameters are self explanatory. 

It works by adapting the linear and angular velocity: the 
dynamic is independent of the mass. It is compatible with 
all other motion actuators. 

Note: linear and anysotropic friction is not yet implemented, 
the only friction will come from the object damping parameters. 
Support for friction will be added in a future revision. 

Constraint Actuator Python Functions 






getDamp() Returns the damping parameter. 



getDirection() Returns the reference direction of the orientation constraint as a 



getDistance() Returns the distance parameter 



getLimit() Returns the type of constraint. 



getMax() Returns the upper value of the interval to which the value is clipped. 



getMin() Returns the lower value of the interval to which the value is clipped. 



getOption() Returns the option parameter. 



getProperty() Returns the property parameter. 



getRayLength() Returns the length of the ray 



getRotDamp() Returns the damping time for application of the constraint. 



getTime() Returns the time parameter. 


setDamp(duration) - duration: integer Sets the time constant of the orientation and 
distance constraint. If the duration is negative, it is set to 0. 


setDirection(vector) - vector: 3-tuple Sets the reference direction in world 
coordinate for the orientation constraint. 


setDistance(distance) - distance: float Sets the target distance in distance 


setLimit(type) - type: integer 1 : LocX 2 : LocY 3 : LocZ 7 : Distance along +X 
axis 8 : Distance along +Y axis 9 : Distance along +Z axis 10 : Distance along -X 
axis 1 1 : Distance along -Y axis 12 : Distance along -Z axis 13 : Align X axis 14 : 
Align Y axis 15 : Align Z axis Sets the type of constraint. 


setMax(upper_bound) - upper_bcmnd: float Sets the upper value of the interval to 
which the value is clipped. 


setMin(lower_bound) - lower_bcmnd: float Sets the lower value of the interval to 
which the value is clipped. 


setOption(option) - option: integer Sets several options of the distance constraint. 
Binary combination of the following values: 64 : Activate alignment to surface 
128 : Detect material rather than property 256 : No deactivation if ray does not hit 
target 512 : Activate distance control 


setProperty(property) - property: string Sets the name of the property or material 
for the ray detection of the distance constraint. If empty, the ray will detect any 
colliding object. 


15/02/2011 12:39:15 



Ipo Actuator 

Ipo Actuator 

setRayLength(length) - length: float Sets the maximum ray length of the distance 


setRotDamp(duration) - duration: integer Sets the time constant of the orientation 
constraint. If the duration is negative, it is set to 0. 


setTime(duration) - duration: integer Sets the activation time of the actuator. The 
actuator disables itself after this many frame. If set to or negative, the actuator is 
not limited in time. 


X j ipo 

: | act4 




| Add | 



End ( 




The Ipo Actuator can play the Ipo-curves for the object that owns the Actuator. If the object has a child with 
an Ipo (in a parenting chain) and you activate "Child" in the Actuator, the Ipo for the child is also played. 

The animation is played from "Sta:" to "End:" (in frames). If you enter a valid Property name in the 
"FrameProp:" field this Property will be updated with the current frame number of the Ipo played. Be carefull 
with the float Property type, this can hold non whole numbers, which should check with the 
"IntervaF'-Propery Sensor. 

The Ipo in the game engine will be played with the speed indicated as "FPS:" (frames per second) in the 
Display Buttons F12 in the "Formaf'-panel. 

The "Force" Button will convert the "Loc" Ipo curves into forces for dynamic objects. When pressed, the "L" 
Button appears which cares for applying the forces locally to the objects coordinate system. This can be used 
for a nice jumping action or similar. 

The Add button, mutually exclusive with Force button. When selected, it activates the Add mode that consists 
in adding the Ipo curve to the current object situation in world coordinates, or parent coordinates if the object 
has a parent. 

Scale Ipo curves are multiplied instead of added to the object current scale. If the local flag is selected, the Ipo 
curve is added (multiplied) in the object's local coordinates. 

Delta Ipo curves are handled identically to normal Ipo curve and there is no need to work with Delta Ipo 
curves provided that you make sure that the Ipo curve starts from origin. Origin means location for Location 
Ipo curve, rotation for Rotation Ipo curve and scale 1 for Scale Ipo curve. 

"Current object situation" means the object's location, rotation and scale at the start of the Ipo curve. For Loop 
Stop and Loop End Ipo actuators, this means at the start of each loop. This initial state is used as a base during 
the execution of the Ipo Curve but when the Ipo curve is restarted (later or immediately in case of Loop 
mode), the object current situation at that time is used as the new base. 

For reference, here is the exact operation of the Add mode for each type of Ipo curve (oLoc, oRot, oScale, 
oMat: object's loc/rot/scale and orientation matrix at the start of the curve; iLoc, iRot, iScale, iMat: Ipo curve 
loc/rot/scale and orientation matrix resulting from the rotation). 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



Ipo Actuator 





newLoc = oLoc+iLoc 


newLoc = oLoc+oScale*(oMat*iLoc) 



newMat = iMat*oMat 


newMat = oMat*iMat 



newScale = oScale*iScale 


newScale = oScale*iScale 

Add+Local mode is very useful to have dynamic 
location/orientation. Of course, dynamics should 

object executing complex movement relative to their current 
be disabled during the execution of the curve. 

Ipo play modes 

Play Plays the Ipo from "Sta" to "End" at every positive pulse the Actuator gets. Other pulses received while 
playing are discarded. 

Ping Pong Plays the Ipo from "Sta" to "End" on the first positive pulse, then backwards from "End" to "Sta" 
when the second positive pulse is received. 

Flipper Plays the Ipo for as long as the pulse is positive. When the pulse changes to negative the Ipo is played 
from the current frame to "Sta". 

Loop Stop Plays the Ipo in a loop for as long as the pulse is positive. It stops at the current position when the 
pulse turns negative. 

Loop End This plays the Ipo repeatedly for as long as there is a positive pulse. When the pulse stops it 
continues to play the Ipo to the end and then stops. 

Property Plays the Ipo for exactly the frame indicated by the property named in the field "Prop:". 

Ipo Actuator Python Functions 






Returns the frame at which the ipo stops playing. 



Return whether to apply the force in the object's local coordinates 
rather than the world global coordinates. 



Returns whether to interpret the ipo as additive rather than 



Returns whether to interpret the ipo as a force rather than a 



Returns the frame from which the ipo starts playing. 



Returns the operation mode of the actuator. 

set(type, startframe, endframe, 

type: Play, PingPong, Flipper, LoopStop, LoopEnd or FromProp 
(string) startframe: first frame to use (int) endframe : last frame to 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



Camera Actuator 

use (int) mode? : special mode (0=normal, l=interpret location as 
force, 2=additive) Set the properties of the actuator. 


frame: last frame to use (int) Set the frame at which the ipo stops 

setForcelpoActsLocal (local) 

local : Apply the ipo-as-force in the object's local coordinates? 
(KX_TRUE, KX_FALSE) Set whether to apply the force in the 
object's local coordinates rather than the world global 


flag (KXJTRUE, KX_FALSE), set whether to interpret the ipo as 
additive rather than absolute. 


interpret this ipo as a force (KX_TRUE, KX_FALSE) Set 
whether to interpret the ipo as a force rather than a displacement. 


propname: name of the property (string) Set the property to be 
used in FromProp mode. 


frame: first frame to use (int) Set the frame from which the ipo 
starts playing. 


mode: Play, PingPong, Flipper, LoopStop, LoopEnd or FromProp 
(string) Set the operation mode of the actuator. 


• Addlpo. blend 

• Jump. blend 

IpoFrameProperty .blend 

Camera Actuator 

Mill: 0.00 

" ac!5 


Height O.OO 

1 v h Mast O.oo 


The Camera Actuator tries to mimic a real cameraman. It keeps the actor in the field of view and tries to stay 
at a certain distance from the object. The motion is soft and there is some delay in the reaction on the motion 
of the object. 

Enter the name of the object that should be followed by the camera (you can also use the Camera Actuator for 
non-camera objects) into the "OB:" field. The field "Height:" determines the height above the object the 
camera stays at. "Min:" and "Max:" are the bounds of distance from the object to which the camera is allowed 
to move. The "X" and "Y" buttons specify which axis of the object the camera tries to stay behind. 

Camera Actuator Python Functions 






Returns the height value set in the height: field. 



Returns the maximum value set in the Max: field. 



Returns the minimum value set in the Min: field. 

object or 


getObject(name_only =1) name_only - optional arg, when true will return the 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



Sound Actuator 
KX_GameObject rather then its name Returns the object this sensor reacts to. 



Gets the axis the camera tries to get behind. True = X, False = Y 


Sets the height value. 


Sets the maximum value. 


Sets the minimum value. 


setObject(object) - object: KX_GameObject, string or None Sets the object this 
sensor reacts to. 


Sets axis the camera tries to get behind. l=x, 0=y 

Sound Actuator 

The Sound Actuator plays a Sound Object loaded using the Sound Buttons (see Section Sound Buttons ). Use 
the Menu Button to browse and choose between the Sound Objects in the scene. 

X Sound 



I SO:bird_flap.wav 
Play Stop 

Volume: 1.000 

Pitch: 0.00 



Sound play modes (MenuBut) 

Play Stop Plays the sound for as long as there is a positive event from the controller 

Play End Plays the sound to the end, when a positive event is send from the controller 

Loop Stop Plays and repeats the sound, as long as the controller sends a positive event 

Loop End Plays the sound repeatedly, as long as the controller sends a positive event. When the events stops 
the sound is played to its end. 

Sound Actuator Python Functions 






Gets the name of the sound block we play 



Gets the gain (volume) of the sound 



Returns the current loop mode of the actuator 



Returns the pitch of the sound 



Returns the roll off factor (scale for distance) for the sound 



Returns the operation mode of the actuator 


Pause the sound 


Set the name of the sound block 


Sets the gain (volume) of the sound 


Sets the loop mode of the actuator 


Sets the pitch of the sound 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



Property Actuator 


Sets the roll off factor for the sounds 


Sets the operation mode of the actuator 


(re)starts the sound 


stops the sound 

Property Actuator 

The Property Actuator is meant to assign values to properties or even calculate with properties. See the 
Chapter about #Reference . 

With the mode-menu you can switch between the three modes of this Actuator. 


Assign Assigns a value or Expression (given in the "Value" field) to a Property. For example with an 
Expression like "Proppy +1" the "Assign" works like an "Add". To assign strings you need to add quotes to 
the string ("..."). 

Add Adds the value or result of an expression to a property. To subtract simply give a negative number in the 
"Value:" field. 





Prop: Proppy 


| Prop: Count 


Copy This copies a Property named "Count" from the Object "Cube" into the Property "Proppy" on the actual 
object. This is an easy and safe way to pass information between objects. You cannot pass information 
between scenes with this Actuator! 

This Actuator provides Python functions to get and set the values and Property-names. However, from Python 
it is much easier to access Properties directly. 

Property Actuator Python Functions 






getProperty(name) Return the property on which the actuator operates. 



getValue() Returns the value with which the actuator operates. 


setProperty(name) - name: string Set the property on which to operate. If there is no 
property of this name, the call is ignored. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



Edit Object Actuator 


setValue(value) - value: string Set the value with which the actuator operates. If the 
value is not compatible with the type of the property, the subsequent action is 

Edit Object Actuator 



X Edit Object acE 

■ 1 

1 - 

& ::>:.; 

foB: Add Objecl 

m Eni Ofcjsct 

Replace Me«n 




...*J.M° Dynamics 

Edit Object 

Loe 00 1 0.00 



This actuator performs actions on Objects itself, like adding new objects, deleting objects, etc. By default the 
type of this Actuator is set to "Add Object". With the type-menu you can switch between following types: 

Add Object 

With this Actuator type you can add new objects to the scene. This can be new enemies, bullets, particles 
(numerous small objects, not Blender Particles) etc. 

Edit Object acts 

Add Object 

0. 00 


Tim e: 



The Add Object actuator adds an object to the scene. The new object is oriented along the X-axis of the 
creating object. 

Keep the object you'd like to add on a separate and hidden layer. You will see an error message on the console 
or debug output when not following this rule and no object will appear. 

Enter the name of the Object to add in the "OB:" field if the entered Object does not exist in the scene Blender 
will blank the input field. The "Time:" field determines how long (in frames) the object should exist. The 
value "0" denotes it will exist forever. Be careful not to slow down the game engine by generating too many 
objects! If the time an object should exist is not predictable, you can also use other events (collisions, 
properties, etc.) to trigger an "End Object" for the added object using Logic Bricks. 

With the "linV" buttons it is possible to assign an initial velocity to the added object. This velocity is given in 
X, Y and Z components. The "L" button stands for local. When it is pressed the velocity is interpreted as local 
to the axis of the added object. 

Edit Object Actuator Python Functions 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



Edit Object Actuator 




list [vx,vy,vz] 


Returns the angular velocity that will be assigned to 

the created object. 


get the object handle to the last created object. This 
way you can manipulate dynamically added objects. 

list [vx,vy,vz] 


Returns the linear velocity that will be assigned to the 

created object. 


getObject(name_only =1) 

Returns the name of the object that will be added. 

name_only - optional arg, when true will return the 

KX_GameObject rather then its name 


Returns the lifetime of the object that will be added. 

instant AddObj ect() 

immediately add object without delay 

setAngularVelocity(vx, vy, vz) 

vx: float - vy: float - vz: float - Assign this angular 
velocity to the created object. 

setLinearVelocity(vx, vy, vz) 

vx: float - vy: float - vz: float Assign this velocity to 
the created object. 


object: KX_GameObject, string or None Sets the 

object that will be added. There has to be an object of 

this name. If not, this function does nothing. 


duration: integer Sets the lifetime of the object that 

will be added, in frames. If the duration is negative, it 

is set to 0. Zero means unlimited lifetime 

Examples: - AddObject.blend 



This type of the Edit Object Actuator simply ends or kills the current Object. This is very useful for ending a 

bullet's life after a collision or something similar. 

Replace Mesh 

X Edft Object ! aciZ 


Replace Mesh 



This type of the Edit Object Actuator replaces the mesh of the object by another mesh with the given name in 
the "ME:" field.. The other mesh must be existent in the scene of course. Use a "Fake User" to ensure that you 
can't loose the mesh when working with Logic Bricks. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



Edit Object Actuator 

Motion Actuator Python Functions 






Returns the name of the mesh to be substituted. 


Immediately replace mesh without delay 


String or None Set the mesh that will be substituted for the current one. 

Track To 

Edit Object 



Track to 

flt l lMMMMMt l lMMMM I HtMMMM I IIt l t lllH 





The "Track to" type, rotates the object in such a way that the Y-axis points to the target specified in the "OB:" 
field. Normally this happens only in the X/Y plane of the object (indicated by the "3D" button not being 
pressed). With "3D" pressed the tracking is done in 3D. The "Time:" parameter sets how fast the tracking is 
done. Zero means immediately, values above zero produce a delay (are slower) in tracking. 

Track To Actuator Python Functions 




KX_GameObject or 


getObject(name_only =1) name_only - optional arg, when true will 
return the KX_GameObject rather then its name Returns the object to 
track with the parent of this actuator 



getTime() - time: integer Return the time in frames with which the 
tracking motion is delayed. 



getUse3D() Returns 1 if the motion is allowed to extend in the 


setObject(object) - object: KX_GameObject, string or None Set the object 
to track with the parent of this actuator. 


setTime(time) - time: integer Set the time in frames with which to delay 
the tracking motion. 


setUse3D(value) - value: or 1 Set to 1 to allow the tracking motion to 
extend in the z-direction, set to to lock the tracking motion to the x-y 


I Edit Object 



Restore Dynamics 


Using this type of the EditObject Actuator you can switch on and off the physical evaluation of the object 
carrying the Actuator. This can become handy to speed up things, e.g. disable dynamics for inactive enemies 
for example. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



Scene Actuator 


Enable/Disable Dynamics switch on/off the whole physical behavior of the object. 

Enable/Disable Rigid Body switch on/off the rolling or tumbling physics for the object. 

Dynamics Edit Object Actuator Python Functions 






getOperation() -> integer Returns the operation type of this 


setOperation(operation?) - operation? : type of dynamic operation 
= restore dynamics 1 = disable dynamics 2 = enable rigid body 
3 = disable rigid body Change the dynamic status of the parent 

Scene Actuator 

Set Scare 

Set Camera 

Add QverlayScens 

Add BackgiauncfScene 

Remove Scene 
Suspend Scene 
Resume Scene 

m iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBBa 


The Scene Actuator is meant for switching Scenes and Cameras in the game engine or adding overlay or 
background scenes. 

Choose the desired action with the Menu Button and enter an existing camera or scene name into the text 
field. If the name does not exist, the button will be blanked! 

Reset Simply restarts and resets the scene. It has the same effect as stopping the game with ESC and restarting 
with PKEY . 

Set Scene Switch to the scene indicated into the text field. Switching will reset the actual scene! 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Set Camera Switch to the Camera indicated in the "OB:" text field. 

Random Actuator 

Add OverlayScene Adds the overlay scene indicated in the text field "SCE:", which is rendered on top of all 
other (existing) scenes. 

Add BackgroundScene Adds a background scene which will be rendered behind all other scenes. 

Added Scenes with own lights will add to the light of the base scenes as well. If this is not wanted, remove the 
lights from the added scenes or use layered lighting. 

Remove Scene Removes a scene. 

Suspend Scene Suspends named ("SCE:") scene until "Resume Scene" is called. Be careful not to suspend the 
actual scene if there is no other scene to resume! 

Resume Scene Resumes a suspended Scene. 

Scene Actuator Python Functions 






Return the name of the camera to switch to. 



Return the name of the scene the actuator wants to switch to. 



Return whether the scene will be restarted. 

setCamera(camera) - 

camera: string Set the camera to switch to. 




scene: string Set the name of scene the actuator will switch to. 


flag: or 1. Set flag to 1 to restart the scene. 

Random Actuator 

An often-needed function for games is a random value to get more variation in movements or enemy 


< Seed: 1 » | Bool Constant 

: Property 

Always Irue 



The "Seed"-parameter is the value fed into the random generator as a start value for the random number 
generation. Because computer generated random numbers are only "pseudo" random (they will repeat after a 
(long) while) you can get the same random numbers again if you choose the same Seed. 

A seed of zero means no random at all! 

Enter the name of the property you want to be filled with the random number into the "Property:" field. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



Random Actuators types 

Random Actuator 

Boolean Constant This is not a random function at all, use this type to test your game logic with a TRUE or 
FALSE value. 

Boolean Uniform This is the classic random 50-50 pick. It results in TRUE or FALSE with an equal chance. 
This is like an (ideal) flip of a coin. 

Boolean Bernoulli This random function results in a boolean value of TRUE or FALSE, but instead of 
having the same chance for both values you can control the chance of having a TRUE pick with the "Chance" 
parameter. A chance of 0.5 will be the same as "Bool Uniform". A chance of 0.1 will result in 1 out of 10 
cases in a TRUE (on average). 

Integer Constant For testing your logic with a value given in the "Value:" field 

Integer Uniform This random type randomly produces an integer value between (and including) "Min:" and 
"Max:". The classical use for it is to simulate a dice pick with "Min: 1" and "Max: 6". 

Integer Poisson The random numbers are distributed in such a way that an average of "Mean:" is reached 
with an infinite number of picks. 

Float Constant For debugging your game logic with a given value. 

Float Uniform This returns a random floating point value between "Min:" and "Max:". 

Float Normal Returns a weighted random number around "Mean:" and with a standard deviation of "SD:". 

Float Negative Exponential Returns a random number which is well suited to describe natural processes like 
radioactive decay or lifetimes of bacteria. The "Half-life time:" sets the average value of this distribution. 

XXX Actuator Python Functions 






Returns the type of the active distribution. 



Returns the first parameter of the active distribution. 
Refer to the documentation of the generator types for 

the meaning of this value. 



Returns the first parameter of the active distribution. 
Refer to the documentation of the generator types for 
the meaning of this value. 



Return the property to which the random value is 

assigned. If the generator and property types do not 

match, the assignment is ignored. 



Returns the initial seed of the generator. Equal seeds 

produce equal series. 


value: a float between and 1 Return false value * 

100%% of the time. 


value: or 1 Set this generator to produce a constant 

boolean value. 


Set this generator to produce true and false, each with 

50%% chance of occuring 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



Message Actuator 


value: float Always return value 


half_life: float Return negative-exponentially 
distributed numbers. The half-life 'time' is characterized 

by half_life. 


mean: float - standard_deviation: float Return 

normal-distributed numbers. The average is mean, and 

the deviation from the mean is characterized by 



lower_bound: float - upper_bound: float Return a 
random integer between lower_bound and 


value: integer Always return value 


value: float Return a Poisson-distributed number. This 

performs a series of Bernouilli tests with parameter 

value. It returns the number of tries needed to achieve 



lower_bound: integer - upper_bound: integer Return a 
random integer between lower_bound and 
upper_bound. The boundaries are included. 


name: string Set the property to which the random 

value is assigned. If the generator and property types do 

not match, the assignment is ignored. 


seed: integer Set the initial seed of the generator. Equal 

seeds produce equal series. If the seed is 0, the 

generator will produce the same value on every call. 

Examples: - RandomActuator.blend 

Message Actuator 

X 1 Message y MessageSender 

— gHanH 


I To: 

| Subject: Display 

Iff jBody: -Hello Worldr 


This LogicBrick sends a message out, which can be received and processed by the Message Sensor. 

The "To:" field indicates that the message should only be sent to objects with the given name. 

The subject of the message is indicated in the "Subject:" field. With these two possibilities you can control the 
messaging very effectively. 

The body (content) of the message can either be a text ("Body:") string or the content of a Property when 
"T/P" is activated ("Propname:"). See Section [#MessageBody] on how to read the body of a message with a 
simple Python, script. 

Message Actuator Python Functions 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



Game Actuator 





Sets the body of the message. 


Sets whether the body should be text or a Property name. 


Sets the subject of the message. 


Sets the property name the message should be send to 

Game Actuator 

With the Game Actuator you can load new levels from disk, quit or restart a game. 


Start: Blender, the Blenderplayer or a Blender executable will load the named file from disk and start it. To 

pass information between the actual and loaded level see #GameLogic.globalDict . 

Restart: Restarts the current scene. All information is reset! 

Quit: Quits a game. Inside Blender you will be back in the editing of the scene, in Blenderplayer or in 
executables you will return to operating system level. The quit function es especially important if you 
redefined the ESC key ! 

Load/Save GameLogic.globalDict: Loads/Saves the global directory to save game states. See 
#GameLogic , globalDict . 

XXX Actuator Python Functions 






getFile() get the name of the file to start. 


setFile(name) set the name of the file to start. 

Visibility Actuator 


>£)\ Visit* 



This actuator allows you to make an object visible or invisible. Visible/invisible Recursive will make all child 

objects visible/invisible. 

To change visibility from a Python script use the function setVisibilityO from the game object 

2D Filter Actuator 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



2D Filter Actuator 


The 2D Filter Actuator is somehow special, because it works on the whole game. You can add it to any object 

and the whole image (real time) -rendered will be affected. 

Currently there are some simple 2d filters and the possibility to add your own shader scripts. 

Built-in Filters: Motion Blur, Blur, Sharpen, Dilation, Erosion, Laplacian, Sobel, Prewitt, Gray Scale, Sepia 
and Invert. 

Custom Filters 

Custom filters give you the ability to define your own 2d filter using GLSL. Its usage is the same as built-in 
filters, but you must select "Custom Filter" in 2D Filter actuator, then write a shader program into the Blender 
Text Editor and enter the shader script name. 

For more information on the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) see GLSL specification on 

You can also use these uniform variables in your shader program: 




uniform sampler2D bgl_RenderedTexture; 


uniform vec2 bgl_TextureCoordinateOffset[9]; 

bgl_Texture Width 

uniform float bgl_Texture Width; 


uniform float bgl_TextureHeight; 

Example Shader Program: Blue Sepia 

uniform sampler2D bgl_RenderedTexture; 
void main (void) 

vec4 texcolor = texture2D (bgl_RenderedTexture, gl_TexCoord [ ] . st ) ; 
float gray = dot (texcolor . rgb, vec3 (0 . 299, 0.587, 0.114)); 
gl_FragColor = vec4 (gray * vec3(0.8, 1.0, 1 . 2 ), texcolor . a) ; 

Parent Actuator 


The Parent Actuator sets or removes a parent relationship between two objects. The logic must be in the child 

Set Parent: Sets a parent relationship between the object carrying the Actuator and the object named in the 
"OB: "-field which is then the parent (controlling object).. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Remove Parent Removes the parent relation 

Parent Actuator 

XXX Actuator Python Functions 




KX_GameObject or string 


getObject(name_only =1) name_only - optional arg, when 
true will return the KX_GameObject rather then its name 
Returns the object that is set to. 


setObject(object) - object: KX_GameObject, string or 
None, sets the object to set as parent. 

Examples: - ParentActuator. blend 

State Actuator 

actl 7 

JJJ _J_ 

_i_u _j_j_jj j 




The State Actuator allows to set states (see [[#State Actuator]) 

Cpy Copies the selected states from the Actuator to the general state. This will overwrite all states with the 

ones set in the Actuator. 

Add Add the selected states to the general state 

Sub Subtract the selected states from the general state 

Inv Inverting the selected states bitwise. See Examples 

XXX Actuator Python Functions 





mask : bits that will be modified Set the value that defines the bits that will be 

modified by the operation. The bits that are 1 in the value will be updated in the 

object state, the bits that are are will be left unmodified expect for the Copy 

operation which copies the value to the object state. 


op : bit operation (0=Copy, l=Set, 2=Clear, 3=Negate) Set the type of bit 
operation to be applied on object state mask. Use setMask() to specify the bits 

that will be modified. 


• InvStateActuator.blend 

• StateDebug.blend 

Game engine Python 

Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language. 

Python combines remarkable power with very clear syntax. It has modules, classes, exceptions, very high 
level dynamic data types, and dynamic typing. Python is also usable as an extension language for applications 
that need a programmable interface. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Reference Game engine Python 

Beside this use as an extension language, the Python implementation is portable to (at least) all platforms that 
Blender runs on. 

Python is copyrighted but freely usable and distributable, even for commercial use. 

In Blender there are two incarnations of the Python integration: Blender Python meant for extending Blender 
and its modeling and animation tools and the BGE Python meant to be used with real time content. 

Text Window 

The Text Window is a simple but useful text editor, fully integrated into Blender. It's main purpose of it is to 
write Python scripts, but it is also very useful for writing comments in the Blendfile or to explain the purpose 
of the scene to other users. 

The Text Window can be displayed with SHIFT-F1 1 or by adjusting the WindowType menu in the 

iport SaineLogici 


4 cent = SameLogic-getCurrentEontrol lerO 

6 me = coiH-getttunerO 

8 ■ ■ ' . d i f me 

10 sensor = cont.getSensejr("sensor") 

11 actuator = cent- get Actuator 1 ! "act" ' 



[I.!! »| •* Filt Edit Formal p]i|-j*B|ft| j^TXiGelCccs \x | | Screen IS | Tab 4 | Text Internal 


In the Text Window Header there is the file menu for opening, saving and executing Python scripts. In the 
Edit menu you can find the common functions to copy&paste, search&replace etc. The Format menu will 
assist you in formating the code which is especially important because Python uses the indentation to mark 
code blocks. 

The first Icon in the Text Window Header will make the Text Window fullscreen, this can also be done with 
the keyboard CTRL-UP and CTRL-DOWN. 

The next icon switches on the line numbers, which is very helpful for programming and debugging. 

The icon right to the line number icon will enable a word wrap, good for typing longer texts in the Text 

The "AB" buttons enables syntax highlighting for python keywords. 

The icon with the (Python-) snake on it enables the use of Python text plug ins. 

The next buttons can be used to browse between text files, open new ones or add new text buffers. The 
"X"-shaped Button deletes a text buffer. 

With the Button (labeled "Screen 15" in the figure above) on the right side you can change the font used to 
display the text. 

You can scroll the text using the scrollbar on the left, using SHIFT-MMB and mouse movements or using the 
mouse wheel. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 219 

Reference Text Window 

By holding LMB and then dragging the mouse you can mark ranges of text for the usual cut, copy & paste 
functions. The key commands are: 

ALT-C Copies the marked text into a buffer 

ALT-X Cuts out the marked text into a buffer 

ALT-V Pastes the text from buffer to the cursor in the Text Window 

ALT-O Loads a text, a FileWindow appears 

CTRL-R Reloads the current text, very useful for editing with an external editor 

SHIFT-ALT-F Pops up the Filemenu for the Text Window 

ALT-F Find function 

ALT -J Pops up a Number Button where you can specify a line number that the cursor will jump to 

ALT-U Unlimited Undo for the Text Window 

ALT-R Redo function, recovers the last Undo 

ALT -A Marks the whole text 

BGE Python 

With Python integrated into the game engine you can influence Logic Bricks, change their parameters and 
react to events triggered by the Logic Bricks. 

Besides that you can influence the GameObject that carries the Python Controller directly. This means moving 
it, applying forces or getting information from this object. 

In addition to the Python in the game engine, Blender includes Python for modeling and animation tasks, 
which is not covered here. 

Basic Blender Game Engine Python 

The first step for using Blender game engine (BGE) Python is to add at least a Sensor and a Python Controller 
to an object. Then add a new text file in the Text Window. Fill in the name of that text file into the "Script:" 
field of the Python Controller. You should now have a game logic setup like in this Figure. 


Logic Bricks for a first game Python script 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 220 

Reference BGE Python 

Now enter the following script into the Text Window (you don't need to type the lines starting with "#", these 
are comments). 

# first BGE Python script 

# gets the position of the object 

# and prints it to the console 

import GameLogic 

cont = GameLogic . getCurrentController ( ) 
me = cont . getOwner ( ) 

print me . getPosition ( ) 

Listing [!xxx]. First Simple Script 

The result of the "print" command and errors from the Python interpreter will appear on the console from 
which you started Blender from, or in the DOS window, when running Blender from Windows. So it is 
helpful to size the Blender window in such a way that you can see the console window while programming 

This basic script only prints the position of the object that owns the Python Controller. Move your object and 
then restart the game engine with the PKEY to see the results changing, or attach a Motion Actuator to the 
object to move it.. 

Now for an explanation of the script line by line. Line five is an important line. We import the "GameLogic" 
module which is the basis for all game Python in Blender. 

In fact every script executed from the game engine will import this script without the need of this line. 
However it is good style to import it, so one can immediately see that this is a BGE Python. Also using 
"import GameLogic as GL" and writing "" later is a nice time saver. 

In line seven we ask with "getCurrentControllerO" for a pointer to the Controller which executes the script 
and do assign it to the variable "cont". You can see "getCurrentControllerO" is a function provided by the 
module "GameLogic". 

In line eight we use the controller we got in line seven to get the owner, meaning the GameObject carrying the 
LogicBrick. You can see we use the method "getOwner()" provided by the controller to get the owner of our 

We now have a pointer to the owner of the Controller and we can use its methods to do things with it. Here in 
line 10 we use the "getPosition()" method to print the position of the GameObject as a matrix of the X, Y and 
Z values. 

You may now wonder what other methods the PythonObjects have. Of course this is part of this 
documentation, but Python is "self" documenting, so we have other ways to get that information. 

Add the following line to the end of the script from Figure 28-3: 

print dir (owner) 

Start the game engine again, stop it and look at the console window. You will see the following output: 

[0.0, 0.0, 0.0] 

[ ' alignAxisToVect ' , ' applylmpulse ' , ' disableRigidBody ' , ' enableRigidBody ' , 'endObject', 

' getAngularVelocity ' , ' getAxisVect ' , ' getChildren ' , ' getChildrenRecursive ' , ' getDistanceTo ' , 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 221 


BGE Python 

' getLinearVelocity ' , 'getMass', 'getMesh', ' getName ' , ' getOrientation ' , 'getParent', ' getPhys 
' getPosition ' , ' getPropertyNames ' , ' getReactionForce ' , 'getState', 'getVectTo', ' getVelocity ' 
' getVisible ' , 'isA', ' rayCast ' , 'rayCastTo', ' removeParent ' , ' restoreDynamics ' , 
' setAngularVelocity ' , ' setCollisionMargin ' , ' setLinearVelocity ' , ' setOrientation ' , ' setParent 
' setPosition ' , 'setState', ' setvisible ' , ' suspendDynamics ' ] 

The first line shows the position of the object, the next lines show the methods, that the "owner" provides. For 
example you see a 'getMass' method, which will return the mass of a dynamic object. With the knowledge of 
the "dir()" function you can ask Python objects for information, without consulting external documentation. 


• FirstBGEPython.blend 

• FirstBGEPythonl. blend 

Actuator Access 

The next step for our quick introduction to BGE Python is the access for Actuators. Generally it is possible to 
change values in the Actuators and to activate or deactivate the Actuator from within Python. 


Build a logic as shown in the figure above. Make sure that you enter a value for "Rot", or nothing will move 

in our example. Then change the python script or enter a new one as shown in the listing below. 

It is a good style to name the Logic Bricks to make the logic clear and to avoid errors in scripts 

# BGE Python script 
# Access to the Actuator 

import GameLogic 

cont = GameLogic . getCurrentController ( ) 
me = cont . getOwner ( ) 

moveit = cont . getActuator ( "Moveit " ) 
GameLogic . addActiveActuator (moveit, 1 ) 

Listing [!xxx]. Actuator Access 

In line 10 you can see how an Actuator is accessed. The Controller variable "cont" provides a "getActuator()" 
function. We pass it the name of the Actuator as string. It it possible to have numerous Actuators connected to 
a Controller, so a good talking name will help here to avoid confusion. The next line now uses a function from 
the GameLogic module "addActiveActuator()" to enable the Actuator. The parameters are first the variable 
holding the Actuator and a "1" to enable the Actuator. In the rare case where you need to stop an Actuator you 
would pass a "0". 

When everything is entered correctly and the Logic Bricks are connected the right way (and named according 
to the script), you can press PKEY to start the game engine. The cube should now rotate. Of course this is 
much easier with a simple AND-Controller, but in the next step we will do something which is not possible 
with only Logic Bricks. 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Reference BGE Python 

Properties and Actuators 

Imagine you want to speed up an object slowly. With Logic Bricks there is no simple way to achieve this, but 
with some Python it is easy to do. 


Add Property 

Dei Fioaa - Nameupeea 

i inn 



First we add a Property (see #Properties ) by clicking on the "Add Property" button left of the Logic Bricks of 
our small testscene. Leave the type to "Float" and name the property "speed", this Property will hold the 
current speed (I will use rotation speed) of our object. You should also activate the "D" button, this will show 
the property in the 3DView while the game is running. This is usually only done when the 3DView is not in 
textured mode, so check that you are in wireframe or solid mode. If you want to see the Debug output also in 
textured mode use the Game-menu to activate "Show Debug Properties". 

Now change the existing script: 

# BGE Python script 
# Access to the Actuator 

import GameLogic 

cont = GameLogic . getCurrentController ( ) 
me = cont . getOwner ( ) 

moveit = cont . getActuator ( "Moveit " ) 

me . speed = me. speed + 0.0005 

moveit .setDRot (0, 0, me. speed, 1) 
GameLogic . addActiveActuator (moveit, 1 ) 

Listing: Properties and changing Actuators 

You may have wondered what line 8 was used for in the previous script, it was just left in for convenience, 
but now we use the variable "me" which is holding a pointer to our object to access the Property we created in 
the Logic Buttons. In line 12 we add "0.0005" every time the script is called to the property "speed". This will 
make "speed" count up in very small steps, however, since the script gets called every l/60th of a second it 
will count up quite fast. 

In line 14 we now set the Rot value for the Z-axis with the "speed" value. The first three argument values to 
"setDRot()" are the rotation around X, Y and Z. The fourth argument denotes if the rotation should be around 
the local axis ("1") or global axis ("0"). This is the Python counterpart to the "L" button in the Motion 

Sensor Access 

For completeness I will now demonstrate how to access a sensor from Pyton. 

# BGE Python script 
# Access to the Actuator 

import GameLogic 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 223 


cont = GameLogic . getCurrentController ( ) 
me = cont . getOwner ( ) 

moveit = cont . getActuator ( "Moveit " ) 
always = cont . getSensor ( "Always" ) 

if always . isPositive ( ) : 

me. speed = me . speed + 0.0005 

moveit. setDRot (0, 0, me . speed, 1) 
GameLogic . addActiveActuator (moveit , 1 ) 

GameLogic Module 

Listing [!xxx]. Sensor Access 

This looks very similar like the Actuator Access. In line 1 1 we get a pointer to the Sensor named "Always" 
into a variable and can now use its functions. Here we just use "isPositive()" which will only return "true" if 
the Sensor fires a positive event. In this case it is again just for demonstrating and will not provide extra 
functionality. But in the case of other sensor types or the case that there are more sensors connected to the 
Python-Controller this function will help us very much. 

See the file "FirstBGEPython6.blend" for an example with two KeyboardSensors controlling the rotational 
speed of the object. 

GameLogic Module 

The GameLogic module is the base of all game logic by Python. 









Converts a blender internal path into a proper file system path, path - 
the string path to convert. Use / as directory separator in path You can 
use '//' at the start of the string to define a relative path; Blender 
replaces that string by the directory of the startup .blend or runtime 
file to make a full path name (doesn't change during the game, even if 
you load other .blend). The function also converts the directory 
separator to the local file system format. 



Gets the estimated average frame rate 



Gets a list of blend files in the same directory as the current blend file 
or the list from "path" 



gets the current controller (the one "owning" the script) 



getCurrentScene() Gets a reference to the current scene. 



Gets the logic tic rate 



Gets the physics tic rate 



returns a random floating point value in the range [0..1) 



dict() -> new empty dictionary, dict(mapping) -> new dictionary 
initialized from a mapping object's (key, value) pairs, dict(seq) -> new 
dictionary initialized as if via: d = { } for k, v in seq: d[k] = v 
dict(**kwargs) -> new dictionary initialized with the name=value 
pairs in the keyword argument list. For example: dict(one=l, two=2) 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



Rasterizer Module 


set Gravitation 


Sets the logic tic rate 

setPhy sic sTicRate( ) 

Sets the physics tic rate 

Rasterizer Module 






disable motion blur 


enable motion blur 


enable visibility 



get the eye separation for stereo mode 



get the focal length for stereo mode 



get the state of a GLSL material setting 


get the material mode being used for OpenGL rendering 



get window height (see Trackball.blend) 



get window width 


make screenshot, saved in format as denoted in the Display 

set AmbientColor( " [r ,g ,b , a] " ) 

set Ambient Color 


set Background Color 


set the eye separation for stereo mode 


set the focal length for stereo mode 


set the state of a GLSL material setting 


set the material mode to use for OpenGL rendering 


set Mist Color (rgb) 


set Mist End(rgb) 


set Mist Start(rgb) 


set mouse position 


show mouse in game engine mode 


This is a place where data can be stored even when new blend files are loaded. This was developed for 
Apricot, so Frankie can go into levels in new blendfiles keeping his inventory. 

The GameLogic.globalDict is a Python directory, dictionaries are sometimes found in other languages as 
"associative memories or "associative arrays. Unlike sequences, which are indexed by a range of numbers, 
dictionaries are indexed by keys, which can be any immutable type 

Here is a small example using a dictionary (from the official Python documentation at [3D : 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 



>>> tel = {'jack': 4098, ' sape ' : 4139} 
>>> tel [ 'guido' ] = 4127 
>>> tel 

{'sape': 4139, 'guido': 4127, 'jack': 4098} 
>>> tel [ ' jack' ] 

>>> del tel [ ' sape' ] 
>>> tel [ 'irv' ] = 4127 
>>> tel 

{'guido': 4127, 'irv': 4127, 'jack': 4098} 
>>> tel. keys () 
['guido', 'irv', 'jack'] 
>>> tel . has_key (' guido ' ) 

>>> 'guido' in tel 


Loading and saving the GameLogic.globalDict can be done with the Game Actuator. You can access the 
global data with Python like this: 

# Save data before changing levels 

# gets data from a Property to globalDict 
GameLogic . globalDict [ ' SavedScore ' ] = me . actualscore 

Don't forget a "Save GameLogic.globalDict" with the Game Actuator before changing levels. In the new level 
we now have to do "Load GameLogic.globalDict" with the Game Actuator an can then access the saved data: 

# load data after loading a level 

# gets data from globalDict to a Property 

me . actualscore = GameLogic . globalDict [' SavedScore ' ] 


• GlobalDict_Ll. blend (press A to "score", loads the next level at score=5 and the score is keept in 
Level 2) 

• GlobalDict_L2.blend (Level 2) 

GameKeys Module 

This module holds key constants for the Keyboard Sensor. 

PhysicsConstraints Module 

This python module, PhysicsConstraints, gives access to internal physics settings that influence quality of the 
rigid body dynamics 

createConstraint (Edge Constraint) 

createConstraint( objl_PhysicsID, obj2_PhysicsID, constraintType, edgePos_x, edgePos_y, 
edgePos_z, edgeAngle_x, edgeAngle_y, edgeAngle_z ) objl_PhysicsID: integer (The physics ID of 
object 1) obj2_PhysicsID: integer (The physics ID of object 2) constraintType: integer = No 
constraint. 1 = Point constraint. 2 = Edge constraint. 11 = Vehicle constraint edgePos_x: float 
(Blender unit) edgePos_y: float (Blender unit) edgePos_z: float (Blender unit) edgeAngle_x: float 
(Range: -1.0 to 1.0) edgeAngle_y: float (Range: -1.0 to 1.0) edgeAngle_z: float (Range: -1.0 to 1.0) 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 


Reference PhysicsConstraints Module 

Position (edgePos_x, edgePos_y, edgePos_z) Where do you want the center of the edge to be located? 
(Distance from objl's object center) 

Angle (edgeAngle_x, edgeAngle_y, edgeAngle_z) In what direction do you want the edge to point? (Uses 
obj 1 's axis) 

Sample Code: 

# import PhysicConstraint s Module 
import PhysicsConstraints 

# get object list 

objList = GameLogic . getCurrentScene ( ) . getOb jectList ( ) 

# get object named Obj_l 
objl = objList ["OBObj_l"] 

# get object named 0bj_2 
obj2 = objList ["0B0bj_2"] 

# want to use Edge constraint type 
constraintType = 2 

# get Obj_l physics ID 
objl_ID = ob jl . getPhysicsId ( ) 

# get 0bj_2 physics ID 
obj2_ID = obj2 . getPhysicsId ( ) 

# Use bottom right edge of Obj_l for hinge position 
edgePos_x = 1.0 

edgePos_y = 0.0 
edgePos_z = -1.0 

# use Obj_l y axis for angle to point hinge 
edgeAngle_x = 0.0 

edgeAngle_y = 1.0 
edgeAngle_z = 0.0 

# create an edge constraint 

PhysicsConstraint s . createConstraint ( objl_ID, obj2_ID, 

edgePos_x, edgePos_y, edgePos_z, 
edgeAngle_x, edgeAngle_y, edgeAngle_z ) 


• EdgeConstraint.blend 

createConstraint (Point Constraint) 

createConstraint( objl_PhysicsID, obj2_PhysicsID, constraintType, pointPos_x, pointPos_y, 
pointPos_z) objl_PhysicsID: integer (The physics ID of object 1) obj2_PhysicsID: integer (The 
physics ID of object 2) constraintType: integer = No constraint. 1 = Point constraint. 2 = Edge 
constraint. 11 = Vehicle constraint pointPos_x: float (Blender unit) pointPos_y: float (Blender unit) 
pointPos_z: float (Blender unit) 

Poin t Position (pointPos_x, pointPos_y, pointPos_z) 


Where do you want the pivot point to be located? (Distance from obj 1 's object center) 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 227 

Reference PhysicsConstraints Module 

Sample Code: 

# import PhysicConstraint s Module 
import PhysicsConstraints 

# get object list 

objList = GameLogic . getCurrentScene ( ) . getOb jectList ( ) 

# get object named Obj_l 
objl = objList ["OBObj_l"] 

# get object named 0bj_2 
obj2 = objList ["0B0bj_2"] 

# want to use point constraint type 
constraintType = 1 

# get Obj_l physics ID 
objl_ID = ob jl . getPhysicsId ( ) 

# get 0bj_2 physics ID 
obj2_ID = obj2 . getPhysicsId ( ) 

# Use bottom right front corner of objl for point position 
pointPos_x = 1.0 

pointPos_y = -1.0 
pointPos_z = -1.0 

# create a point constraint 

PhysicsConstraint s . createConstraint ( objl_ID, obj2_ID, 
pointPos_x, pointPos_y, pointPos_z) 

Example blend: PointConstraint.blend 

createConstraint (Vehicle Constraint) 

createConstraint(objl_PhysicsID, obj2_PhysicsID, constraintType ) objl_PhysicsID: integer (The 
physics ID of the vehicle) obj2_PhysicsID: integer (Set this to zero) constraintType: integer = No 
constraint. 1 = Point constraint. 2 = Edge constraint. 11 = Vehicle constraint. 

Sample Code: 

# import PhysicConstraint s Module 
import PhysicsConstraints 

# get object list 

objList = GameLogic . getCurrentScene (). getOb jectList ( ) 

# get object named Car 
objCar = objList [ "OBCar" ] 

# want to use vehicle constraint type 
constraintType = 11 

# get car physics ID 

carlD = objCar . getPhysicsId ( ) 

# create a vehicle constraint 

PhysicsConstraint s . createConstraint ( carlD, 0, constraintType) 

Example blend: VehicleConstraint.blend 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 228 

Reference PhysicsConstraints Module 


getAppliedlmpulse(constraintld) Returns the applied impulse. Return type: float constraintld: integer 

Save the constraintID when the constraint is created. 
Sample Code: 
1st script 

# import PhysicConstraint s Module 
import PhysicsConstraints 

# get object list 

objList = GameLogic . getCurrentScene ( ) . getOb jectList ( ) 

# get object named Car 
objCar = ob jList [ "OBCar" ] 

# want to use vehicle constraint type 
constraintType = 11 

# get car physics ID 

car_ID = ob jCar . getPhysicsId ( ) 

# create a vehicle constraint 

carConst = PhysicsConstraints . createConstraint ( car_ID, 0, constraintType) 

# get the constraint ID 

carConst_ID = carConst . getConstraintld ( ) 

# save the constraint ID as a objCar variable 
ob jCar . constraint_ID = carConst_ID 

#### rest of script 
2nd script 

# import PhysicConstraint s Module 
import PhysicsConstraints 

# get object list 

objList = GameLogic . getCurrentScene (). getOb jectList ( ) 

# get object named Car 
objCar = objList [ "OBCar" ] 

# get car constraint ID that was saved 
carConst_ID = objCar . constraint_ID 

# get the applied impulse 

appliedlmpulse = PhysicsConstraints . getAppliedlmpulse (carConst_ID) 


getVehicleConstraint(constraint_ID) Returns the vehicle constraint ID. constraint_ID: integer 

Sample Code: 

# import PhysicConstraint s Module 
import PhysicsConstraints 

# get object list 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 229 

Reference PhysicsConstraints Module 

objList = GameLogic . getCurrentScene ( ) . getOb jectList ( ) 

# get object named Car 
objCar = ob jList [ "OBCar" ] 

# want to use vehicle constraint type 
constraintType = 11 

# get car physics ID 

car_ID = ob jCar . getPhysicsId ( ) 

# create a vehicle constraint 

carConst = PhysicsConstraints . createConstraint ( car_ID, 0, constraintType) 

# get the constraint ID 

carConst_ID = carConst . getConstraintld ( ) 

# get vehicle constraint 

car = PhysicsConstraint s . getVehicleConstraint (carConst_ID) 


removeConstraint(constraint_ID) Removes the constraint. constraint_ID: integer 

Save the constraintID when the constraint is created. 

This removes the constraint between 2 game objects (point and edge constraints). It does not remove vehicle 

Sample Code: 

Part 1 : Create a Point Constraint 


# import PhysicConstraint s Module 
import PhysicsConstraints 

# get object list 

objList = GameLogic . getCurrentScene (). getOb jectList ( ) 

# get object named Obj_l 
objl = objList ["OBObj_l"] 

# get object named Obj_2 
obj2 = objList ["OBObj_2"] 

# want to use point constraint type 
constraintType = 1 

# get Obj_l physics ID 
objl_ID = objl . getPhysicsId ( ) 

# get Obj_2 physics ID 
obj2_ID = obj2 . getPhysicsId ( ) 

# Use bottom right front corner of objl for point position 
pointPos_x = 1.0 

pointPos_y =-1.0 
pointPos_z = -1.0 

# create a point constraint 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 230 

Reference PhysicsConstraints Module 

constraint = PhysicsConstraints . createConstraint ( objl_ID, obj2_ID, 
constraint Type, 
pointPos_x, pointPos_y, pointPos_z) 

# get the constraint ID 

constraint_ID = constraint . getConstraintld ( ) 

# save the constraint ID as an Obj_l variable 
ob j 1 . constraint_ID = constraint_ID 

Part 2: Remove constraint script 

########### RemoveConstraint . py 

# import PhysicConstraint s Module 
import PhysicsConstraints 

# get object list 

objList = GameLogic . getCurrentScene ( ) . getOb jectList ( ) 

# get object 1 

objl = objList ["OBObj_l"] 

# get constraint ID that was saved as an Obj_l variable 

# when the constraint was created 
constraint_ID = ob j 1 . constraint_ID 

# remove constraint 

PhysicsConstraints . removeConstraint (constraint_ID) 

Example blend: RemoveConstraint.blend 


setDeactivationTime(time) Time (in seconds) after objects with velocity less then thresholds (see 
below) are deactivated time: float 

This affects every object in the scene, except for game objects that have 'No sleeping' turned on. 
Sample Code: 

# import PhysicConstraint s Module 
import PhysicsConstraints 

# set the deactivation time 
PhysicsConstraints . setDeactivationTime (1.0) 


setDeactivationLinearTreshold(linearTreshold) Sets the linear velocity that an object must be below 
before the deactivation timer can start. linearTreshold: float 

This affects every object in the scene, except for game objects that have 'No sleeping' turned on. 
Sample Code: 

# import PhysicConstraint s Module 
import PhysicsConstraints 

# set the deactivation linear velocity threshold 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 231 

Reference PhysicsConstraints Module 

PhysicsConstraint s .setDeactivationLinearTreshold(l.O) 


setDeactivationAngularTreshold(angularTreshold) Sets the angular velocity that an object must be 
below before the deactivation timer can start. angularTreshold: float 

This affects every object in the scene, except for game objects that have 'No sleeping' turned on. 
Sample Code: 

# import PhysicConstraint s Module 
import PhysicsConstraints 

# set the deactivation angular velocity threshold 
PhysicsConstraints . setDeactivationAngularTreshold (1.0) 


setGravity(gx, gy, gz) Sets the gravity for the scene, gx: float (force of gravity on world x axis) gy: 
float (force of gravity on world y axis) gz: float (force of gravity on world z axis) 

This affects every object in the scene that has physics enabled. 
Sample Code: 

# import PhysicConstraint s Module 
import PhysicsConstraints 

# Beam me up ! ! 

# set gravity to a +10.0 on z axis 
PhysicsConstraints. setGravity ( 0.0, 0.0, 10.0) 

Example blend: SetGravity .blend 


setLinearAirDamping(damping) Sets the linear air resistance for all objects in the scene, damping: 
float Sample Code: 

# import PhysicConstraint s Module 
import PhysicsConstraints 

# set linear air resistance to 30.0 
PhysicsConstraints . setLinearAirDamping (30.0) 


setNumlterations(numlter) Sets the number of times an iterative constraint solver is repeated. 
Increasing the number of iterations improves the constraint solver. It will descrease performance, 
numlter: integer Sample Code: 

# import PhysicConstraint s Module 
import PhysicsConstraints 

# repeat iterative solvers 10 times 
PhysicsConstraints . setNumlterations (10) 


15/02/2011 12:39:15 232 

Reference Message Body 

setNumTimeSubSteps(numSubStep) Increasing the number of time substeps improves the quality of 
the entire physics simulation, including collision detection and constraint solver. It will decrease 
performance. Set the number of timesubsteps to to suspend simulation numSubStep: integer 

Sample Code: 

# import PhysicConstraint s Module 
import PhysicsConstraints 

# set time sub steps to 2 
PhysicsConstraints . setNumTimeSubSteps (2 ) 

Message Body 

One of the most asked things with the messaging system in Blender is how to get the message body. In the 
Message Actuator we can send a text or the content of a Property but there is no function to retrieve this with 
Logic Bricks. 

So here we need a small script. 

# The message sensor has to be named "message" 

# body will go in existing Property "mbody" 

# The message body will be converted to the type of the Property 

# Only the last (if there are more than one messages send) 

# body will be stored! 

from types import * 

cont = GameLogic . getCurrentController ( ) 
mess = cont . getSensor ( "message" ) 
me = cont . getOwner ( ) 

if mess . isPositive ( ) : 

bodies = mess. getBodies() 
if bodies ! =None : 
for body in bodies: 
if type (me .mbody ) is StringType: 

mbody = body me . 
else : 

mbody = float < 

Simple script to get the message body 

This needs to be connected to a Message Sensor called "message". Fill in the Subject field as needed. 
However, this simple script will not work properly if more than one message arrives in one frame. All but the 
last message will be discarded. See the score counting mechanism in the pinball tutorial files how to avoid 


• MessageBody.blend 

• See also in the Pinball Tutorial files 

About blend files in this book 

You can get the .blend files this book refers to downloading this ZIP file (286. 3M) 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 233 


Getting Blender 

The central place to get Blender is at . For this book it is 
recommended to use Blender 2.48a for which the book was written. Future Blender versions may contain 
enhancements or changes which can be confusing for beginners. 

Installation of Blender 

To install Blender, download the appropriate package for your platform to your computer. The Windows 
version comes with an optional self-extracting installer, for other operating systems you can unpack the 
compressed file to the location of your choice. 

Provided the Blender binary is in the original extracted directory, Blender will run straight out of the box. No 
system libraries or system preferences are altered. 

If you are unsure which version to choose use the 32-bit Installer for Windows or use the Blender packet 
provided by your Linux distribution. 

Getting Support 

The download packages containing a blender.html file with installation instructions and a quick survival guide 
for new users. 

All support links are collected at 

The support is done mostly on user forums and ire chat, so don't hesitate to ask there! Links to the major sites 
are in the link section. 

Of course there is a huge list of Blender books and tutorial DVDs which can be bought in the Blender e-shop 
or at your local book store. 

Blender Foundation and Institute 


The Blender Foundation is an independent organisation (a Dutch "stichting"), acting as a non-profit public 
benefit corporation, with the following goals: 

• To establish services for active users and developers of Blender 

• To maintain and improve the current Blender product via a public accessible source code system 
under the GNU GPL license 

• To establish funding or revenue mechanisms that serve the foundation's goals and cover the 
foundation's expenses 

• To give the worldwide Internet community access to 3D technology in general, with Blender as a core 

15/02/2011 12:39:15 234 

Appendix Organization 


The Blender Foundation has offices in the Amsterdam Blender Institute. Revenues from e-shop and 
publishing enable Ton Roosendaal and a small staff to work full-time on Blender, organize activities like for 
Siggraph or the Blender Conference, support development/documention projects, and pay for bookkeeping 
and administration expenses. The main activities for Blender are organized in boards and projects. 

Links to the Blender Community, Books and Websites 


• Blender Multiplayer Game and Tutorial 

• Download some example files for soft bodies ?dir=blender/&file=blender-2.48-gamesoftbodv-preview9-samp 

• Blender Artists Forum 

• Bullet Physics Library 

• CGTextures 

• Blender Nation 

• Blender Artists 

• Blendpolis, big german community 

• German Blender book "Das Blender-Buch", 3rd Edition, 

• Game Engine Python 

• Lots of stuff, Books, Training DVDs, Goodies: Blender e-shop 

• Artist Christopher Plush 



Blender makes a distinction between selected and active. Only one Object or item can be active at any 
given time, for example to allow visualization of data in buttons. See Also: Selected. 


A LogicBrick that acts like a muscle of a lifeform. It can move the object, or also make a sound. See 
Section 27.3. See Also: LogicBrick, Sensor, Controller. 


The alpha value in an image denotes opacity, used for blending and antialiasing. 


An algorithm designed to reduce the stair-stepping artifacts that result from drawing graphic 
primitives on a raster grid. 


Blender uses two buffers in which it draws the interface. This double-buffering system allows one 
buffer to be displayed, while drawing occurs on the back-buffer. For some applications in Blender the 
back-buffer is used to store color-coded selection information. 


Beveling removes sharp edges from an extruded object by adding additional material around the 
surrounding faces. Bevels are particularly useful for flying logos, and animation in general, since they 
reflect additional light from the corners of an object as well as from the front and sides. 

Bounding box 

A six-sided box drawn on the screen that represents the maximum extent of an object. 


Some DataBlocks can be linked to a series of other DataBlocks. For example, a Material has eight 
channels to link Textures to. Each IpoBlock has a fixed number of available channels. These have a 
name (LocX, SizeZ, enz.) which indicates how they can be applied. When you add an IpoCurve to a 

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Appendix Glossary 

channel, animation starts up immediately. 

Objects can be linked to each other in hierarchical groups. The Parent Object in such groups passes its 

transformations through to the Child Objects. 

The removal, before drawing occurs, of vertices and faces which are outside the field of view. 

A LogicBrick that acts like the brain of a lifeform. It makes decisions to activate muscles (Actuators), 

either using simple logic or complex Python scripts. See Section 27.2. See Also: LogicBrick, Sensor, 

Python, Actuator. 
DataBlock (or "block") 

The general name for an element in Blender's Object Oriented System. 
Doppler effect 

The Doppler effect is the change in pitch that occurs when a sound has a velocity relative to the 

listener. When a sound moves towards the listener the pitch will rise, when going away from the 

listener the pitch will drop. A well known example is the sound of an ambulance passing by. 

Blender uses two buffers (images) to draw the interface in. The content of one buffer is displayed, 

while drawing occurs on the other buffer. When drawing is complete, the buffers are switched. 
Edit Mode 

Mode to select and transform vertices of an object. This way you change the shape of the object itself. 

Hotkey: TAB. See Also: Vertex (pi. vertices). 
Extend select 

Adds new selected items to the current selection (SHIFT-RMB) 

The creation of a three-dimensional object by pushing out a two-dimensional outline and giving it 

height, like a cookie-cutter. It is often used to create 3-D text. 

The triangle and square polygons that form the basis for Meshes or for rendering. 

Mode to select faces on an object. Most important for texturing objects. Hotkey: FKEY 

A programming term for a variable that indicates a certain status. 
Flat shading 

A fast rendering algorithm that simply gives each facet of an object a single color. It yields a solid 

representation of objects without taking a long time to render. Pressing ZKEY switches to flat shading 

in Blender. 

Frames per second. All animations, video, and movies are played at a certain rate. Above ca. 15fps the 

human eye cannot see the single frames and is tricked into seeing a fluid motion. In games this is used 

as an indicator of how fast a game runs. 

A single picture taken from an animation or video. 
Gouraud shading 

A rendering algorithm that provides more detail. It averages color information from adjacent faces to 

create colors. It is more realistic than flat shading, but less realistic than Phong shading or ray-tracing. 

The hotkey in Blender is CTRL-Z. 
Graphical User Interface (GUI) 

The whole part of an interactive application which requests input from the user (keyboard, mouse 

etc.) and displays this information to the user. Blenders GUI is designed for a efficient modeling 

process in an animation company where time equals money. Blenders whole GUI is done in OpenGL. 

See Also: OpenGL. 

Objects can be linked to each other in hierarchical groups. The Parent Object in such groups passes its 

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Appendix Glossary 

transformations through to the Child Objects. 

The main animation curve system. Ipo blocks can be used by Objects for movement, and also by 

Materials for animated colors. 
Ipo Curve 

The Ipo animation curve. 

The general name for a selectable element, e.g. Objects, vertices or curves. 

A frame in a sequence that specifies all of the attributes of an object. The object can then be changed 

in any way and a second keyframe defined. Blender automatically creates a series of transition frames 

between the two keyframes, a process called "tweening." 

A visibility flag for Objects, Scenes and 3DWindows. This is a very efficient method for testing 

Object visibility. 

The reference from one DataBlock to another. It is a "pointer" in programming terminology. 

Each Object in Blender defines a local 3D space, bound by its location, rotation and size. Objects 

themselves reside in the global 3-D space. A DataBlock is local, when it is read from the current 

Blender file. Non-local blocks (library blocks) are linked parts from other Blender files. 
Logic Brick 

A graphical representation of a functional unit in Blender's game logic. LogicBricks can be Sensors, 

Controllers or Actuators. See Also: Sensor, Controller, Actuator. 

The relationship between a Material and a Texture is called the 'mapping'. This relationship is 

two-sided. First, the information that is passed on to the Texture must be specified. Then the effect of 

the Texture on the Material is specified. 

Process to filter and speed up the display of textures. 
ObData block 

The first and most important DataBlock linked by an Object. This block defines the Object type, e.g. 

Mesh or Curve or Lamp. 

The basic 3-D information block. It contains a position, rotation, size and transformation matrices. It 

can be linked to other Objects for hierarchies or deformation. Objects can be "empty" (just an axis) or 

have a link to ObData, the actual 3-D information: Mesh, Curve, Lattice, Lamp, etc. 
OpenGL (OGL) 

OpenGL is a programming interface mainly for 3D applications. It renders 3-D objects to the screen, 

providing the same set of instructions on different computers and graphics adapters. Blenders whole 

interface and 3-D output in the real-time and interactive 3-D graphic is done by OpenGL. 

An object that is linked to another object, the parent is linked to a child in a parent-child relationship. 

A parent object's coordinates become the center of the world for any of its child objects. 
Perspective view 

In a perspective view, the further an object is from the viewer, the smaller it appears. See orthographic 




A point that normally lies at an object's geometric center. An object's position and rotation are 
calculated in relation to its pivot-point. However, an object can be moved off its center point, 
allowing it to rotate around a point that lies outside the object. 

A single dot of light on the computer screen; the smallest unit of a computer graphic. Short for 
"picture element. " 

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Appendix Glossary 


A piece of (C-)code loadable during runtime. This way it is possible to extend the functionality of 

Blender without a need for recompiling. The Blender plugin for showing 3D content in other 

applications is such a piece of code. 

The scripting language integrated into Blender. Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented 

programming language. 

To create a two-dimensional representation of an object based on its shape and surface properties (i.e. 

a picture for print or to display on the monitor). 
Rigid Body 

Option for dynamic objects in Blender which causes the game engine to take the shape of the body 

into account. This can be used to create rolling spheres for example. 

Blender makes a distinction between selected and active objects. Any number of objects can be 

selected at once. Almost all key commands have an effect on selected objects. Selecting is done with 

the right mouse button. See Also: Active, Selected, Extend select. 

A LogicBrick that acts like a sense of a lifeform. It reacts to touch, vision, collision etc. See Section 

27.1. See Also: LogicBrick, Controller, Actuator. 
Single User 

DataBlocks with only one user. 

A rendering procedure that performs vertex-normal interpolation across a face before lighting 

calculations begin. The individual facets are then no longer visible. 

Change a location, rotation, or size. Usually applied to Objects or vertices. 

A surface property that determines how much light passes through an object without being altered. 

See Also: Alpha. 

When one DataBlock references another DataBlock, it has a user. 
Vertex (pi. vertices) 

The general name for a 3-D or 2-D point. Besides an X,Y,Z coordinate, a vertex can have color, a 

normal vector and a selection flag. Also used as controlling points or handles on curves. 


A representation of a three-dimensional object that only shows the lines of its contours, hence the 
name "wireframe." 

X, Y, Z axes 

The three axes of the world's three-dimensional coordinate system. In the FrontView, the X axis is an 
imaginary horizontal line running from left to right; the Z axis is a vertical line; and Y axis is a line 
that comes out of the screen toward you. In general, any movement parallel to one of these axes is 
said to be movement along that axis. 

X, Y, and Z coordinates 

The X coordinate of an object is measured by drawing a line that is perpendicular to the X axis, 
through its centerpoint. The distance from where that line intersects the X axis to the zero point of the 
X axis is the object's X coordinate. The Y and Z coordinates are measured in a similar manner. 


For a Z-buffer image, each pixel is associated with a Z-value, derived from the distance in 'eye space' 
from the Camera. Before each pixel of a polygon is drawn, the existing Z-buffer value is compared to 
the Z-value of the polygon at that point. It is a common and fast visible-surface algorithm. 

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